jquery Programming Glossary: rev
Hiding Options of a Select with JQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4699410/hiding-options-of-a-select-with-jquery function options if this.length this.each function var rev new ExtraBox this options rev.init this .data 'extraBox' rev.. this.each function var rev new ExtraBox this options rev.init this .data 'extraBox' rev jQuery share improve this..
JQuery is waiting for images to load before executing document.ready http://stackoverflow.com/questions/477463/jquery-is-waiting-for-images-to-load-before-executing-document-ready 28 The issue has been properly resolved for those for whom reverting to 1.2.6 is not an option . For anyone currently using.. ticket 3988 I just landed a fix for this in SVN rev 6170 . I just pushed up a new nightly that you can use until..
Dynamic creation of large html table in javascript performance http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4864294/dynamic-creation-of-large-html-table-in-javascript-performance rows ' td width 2 ' rows ' input type button class failOne rev ' recordId ' value F ' rows ' input type button class promoteOne.. ' value F ' rows ' input type button class promoteOne rev ' recordId ' value P ' rows ' td ' rows ' td width 1 ' data.. r j ' span td td width 2 input type button class failOne rev ' r j recordId r j ' value F input type button class promoteOne..
Hiding Options of a Select with JQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4699410/hiding-options-of-a-select-with-jquery
JQuery is waiting for images to load before executing document.ready http://stackoverflow.com/questions/477463/jquery-is-waiting-for-images-to-load-before-executing-document-ready to the ticket on the jQuery bug tracker. Update3 2009 01 28 The issue has been properly resolved for those for whom reverting to 1.2.6 is not an option . For anyone currently using 1.3.1 and needing an immediate fix you can read the accepted.. the ticket and post to the above jquery dev thread http dev.jquery.com ticket 3988 I just landed a fix for this in SVN rev 6170 . I just pushed up a new nightly that you can use until 1.3.2 final comes out http code.jquery.com nightlies jquery..
Dynamic creation of large html table in javascript performance http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4864294/dynamic-creation-of-large-html-table-in-javascript-performance ' td width 70 span class name ' data i .name ' span td ' rows ' td width 2 ' rows ' input type button class failOne rev ' recordId ' value F ' rows ' input type button class promoteOne rev ' recordId ' value P ' rows ' td ' rows ' td width.. width 2 ' rows ' input type button class failOne rev ' recordId ' value F ' rows ' input type button class promoteOne rev ' recordId ' value P ' rows ' td ' rows ' td width 1 ' data i .origin ' td ' rows ' tr ' end for rows ' tbody ' rows ' table.. r j ' strong span td td width 70 span class name ' r j d.name r j ' span td td width 2 input type button class failOne rev ' r j recordId r j ' value F input type button class promoteOne rev ' r j recordId r j ' value P td td width 1 ' r j d.origin..