jquery Programming Glossary: recommended
Why “$().ready(handler)” is not recommended? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10753306/why-readyhandler-is-not-recommended &ldquo .ready handler &rdquo is not recommended From the jQuery API docs site for ready All three of the following.. document .ready handler .ready handler this is not recommended handler After doing homework reading and playing with the source.. the source code I have no idea why .ready handler is not recommended. The first and third ways are exactly the same the third option..
What are the significant differences among $(sel).bind(“click”, $(sel).click(, $(sel).live(“click”, $(sel).on(“click”? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11148019/what-are-the-significant-differences-among-sel-bindclick-sel-click 1.7 on is the preferred use and live is deprecated and not recommended at all. If you are using 1.3 use bind instead of live and as.. would recommend to use on instead. The reason live is not recommended full stop is more to do with it's drawbacks. To quote from the.. live documentation . Use of the .live method is no longer recommended since later versions of jQuery offer better methods that do..
Find size of file behind download link with jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1440723/find-size-of-file-behind-download-link-with-jquery request and look at the Content Length header. Earlier I recommended the jqHead plugin but after I tried to use it I found that it..
Microsoft CDN for jQuery or Google CDN? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1447184/microsoft-cdn-for-jquery-or-google-cdn probably making 2 simultaneous requests per domain as recommended by the HTTP specification . This isn't an issue for anyone running..
jQuery : simulating a click on a <input type=“file” /> doesn't work in Firefox? [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1829774/jquery-simulating-a-click-on-a-input-type-file-doesnt-work-in-firefox is using the transparency technique and that's really not recommended at all as browsers may lay out file upload boxes differently..
Serializing to JSON in jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/191881/serializing-to-json-in-jquery var your_object JSON.parse json_text It was recently recommended by John Resig ...PLEASE start migrating your JSON using applications..
Current commonly accepted best practices around code organization in JavaScript http://stackoverflow.com/questions/247209/current-commonly-accepted-best-practices-around-code-organization-in-javascript to organize your actual code What is your way or even a recommended way to interact with page elements and create reuseable code..
jQuery $(document).ready and UpdatePanels? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/256195/jquery-document-ready-and-updatepanels don't work any more inside the UpdatePanel. What's the recommended approach for wiring stuff up in jQuery not only on the first..
How do you select a particular option in a SELECT element in jQuery? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/314636/how-do-you-select-a-particular-option-in-a-select-element-in-jquery the dropdown. In version 1.6 and higher the prop method is recommended '.selDiv option eq 1 ' .prop 'selected' true In older versions..
How to detect new element creation in jQuery? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3384398/how-to-detect-new-element-creation-in-jquery getLinkCount However this plugin is out of date and is not recommended for current versions of jQuery. It's usually easier to do this..
How to wait until an element exists? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5525071/how-to-wait-until-an-element-exists DOM mutation events because of performance issues the recommended approach is to use a MutationObserver to watch the DOM. It's..
Resetting a multi-stage form with jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/680241/resetting-a-multi-stage-form-with-jquery 'selected' to call use resetForm '#myform' by id recommended resetForm 'form name myName ' by name Using the text radio etc...
How to bind 'touchstart' and 'click' events but not respond to both? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7018919/how-to-bind-touchstart-and-click-events-but-not-respond-to-both more comprehensive question is With jQuery is it possible recommended to handle both touch interactions and mouse interactions with..
Graph visualization code in JavaScript? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7034/graph-visualization-code-in-javascript
What's the difference between jQuery .live() and .on() http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8042576/whats-the-difference-between-jquery-live-and-on of attaching events. Use of the .live method is no longer recommended since later versions of jQuery offer better methods that do..
Why “$().ready(handler)” is not recommended? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10753306/why-readyhandler-is-not-recommended &ldquo .ready handler &rdquo is not recommended From the jQuery API docs site for ready All three of the following syntaxes are equivalent document .ready handler .ready.. site for ready All three of the following syntaxes are equivalent document .ready handler .ready handler this is not recommended handler After doing homework reading and playing with the source code I have no idea why .ready handler is not recommended... handler After doing homework reading and playing with the source code I have no idea why .ready handler is not recommended. The first and third ways are exactly the same the third option calls the ready function on a cached jQuery object with..
What are the significant differences among $(sel).bind(“click”, $(sel).click(, $(sel).live(“click”, $(sel).on(“click”? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11148019/what-are-the-significant-differences-among-sel-bindclick-sel-click in 1.0 live in 1.3 delegate in 1.4.2 and on in 1.7. As of 1.7 on is the preferred use and live is deprecated and not recommended at all. If you are using 1.3 use bind instead of live and as of 1.4.2 use delegate instead of live and as of 1.7 use on.. documentation as it is in the case of live . Based on that I would recommend to use on instead. The reason live is not recommended full stop is more to do with it's drawbacks. To quote from the live documentation . Use of the .live method is no longer.. stop is more to do with it's drawbacks. To quote from the live documentation . Use of the .live method is no longer recommended since later versions of jQuery offer better methods that do not have its drawbacks. In particular the following issues arise..
Find size of file behind download link with jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1440723/find-size-of-file-behind-download-link-with-jquery presuming you have to do it with jQuery... you can do a HEAD request and look at the Content Length header. Earlier I recommended the jqHead plugin but after I tried to use it I found that it was broken. Here's a working example that doesn't depend on..
Microsoft CDN for jQuery or Google CDN? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1447184/microsoft-cdn-for-jquery-or-google-cdn factors play into this. Users with an older browser are still probably making 2 simultaneous requests per domain as recommended by the HTTP specification . This isn't an issue for anyone running anything decently new that supports pipelining every..
jQuery : simulating a click on a <input type=“file” /> doesn't work in Firefox? [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1829774/jquery-simulating-a-click-on-a-input-type-file-doesnt-work-in-firefox submit. Abandon hope. The only way to fake a file upload box is using the transparency technique and that's really not recommended at all as browsers may lay out file upload boxes differently internally or even provide a file upload control that doesn't..
Serializing to JSON in jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/191881/serializing-to-json-in-jquery null 2 To convert a string to JSON object use JSON.parse var your_object JSON.parse json_text It was recently recommended by John Resig ...PLEASE start migrating your JSON using applications over to Crockford's json2.js. It is fully compatible..
Current commonly accepted best practices around code organization in JavaScript http://stackoverflow.com/questions/247209/current-commonly-accepted-best-practices-around-code-organization-in-javascript is what is the current commonly accepted best practice way to organize your actual code What is your way or even a recommended way to interact with page elements and create reuseable code that doesn't conflict with each other Some people have listed..
jQuery $(document).ready and UpdatePanels? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/256195/jquery-document-ready-and-updatepanels a partial page update it's not run and the mouseover effects don't work any more inside the UpdatePanel. What's the recommended approach for wiring stuff up in jQuery not only on the first page load but every time an UpdatePanel fires a partial page..
How do you select a particular option in a SELECT element in jQuery? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/314636/how-do-you-select-a-particular-option-in-a-select-element-in-jquery the OP might have been after changing the selected item of the dropdown. In version 1.6 and higher the prop method is recommended '.selDiv option eq 1 ' .prop 'selected' true In older versions '.selDiv option eq 1 ' .attr 'selected' 'selected' share..
How to detect new element creation in jQuery? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3384398/how-to-detect-new-element-creation-in-jquery for each element including new ones like this a .livequery getLinkCount However this plugin is out of date and is not recommended for current versions of jQuery. It's usually easier to do this when you create the elements though for example if you're..
How to wait until an element exists? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5525071/how-to-wait-until-an-element-exists DOMNodeInserted is being deprecated along with the other DOM mutation events because of performance issues the recommended approach is to use a MutationObserver to watch the DOM. It's only supported in newer browsers though so you should fall..
Resetting a multi-stage form with jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/680241/resetting-a-multi-stage-form-with-jquery 'input radio input checkbox' .removeAttr 'checked' .removeAttr 'selected' to call use resetForm '#myform' by id recommended resetForm 'form name myName ' by name Using the text radio etc. selectors by themselves is considered bad practice by jQuery..
How to bind 'touchstart' and 'click' events but not respond to both? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7018919/how-to-bind-touchstart-and-click-events-but-not-respond-to-both to rely on click events for that browser. ADDENDUM Perhaps a more comprehensive question is With jQuery is it possible recommended to handle both touch interactions and mouse interactions with the same bindings Ideally the answer is yes. If not I do have..
Graph visualization code in JavaScript? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7034/graph-visualization-code-in-javascript
What's the difference between jQuery .live() and .on() http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8042576/whats-the-difference-between-jquery-live-and-on Also as mentioned by Felix .on is a more streamline way of attaching events. Use of the .live method is no longer recommended since later versions of jQuery offer better methods that do not have its drawbacks. In particular the following issues arise..