jquery Programming Glossary: receiving
TypeError: $ is not a function when calling jQuery function http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12343714/typeerror-is-not-a-function-when-calling-jquery-function loaded. When I check the page in Firebug I constantly keep receiving the error message TypeError is not a function document .ready..
Play Sound When message received http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15483455/play-sound-when-message-received Sound When message received I want to play sound when receiving message so i searched it and found many solution but the simplest..
dynamic drop down box? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16924082/dynamic-drop-down-box this line of the AJAX code data 'theOption ' sel_stud The receiving file another_php_file.php receives the user's selection here..
AJAX request callback using jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/17973386/ajax-request-callback-using-jquery data script body html Obviously I'm only interested in receiving and using the number '4' hence my question What is the best..
“invalid label” Firebug error with jQuery getJSON http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2822609/invalid-label-firebug-error-with-jquery-getjson using JSONP . The NET panel of Firebug shows that I am receiving the data as expected but for some reason the Console panel logs.. with the structure of the data. Any ideas why I might be receiving this error javascript jquery validation jsonp firebug share..
HTML 5 Video OnEnded Event not Firing http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2925851/html-5-video-onended-event-not-firing the alert box. The video plays just fine but I am not receiving the onended event my alert does not fire . Testing in Chrome..
How can I post an array of string to ASP.NET MVC Controller without a form? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/309115/how-can-i-post-an-array-of-string-to-asp-net-mvc-controller-without-a-form but it looks like the controller can't map the data it's receiving. Here's the code so far function generateList selectedValues..
CORS not working on Chrome http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3136140/cors-not-working-on-chrome request. EDIT Try this without your hack to see if you're receiving data... .ajax url crossOriginURL type GET error function req..
Sending/Displaying a base64 encoded Image http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3259967/sending-displaying-a-base64-encoded-image the FireBug Network task for instance tells me that I'm receiving the correct header information and a correct value of transfered..
“javascript:void(0);” vs “return false” vs “preventDefault()” http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3498492/javascriptvoid0-vs-return-false-vs-preventdefault the meaning is different if you care about parent elements receiving the event notification jQuery is hiding it here but preventDefault..
How do I escape an ampersand in a javascript string so that the page will validate strict? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/355043/how-do-i-escape-an-ampersand-in-a-javascript-string-so-that-the-page-will-valida get parameters and then send them to the php page on the receiving end. The trouble is that the data string has ampersands in them..
Extracting Ajax return data in jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/400197/extracting-ajax-return-data-in-jquery id id success function html #response .html data It is receiving the response to my div id response div . The ajax.php returns..
Dealing with overlapping jQuery sortable lists http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4092817/dealing-with-overlapping-jquery-sortable-lists the lists seem to get confused as to which one should be receiving the item that's being dragged meaning you get a bunch of jittering..
Can you wait for javascript callback? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/436608/can-you-wait-for-javascript-callback to execute strictly top to bottom. jConfirm is called receiving a function as one of its parameters which it remembers. jConfirm..
How do you stop Chrome and Opera sorting JSON objects by Index ASC? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5020699/how-do-you-stop-chrome-and-opera-sorting-json-objects-by-index-asc data console.log data However Opera and Chrome although receiving the same object print out the object in an incorrect order it..
Rails not reloading session on ajax post http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5126721/rails-not-reloading-session-on-ajax-post was that this code wasn't setting the header Rails was receiving an Ajax request the token didn't match and it was resetting..
Reload of jqgrid not happening with loadonce:true http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7067439/reload-of-jqgrid-not-happening-with-loadoncetrue can use afterSubmit event which will be called after the receiving successful server response but before reloadGrid made by the..
How to get user timezone using jquery? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8090549/how-to-get-user-timezone-using-jquery tzoffset tzoffset tzname tzname tzdst tzdst The receiving file in this case tzdetect.php should look like this if you..
TypeError: $ is not a function when calling jQuery function http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12343714/typeerror-is-not-a-function-when-calling-jquery-function Dashboard and am loading it AFTER the jQuery framework has loaded. When I check the page in Firebug I constantly keep receiving the error message TypeError is not a function document .ready function Should I maybe wrap the script in this function function..
Play Sound When message received http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15483455/play-sound-when-message-received Sound When message received I want to play sound when receiving message so i searched it and found many solution but the simplest solution that i found is script 'body' .append ' embed..
dynamic drop down box? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16924082/dynamic-drop-down-box this .val This value is sent to another_php_file.php via this line of the AJAX code data 'theOption ' sel_stud The receiving file another_php_file.php receives the user's selection here selStudent _POST 'theOption' Var selStudent the user's selection..
AJAX request callback using jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/17973386/ajax-request-callback-using-jquery .post convertNum.php json json .done function data alert data script body html Obviously I'm only interested in receiving and using the number '4' hence my question What is the best way to specify exactly what data I want returned Some thoughts..
“invalid label” Firebug error with jQuery getJSON http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2822609/invalid-label-firebug-error-with-jquery-getjson so am making sure that my GET URI ends with callback i.e. using JSONP . The NET panel of Firebug shows that I am receiving the data as expected but for some reason the Console panel logs the following error invalid label . The JSON validates with.. with JSONLint so I doubt that there is anything truly wrong with the structure of the data. Any ideas why I might be receiving this error javascript jquery validation jsonp firebug share improve this question This is an old post but I'm posting..
HTML 5 Video OnEnded Event not Firing http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2925851/html-5-video-onended-event-not-firing be sure the jQuery code is correct and that event does activate the alert box. The video plays just fine but I am not receiving the onended event my alert does not fire . Testing in Chrome updated today to version 5.0.375.55. html head script src http..
How can I post an array of string to ASP.NET MVC Controller without a form? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/309115/how-can-i-post-an-array-of-string-to-asp-net-mvc-controller-without-a-form directly to the controller I've tried a few different things but it looks like the controller can't map the data it's receiving. Here's the code so far function generateList selectedValues var s values selectedValues selectedValues is an array of string..
CORS not working on Chrome http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3136140/cors-not-working-on-chrome different origin and then if yes they do your POST or GET request. EDIT Try this without your hack to see if you're receiving data... .ajax url crossOriginURL type GET error function req message alert message success function data alert data dataType..
Sending/Displaying a base64 encoded Image http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3259967/sending-displaying-a-base64-encoded-image does not work for some reason. onerror always fires. Watching the FireBug Network task for instance tells me that I'm receiving the correct header information and a correct value of transfered bytes. If I send that data as Content type text plain it..
“javascript:void(0);” vs “return false” vs “preventDefault()” http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3498492/javascriptvoid0-vs-return-false-vs-preventdefault false means both preventDefault and stopPropagation so the meaning is different if you care about parent elements receiving the event notification jQuery is hiding it here but preventDefault stopPropagation have to be spelled differently in IE..
How do I escape an ampersand in a javascript string so that the page will validate strict? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/355043/how-do-i-escape-an-ampersand-in-a-javascript-string-so-that-the-page-will-valida to to an ajax call using JQuery. In the call I construct the get parameters and then send them to the php page on the receiving end. The trouble is that the data string has ampersands in them and the HTML strict validator is chocking on it. Here is..
Extracting Ajax return data in jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/400197/extracting-ajax-return-data-in-jquery This is the code Index.html .ajax type POST url ajax.php data id id success function html #response .html data It is receiving the response to my div id response div . The ajax.php returns following code to the index.html file div id one OneVal div..
Dealing with overlapping jQuery sortable lists http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4092817/dealing-with-overlapping-jquery-sortable-lists the two lists end up positioned on top of each other. Then the lists seem to get confused as to which one should be receiving the item that's being dragged meaning you get a bunch of jittering happening as it appears disappears in each list. It looks..
Can you wait for javascript callback? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/436608/can-you-wait-for-javascript-callback Just because you've written it inline doesn't mean it's going to execute strictly top to bottom. jConfirm is called receiving a function as one of its parameters which it remembers. jConfirm displays its UI on the page and returns immediately. The..
How do you stop Chrome and Opera sorting JSON objects by Index ASC? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5020699/how-do-you-stop-chrome-and-opera-sorting-json-objects-by-index-asc ' data.php' dataType json data ajax 1 success function data console.log data However Opera and Chrome although receiving the same object print out the object in an incorrect order it seems like they both perform a sort by ID number instead of..
Rails not reloading session on ajax post http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5126721/rails-not-reloading-session-on-ajax-post xhr.setRequestHeader 'X CSRF Token' token What was happening was that this code wasn't setting the header Rails was receiving an Ajax request the token didn't match and it was resetting the session. This used to raise an ActionController InvalidAuthenticityToken..
Reload of jqgrid not happening with loadonce:true http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7067439/reload-of-jqgrid-not-happening-with-loadoncetrue force reloading of the grid after Add and Edit operations you can use afterSubmit event which will be called after the receiving successful server response but before reloadGrid made by the jqGrid. myGrid.jqGrid 'navGrid' '#pager1' refresh false Edit..
How to get user timezone using jquery? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8090549/how-to-get-user-timezone-using-jquery tzname timezone.name var tzdst timezone.dst .post scripts tzdetect.php tzoffset tzoffset tzname tzname tzdst tzdst The receiving file in this case tzdetect.php should look like this if you want the data stored as session variables. php session_start..