jquery Programming Glossary: reads
Clock in different time zones http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10883441/clock-in-different-time-zones from New York. I have been able to create a clock that reads the current time on my computer but i'm not sure how to place..
How to call php script via Json and return array of days to be disable on the Datepicker http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11028107/how-to-call-php-script-via-json-and-return-array-of-days-to-be-disable-on-the-da I need to know how to call via json a php script that reads a MySql table and return the array with the myBadDates to be..
Create a progress bar on $.ajax call http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12638010/create-a-progress-bar-on-ajax-call another function that calls the new php script via ajax reads the returned value and draws updates the progress bar for the..
Why does jQuery or a DOM method such as `getElementById` not find the element? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14028959/why-does-jquery-or-a-dom-method-such-as-getelementbyid-not-find-the-element states As almost everything we do when using jQuery reads or manipulates the document object model DOM we need to make..
jQuery counter to count up to a target number http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2540277/jquery-counter-to-count-up-to-a-target-number free storage on the Gmail homepage under the heading that reads Lots of space . It has a starting number in a span tag and slowly..
How do you set a default value with jquery auto complete combobox? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2749721/how-do-you-set-a-default-value-with-jquery-auto-complete-combobox of code that processes when the combobox is created that reads the selected value from your select element. This way you can..
Escaping output safely for both html and input fields http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3148820/escaping-output-safely-for-both-html-and-input-fields sql sanitizing on the way in so everything is stored as it reads. Let's say I have déj vu in the database. Or to be more extreme..
Specifying the value output of of an HTML5 input type = date? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3496241/specifying-the-value-output-of-of-an-html5-input-type-date to use yyyy mm dd format and update the server side that reads that I assume not so then you can add some Javascript glue code..
jQuery class within class selector http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3767512/jquery-class-within-class-selector I'm looking for the kind of single selector syntax which reads better imho. jquery jquery selectors share improve this question..
Odd jQuery problem - Ajax request to a C program not quite working http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3831255/odd-jquery-problem-ajax-request-to-a-c-program-not-quite-working its own. It's half working The webpage sees the response reads in the correct HTTP headers verifying this via firebug but it..
Posting JSON Data to ASP.NET MVC http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4164114/posting-json-data-to-asp-net-mvc in some setups there is something that already reads the input stream if content type 'application json' so seek..
How to style the string of an <alt> tag? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4275737/how-to-style-the-string-of-an-alt-tag p p css font size 14px color black BTW The javascript reads the alt tag of the image and shows them on the screen.. so this..
How to prepopulate input text fields with prompting text which disappears on typing (jQuery) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4289025/how-to-prepopulate-input-text-fields-with-prompting-text-which-disappears-on-typ title section is prepopulated with light gray text that reads what's your programming question be specific Then when you click..
Jquery:: Ajax powered progress bar? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4503658/jquery-ajax-powered-progress-bar ident The function makes an ajax call to a script that reads the percentage. the progressbar is updated If the returned percentage..
When the back button triggers popState how can I prevent a page refresh? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5121666/when-the-back-button-triggers-popstate-how-can-i-prevent-a-page-refresh the content in my page without a reload. Currently my code reads window.onpopstate function event Ajax Request the Page and replace..
How can I control how Nivoslider preloads images? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5502531/how-can-i-control-how-nivoslider-preloads-images No dice. Nivo leaves image handling up to the browser. It reads the img src ... tag and then gussies up the images into a slideshow..
Maximum size of an Array in Javascript http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6154989/maximum-size-of-an-array-in-javascript in Javascript Context I'm building a little site that reads an rss feed and updates checks the feed in the background. I..
Phonegap RSS feeds, Javascript http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6483804/phonegap-rss-feeds-javascript JS I don't need compatibility with IE with AJAX so that it reads an RSS feed and looks up some specific information from it...
Why does my website crash in IE? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/723823/why-does-my-website-crash-in-ie on my computer but on my friends computer Visual Studio reads a message of An unhandled win32 exception occurred in iexplore.exe..
Clock in different time zones http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10883441/clock-in-different-time-zones that says two times on it. One from London and the other from New York. I have been able to create a clock that reads the current time on my computer but i'm not sure how to place a time zone into this. The code I have so far is script type..
How to call php script via Json and return array of days to be disable on the Datepicker http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11028107/how-to-call-php-script-via-json-and-return-array-of-days-to-be-disable-on-the-da days to be disable on the Datepicker In the following example I need to know how to call via json a php script that reads a MySql table and return the array with the myBadDates to be disable function #pickdate .datepicker dateFormat 'dd MM yy'..
Create a progress bar on $.ajax call http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12638010/create-a-progress-bar-on-ajax-call echo _SESSION PERCENTAGE_DONE For the javascript part create another function that calls the new php script via ajax reads the returned value and draws updates the progress bar for the drawing part you could take JustinJohns answer as a starting..
Why does jQuery or a DOM method such as `getElementById` not find the element? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14028959/why-does-jquery-or-a-dom-method-such-as-getelementbyid-not-find-the-element inside that event handler. In fact the jQuery tutorial explicitly states As almost everything we do when using jQuery reads or manipulates the document object model DOM we need to make sure that we start adding events etc. as soon as the DOM is..
jQuery counter to count up to a target number http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2540277/jquery-counter-to-count-up-to-a-target-number speed. For example take a look at Google's number of MB of free storage on the Gmail homepage under the heading that reads Lots of space . It has a starting number in a span tag and slowly counts upward every second. I'm looking for something..
How do you set a default value with jquery auto complete combobox? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2749721/how-do-you-set-a-default-value-with-jquery-auto-complete-combobox that generates the autocomplete combobox I added one line of code that processes when the combobox is created that reads the selected value from your select element. This way you can programmatically set the default value like you would normally..
Escaping output safely for both html and input fields http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3148820/escaping-output-safely-for-both-html-and-input-fields for the correct way to safely escape this data. I'm only sql sanitizing on the way in so everything is stored as it reads. Let's say I have déj vu in the database. Or to be more extreme a script tag. It is possible that this may be valid and..
Specifying the value output of of an HTML5 input type = date? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3496241/specifying-the-value-output-of-of-an-html5-input-type-date full date Is it possible to change the legacy date picker to use yyyy mm dd format and update the server side that reads that I assume not so then you can add some Javascript glue code that listens for a change event on the HTML5 input and updates..
jQuery class within class selector http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3767512/jquery-class-within-class-selector something like container.find '.outer' .find '.inner' but I'm looking for the kind of single selector syntax which reads better imho. jquery jquery selectors share improve this question is just going to look for a div with class outer inner..
Odd jQuery problem - Ajax request to a C program not quite working http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3831255/odd-jquery-problem-ajax-request-to-a-c-program-not-quite-working respond with a simple HTTP response containing some data of its own. It's half working The webpage sees the response reads in the correct HTTP headers verifying this via firebug but it doesn't get the response data. Opening it up in Wireshark..
Posting JSON Data to ASP.NET MVC http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4164114/posting-json-data-to-asp-net-mvc that's been posted var request controllerContext.HttpContext.Request in some setups there is something that already reads the input stream if content type 'application json' so seek to the begining request.InputStream.Seek 0 SeekOrigin.Begin..
How to style the string of an <alt> tag? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4275737/how-to-style-the-string-of-an-alt-tag between h1 h1 css font size 22px color green make value between p p css font size 14px color black BTW The javascript reads the alt tag of the image and shows them on the screen.. so this alt text will not only shown If the img isnt loaded. javascript..
How to prepopulate input text fields with prompting text which disappears on typing (jQuery) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4289025/how-to-prepopulate-input-text-fields-with-prompting-text-which-disappears-on-typ on the Ask Question button on Stack Overflow the question title section is prepopulated with light gray text that reads what's your programming question be specific Then when you click inside the Title field and start typing that text disappears...
Jquery:: Ajax powered progress bar? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4503658/jquery-ajax-powered-progress-bar original script proceeds. a function is setup called progress ident The function makes an ajax call to a script that reads the percentage. the progressbar is updated If the returned percentage is not 100 the function sets a timeout that calls..
When the back button triggers popState how can I prevent a page refresh? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5121666/when-the-back-button-triggers-popstate-how-can-i-prevent-a-page-refresh how can I prevent a page refresh I am trying to modify the content in my page without a reload. Currently my code reads window.onpopstate function event Ajax Request the Page and replace content with new content This works when I push a state..
How can I control how Nivoslider preloads images? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5502531/how-can-i-control-how-nivoslider-preloads-images are being loaded at once adding 2 3 megs to the page weight. No dice. Nivo leaves image handling up to the browser. It reads the img src ... tag and then gussies up the images into a slideshow with slick transition effects. There's nothing in code..
Maximum size of an Array in Javascript http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6154989/maximum-size-of-an-array-in-javascript size of an Array in Javascript Context I'm building a little site that reads an rss feed and updates checks the feed in the background. I have one array to store data to display and another which stores..
Phonegap RSS feeds, Javascript http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6483804/phonegap-rss-feeds-javascript I need to write a PhoneGap application with HTML5 and JS I don't need compatibility with IE with AJAX so that it reads an RSS feed and looks up some specific information from it. The problem I'm having is that I have I don't the best way to..
Why does my website crash in IE? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/723823/why-does-my-website-crash-in-ie where to begin to debug my problem. I don't have Visual Studio on my computer but on my friends computer Visual Studio reads a message of An unhandled win32 exception occurred in iexplore.exe #### Does anyone have any ideas javascript jquery internet..