jquery Programming Glossary: reached
How to detect the dragleave event in Firefox when dragging outside the window http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10253663/how-to-detect-the-dragleave-event-in-firefox-when-dragging-outside-the-window and over again. The 200 millisecond timeout will not be reached unless the dragover event stops firing. While this works I don't..
how can I make a div stick to the top of the screen once it's been scrolled to? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1216114/how-can-i-make-a-div-stick-to-the-top-of-the-screen-once-its-been-scrolled-to element with position absolute once the scroll offset has reached the element it should be changed to fixed and the top position.. 'position' 'fixed' 'top' '0px' When the scroll offset reached 200 the element will stick to the top of the browser window..
Countdown available spaces in a textarea with jquery or other? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1250748/countdown-available-spaces-in-a-textarea-with-jquery-or-other the input length by denying any input when the limit is reached. It's a pain in the rear usability wise and can't be relied..
jquery, find div class name at a certain position while scrolling http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13137404/jquery-find-div-class-name-at-a-certain-position-while-scrolling property. If I am able to know that a new small_div has reached the lower part of the fixed div I can find the corresponding.. an ajax call. How to sense that a new small_div has reached the lower part of the fixed div EDIT the big div has a min height..
Idiomatic jQuery delayed event (only after a short pause in typing)? (e.g. timewatch/typewatch/keywatch) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2219924/idiomatic-jquery-delayed-event-only-after-a-short-pause-in-typing-e-g-timew mask escape mask 1000 delay Finally after delay is reached display the filter results. The problems On an input box where..
limit number of characters entered in textarea http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2805678/limit-number-of-characters-entered-in-textarea my question is how can i stop user entering text once it reached the lmit of 255 characters var limit 255 var txt 'textarea id..
Limiting Number of Characters in a ContentEditable div http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2867479/limiting-number-of-characters-in-a-contenteditable-div your function and calling e.preventDefault if the max is reached var content_id 'editable_div' max 10 binding keyup down events..
Can't get correct return value from an jQuery Ajax call http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3537434/cant-get-correct-return-value-from-an-jquery-ajax-call after .get is called. return_data data This part will be reached before the server responds to the asynchronous request above...
Alert using Jquery when Scroll to end of Page http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3799542/alert-using-jquery-when-scroll-to-end-of-page so that a simple message can be displayed saying you have reached end of the page. jquery browser scrollbars share improve..
Can I wrap each line of multi-line text in a span? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4147080/can-i-wrap-each-line-of-multi-line-text-in-a-span When the y position increases you know that you've reached a new line and the previous elements can be merged into a single..
How do you animate the value for a jQuery UI progressbar? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5047498/how-do-you-animate-the-value-for-a-jquery-ui-progressbar Math.random 100 50 1 50 var step rDom 100 100 rDom reached our max reset step. doAnim step 1000 var doAnim function wD.. will tell you the filesize and let you know when you have reached the max value needed so my first code is intended to demostrate..
Set timeout for ajax (jQuery) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5225597/set-timeout-for-ajax-jquery url test.html error function will fire when timeout is reached success function do something timeout 3000 sets timeout to 3..
how to make a jquery “$.post” request synchronous http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5821380/how-to-make-a-jquery-post-request-synchronous in my bug fix list for a long time now but I ™ve finally reached the end of the list the last of which I have to make a function..
jqGrid with automatic height; but has a max height & scrollbars http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5895801/jqgrid-with-automatic-height-but-has-a-max-height-scrollbars to the number of rows but when a certain height is reached that its height cannot increase anymore and that the vertical..
Detecting when user scrolls to bottom of div with jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6271237/detecting-when-user-scrolls-to-bottom-of-div-with-jquery properties and when it equals to the last property you've reached the end jQuery function '#flux' .bind 'scroll' function .. this .innerHeight this 0 .scrollHeight alert 'end reached' http jsfiddle.net doktormolle w7X9N share improve this..
Make a div scroll when i reach a certain point http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7471382/make-a-div-scroll-when-i-reach-a-certain-point var scrollTop win.scrollTop if scrollTop btnPosTop we've reached the button btn.css position 'fixed' top 0 marginTop 0 else if..
PHP/Apache/AJAX - POST limit? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9691057/php-apache-ajax-post-limit if your data array has many elements If you have reached the compiled in limit for Apache your only solution is to avoid..
How to detect the dragleave event in Firefox when dragging outside the window http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10253663/how-to-detect-the-dragleave-event-in-firefox-when-dragging-outside-the-window This code is essentially creating and clearing a timeout over and over again. The 200 millisecond timeout will not be reached unless the dragover event stops firing. While this works I don't like the idea of using a timeout for this purpose. It feels..
how can I make a div stick to the top of the screen once it's been scrolled to? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1216114/how-can-i-make-a-div-stick-to-the-top-of-the-screen-once-its-been-scrolled-to fixed top 0 width 100 z index 100 Edit You should have the element with position absolute once the scroll offset has reached the element it should be changed to fixed and the top position should be set to zero. You can detect the top scroll offset.. .scrollTop 200 el.css 'position' 'fixed' '.fixedElement' .css 'position' 'fixed' 'top' '0px' When the scroll offset reached 200 the element will stick to the top of the browser window because is placed as fixed. Check this new example . share..
Countdown available spaces in a textarea with jquery or other? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1250748/countdown-available-spaces-in-a-textarea-with-jquery-or-other helper. As an aside I don't think you even should try to limit the input length by denying any input when the limit is reached. It's a pain in the rear usability wise and can't be relied upon anyway. A simple countdown and server side checking is..
jquery, find div class name at a certain position while scrolling http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13137404/jquery-find-div-class-name-at-a-certain-position-while-scrolling .small_div min height 80px Small divs have a variable height property. If I am able to know that a new small_div has reached the lower part of the fixed div I can find the corresponding id of the small div and can understand which google map is.. which google map is to be shown in the fixed div through an ajax call. How to sense that a new small_div has reached the lower part of the fixed div EDIT the big div has a min height property. javascript jquery share improve this question..
Idiomatic jQuery delayed event (only after a short pause in typing)? (e.g. timewatch/typewatch/keywatch) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2219924/idiomatic-jquery-delayed-event-only-after-a-short-pause-in-typing-e-g-timew .val '#user_id' .load supplier.php action ajax_getsuppliers_html mask escape mask 1000 delay Finally after delay is reached display the filter results. The problems On an input box where a search term may consist of 10 characters on average that's..
limit number of characters entered in textarea http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2805678/limit-number-of-characters-entered-in-textarea textarea here is the script does what i want but not exactly my question is how can i stop user entering text once it reached the lmit of 255 characters var limit 255 var txt 'textarea id txtPurpose ' txt .keyup function var len this .val .length..
Limiting Number of Characters in a ContentEditable div http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2867479/limiting-number-of-characters-in-a-contenteditable-div this question How about passing in the event object to your function and calling e.preventDefault if the max is reached var content_id 'editable_div' max 10 binding keyup down events on the contenteditable div '#' content_id .keyup function..
Can't get correct return value from an jQuery Ajax call http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3537434/cant-get-correct-return-value-from-an-jquery-ajax-call getpics.php request. This may happen several milliseconds after .get is called. return_data data This part will be reached before the server responds to the asynchronous request above. Therefore the getPicsInFolder function returns error . return..
Alert using Jquery when Scroll to end of Page http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3799542/alert-using-jquery-when-scroll-to-end-of-page of Page Is there a way to find out page end using Jquery so that a simple message can be displayed saying you have reached end of the page. jquery browser scrollbars share improve this question How to tell when you're at the bottom of a page..
Can I wrap each line of multi-line text in a span? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4147080/can-i-wrap-each-line-of-multi-line-text-in-a-span those span elements checking its y position within the container. When the y position increases you know that you've reached a new line and the previous elements can be merged into a single span. Pros Each line can be styled with any CSS property..
How do you animate the value for a jQuery UI progressbar? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5047498/how-do-you-animate-the-value-for-a-jquery-ui-progressbar move back and forth before we reach the end. var rDom Math.floor Math.random 100 50 1 50 var step rDom 100 100 rDom reached our max reset step. doAnim step 1000 var doAnim function wD complete easing list http jqueryui.com demos effect easing.html.. a loop for example while uploading a file your flash app will tell you the filesize and let you know when you have reached the max value needed so my first code is intended to demostrate just the use of progressbar setter and getter and of course..
Set timeout for ajax (jQuery) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5225597/set-timeout-for-ajax-jquery read the .ajax documentation this is a covered topic. .ajax url test.html error function will fire when timeout is reached success function do something timeout 3000 sets timeout to 3 seconds You can get see what type of error was thrown by accessing..
how to make a jquery “$.post” request synchronous http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5821380/how-to-make-a-jquery-post-request-synchronous synchronous I ™ve been googling this and avoiding this error in my bug fix list for a long time now but I ™ve finally reached the end of the list the last of which I have to make a function return true false to state whether the validation has succeeded..
jqGrid with automatic height; but has a max height & scrollbars http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5895801/jqgrid-with-automatic-height-but-has-a-max-height-scrollbars Is there any way to get jqGrid to adjust its height automatically to the number of rows but when a certain height is reached that its height cannot increase anymore and that the vertical scrollbar apprears Thanks D jquery jqgrid share improve..
Detecting when user scrolls to bottom of div with jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6271237/detecting-when-user-scrolls-to-bottom-of-div-with-jquery of the element So you can take the sum of the first two properties and when it equals to the last property you've reached the end jQuery function '#flux' .bind 'scroll' function if this .scrollTop this .innerHeight this 0 .scrollHeight..
Make a div scroll when i reach a certain point http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7471382/make-a-div-scroll-when-i-reach-a-certain-point btn.offset .top var win window win.scroll function e var scrollTop win.scrollTop if scrollTop btnPosTop we've reached the button btn.css position 'fixed' top 0 marginTop 0 else if btn.css 'position' 'fixed' if we scroll back up past the..
PHP/Apache/AJAX - POST limit? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9691057/php-apache-ajax-post-limit reach a size exceding the subprocess allowed memory max_input_vars if your data array has many elements If you have reached the compiled in limit for Apache your only solution is to avoid direct POSt of such a big chunk of data you'll have to break..