jquery Programming Glossary: reader
How to trace ScriptService WebService requests? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1020045/how-to-trace-scriptservice-webservice-requests _application.Request.Url.PathAndQuery StreamReader reader new StreamReader _application.Request.InputStream string message.. _application.Request.InputStream string message reader.ReadToEnd _application.Request.InputStream.Position 0 _requestId..
Image Upload with Preview and Delete http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10206648/image-upload-with-preview-and-delete function readURL input if input.files input.files 0 var reader new FileReader reader.onload function e '#img_prev' .attr 'src'.. if input.files input.files 0 var reader new FileReader reader.onload function e '#img_prev' .attr 'src' e.target.result .height.. e '#img_prev' .attr 'src' e.target.result .height 200 reader.readAsDataURL input.files 0 script meta charset utf 8 title..
Shim for FileReader() in IE 9 [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11089897/shim-for-filereader-in-ie-9 in IE 9 closed Is there a shim for FileReader in IE 9 var reader new FileReader javascript jquery internet explorer share..
How to Preview Image, get file size, image height and width before upload? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12570834/how-to-preview-image-get-file-size-image-height-and-width-before-upload window.webkitURL alternate use function readImage file var reader new FileReader var image new Image reader.readAsDataURL file.. file var reader new FileReader var image new Image reader.readAsDataURL file reader.onload function _file image.src _file.target.result.. FileReader var image new Image reader.readAsDataURL file reader.onload function _file image.src _file.target.result url.createObjectURL..
jQuery AutoComplete multiple Output http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12855617/jquery-autocomplete-multiple-output BY thatOther_thing ASC db transaction using SqlDataReader reader command.ExecuteReader while reader.Read cmpList.Add new.. using SqlDataReader reader command.ExecuteReader while reader.Read cmpList.Add new Employee Name reader Value1 .ToString.. while reader.Read cmpList.Add new Employee Name reader Value1 .ToString Title Value1_Cat value Value1_Cat command..
Web Page Source Annotation Tool http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14244498/web-page-source-annotation-tool tabId tabs 0 .id function data var reader new FileReader reader.onload function eventt console.log eventt.target.result.. tabId tabs 0 .id function data var reader new FileReader reader.onload function eventt console.log eventt.target.result document.getElementById.. eventt.target.result window.open eventt.target.result reader.readAsText data window.open data window.onload capture Test..
How can I give control back (briefly) to the browser during intensive JavaScript processing? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/210821/how-can-i-give-control-back-briefly-to-the-browser-during-intensive-javascript
Is there a way to round numbers into a reader friendly format? (e.g. $1.1k) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2685911/is-there-a-way-to-round-numbers-into-a-reader-friendly-format-e-g-1-1k there a way to round numbers into a reader friendly format e.g. 1.1k Much like the Stackoverlow reputation..
JSON and jqGrid. What is “userdata”? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3128837/json-and-jqgrid-what-is-userdata id wiki retrieving_data#json_data . A standard JSON reader is defined so that it read data userdata property from the root..
Using HTML5 file uploads with AJAX and jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4006520/using-html5-file-uploads-with-ajax-and-jquery 'fileBox' .files 0 Files 0 1st file var reader new FileReader reader.readAsText file 'UTF 8' reader.onload.. .files 0 Files 0 1st file var reader new FileReader reader.readAsText file 'UTF 8' reader.onload shipOff reader.onloadstart.. var reader new FileReader reader.readAsText file 'UTF 8' reader.onload shipOff reader.onloadstart ... reader.onprogress .....
javascript detect adobe reader plugin for browser http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4122061/javascript-detect-adobe-reader-plugin-for-browser detect adobe reader plugin for browser If the pdf viewer plugin is not installed..
Preview an image before it is uploaded http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4459379/preview-an-image-before-it-is-uploaded function readURL input if input.files input.files 0 var reader new FileReader reader.onload function e '#blah' .attr 'src'.. if input.files input.files 0 var reader new FileReader reader.onload function e '#blah' .attr 'src' e.target.result reader.readAsDataURL.. function e '#blah' .attr 'src' e.target.result reader.readAsDataURL input.files 0 #imgInp .change function readURL..
Disabling browser tooltips on links and <abbr>s http://stackoverflow.com/questions/457366/disabling-browser-tooltips-on-links-and-abbrs those with cognitive disabilities aswell as some screen reader users. http www.bbc.co.uk blogs bbcinternet 2008 07 why_the_bbc_removed_microforma.html..
How to go to a specific element on page? [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4801655/how-to-go-to-a-specific-element-on-page
jQuery.ajax() parsererror http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6643838/jquery-ajax-parsererror using var stream resp.GetResponseStream using var reader new System.IO.StreamReader stream return reader.ReadToEnd catch.. using var reader new System.IO.StreamReader stream return reader.ReadToEnd catch Exception return null javascript jquery json..
jquery jqgrid propery with dot operator http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6902936/jquery-jqgrid-propery-with-dot-operator 'function.code' width 200 jsonmap cell.function.code JSON reader is jsonReader repeatitems false root rows cell cell id id page..
How to trace ScriptService WebService requests? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1020045/how-to-trace-scriptservice-webservice-requests ITraceLog traceLog TraceLogFactory.Create _actionUrl _application.Request.Url.PathAndQuery StreamReader reader new StreamReader _application.Request.InputStream string message reader.ReadToEnd _application.Request.InputStream.Position.. StreamReader reader new StreamReader _application.Request.InputStream string message reader.ReadToEnd _application.Request.InputStream.Position 0 _requestId traceLog.LogRequest _actionUrl message private void ContextPreSendRequestContent..
Image Upload with Preview and Delete http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10206648/image-upload-with-preview-and-delete ajax libs jquery 1 jquery.min.js script script function readURL input if input.files input.files 0 var reader new FileReader reader.onload function e '#img_prev' .attr 'src' e.target.result .height 200 reader.readAsDataURL input.files.. jquery 1 jquery.min.js script script function readURL input if input.files input.files 0 var reader new FileReader reader.onload function e '#img_prev' .attr 'src' e.target.result .height 200 reader.readAsDataURL input.files 0 script meta.. input.files 0 var reader new FileReader reader.onload function e '#img_prev' .attr 'src' e.target.result .height 200 reader.readAsDataURL input.files 0 script meta charset utf 8 title JS Bin title if IE script src http html5shiv.googlecode.com..
Shim for FileReader() in IE 9 [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11089897/shim-for-filereader-in-ie-9 for FileReader in IE 9 closed Is there a shim for FileReader in IE 9 var reader new FileReader javascript jquery internet explorer share improve this question This polyfill uses Flash to provide..
How to Preview Image, get file size, image height and width before upload? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12570834/how-to-preview-image-get-file-size-image-height-and-width-before-upload multiple br div id uploadPreview div var url window.URL window.webkitURL alternate use function readImage file var reader new FileReader var image new Image reader.readAsDataURL file reader.onload function _file image.src _file.target.result.. url window.URL window.webkitURL alternate use function readImage file var reader new FileReader var image new Image reader.readAsDataURL file reader.onload function _file image.src _file.target.result url.createObjectURL file image.onload function.. alternate use function readImage file var reader new FileReader var image new Image reader.readAsDataURL file reader.onload function _file image.src _file.target.result url.createObjectURL file image.onload function var w this.width h..
jQuery AutoComplete multiple Output http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12855617/jquery-autocomplete-multiple-output vwGetDetails WHERE something_else LIKE N' prefixText ' ORDER BY thatOther_thing ASC db transaction using SqlDataReader reader command.ExecuteReader while reader.Read cmpList.Add new Employee Name reader Value1 .ToString Title Value1_Cat value.. N' prefixText ' ORDER BY thatOther_thing ASC db transaction using SqlDataReader reader command.ExecuteReader while reader.Read cmpList.Add new Employee Name reader Value1 .ToString Title Value1_Cat value Value1_Cat command new SqlCommand.. db transaction using SqlDataReader reader command.ExecuteReader while reader.Read cmpList.Add new Employee Name reader Value1 .ToString Title Value1_Cat value Value1_Cat command new SqlCommand Select something FROM somewhere WHERE thingy..
Web Page Source Annotation Tool http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14244498/web-page-source-annotation-tool currentWindow true status complete function tabs chrome.pageCapture.saveAsMHTML tabId tabs 0 .id function data var reader new FileReader reader.onload function eventt console.log eventt.target.result document.getElementById 'pushhere' .innerHTML.. complete function tabs chrome.pageCapture.saveAsMHTML tabId tabs 0 .id function data var reader new FileReader reader.onload function eventt console.log eventt.target.result document.getElementById 'pushhere' .innerHTML eventt.target.result.. document.getElementById 'pushhere' .innerHTML eventt.target.result window.open eventt.target.result reader.readAsText data window.open data window.onload capture Test this code using steps above by picking your icons of choice..
How can I give control back (briefly) to the browser during intensive JavaScript processing? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/210821/how-can-i-give-control-back-briefly-to-the-browser-during-intensive-javascript
Is there a way to round numbers into a reader friendly format? (e.g. $1.1k) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2685911/is-there-a-way-to-round-numbers-into-a-reader-friendly-format-e-g-1-1k there a way to round numbers into a reader friendly format e.g. 1.1k Much like the Stackoverlow reputation rounding I'm hoping to do the same thing with currency..
JSON and jqGrid. What is “userdata”? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3128837/json-and-jqgrid-what-is-userdata so named jsonReader see http www.trirand.com jqgridwiki doku.php id wiki retrieving_data#json_data . A standard JSON reader is defined so that it read data userdata property from the root of data sent and just save it. This data is accessible with..
Using HTML5 file uploads with AJAX and jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4006520/using-html5-file-uploads-with-ajax-and-jquery is submitted catch the submission process and var file document.getElementById 'fileBox' .files 0 Files 0 1st file var reader new FileReader reader.readAsText file 'UTF 8' reader.onload shipOff reader.onloadstart ... reader.onprogress ... Allows.. submission process and var file document.getElementById 'fileBox' .files 0 Files 0 1st file var reader new FileReader reader.readAsText file 'UTF 8' reader.onload shipOff reader.onloadstart ... reader.onprogress ... Allows you to update a progress.. document.getElementById 'fileBox' .files 0 Files 0 1st file var reader new FileReader reader.readAsText file 'UTF 8' reader.onload shipOff reader.onloadstart ... reader.onprogress ... Allows you to update a progress bar. reader.onabort ... reader.onerror..
javascript detect adobe reader plugin for browser http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4122061/javascript-detect-adobe-reader-plugin-for-browser detect adobe reader plugin for browser If the pdf viewer plugin is not installed how to detect it and give a alert message to install pdf viewer..
Preview an image before it is uploaded http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4459379/preview-an-image-before-it-is-uploaded this question Please take a look at the sample JS code below function readURL input if input.files input.files 0 var reader new FileReader reader.onload function e '#blah' .attr 'src' e.target.result reader.readAsDataURL input.files 0 #imgInp.. take a look at the sample JS code below function readURL input if input.files input.files 0 var reader new FileReader reader.onload function e '#blah' .attr 'src' e.target.result reader.readAsDataURL input.files 0 #imgInp .change function readURL.. if input.files input.files 0 var reader new FileReader reader.onload function e '#blah' .attr 'src' e.target.result reader.readAsDataURL input.files 0 #imgInp .change function readURL this and the associated HTML form id form1 runat server input..
Disabling browser tooltips on links and <abbr>s http://stackoverflow.com/questions/457366/disabling-browser-tooltips-on-links-and-abbrs of the machine readable date was an accessibility issue for those with cognitive disabilities aswell as some screen reader users. http www.bbc.co.uk blogs bbcinternet 2008 07 why_the_bbc_removed_microforma.html EDIT I whipped up a jquery plugin..
How to go to a specific element on page? [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4801655/how-to-go-to-a-specific-element-on-page
jQuery.ajax() parsererror http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6643838/jquery-ajax-parsererror index 2 nb_items 2 output json using var resp req.GetResponse using var stream resp.GetResponseStream using var reader new System.IO.StreamReader stream return reader.ReadToEnd catch Exception return null javascript jquery json parsererror.. resp req.GetResponse using var stream resp.GetResponseStream using var reader new System.IO.StreamReader stream return reader.ReadToEnd catch Exception return null javascript jquery json parsererror share improve this question It's because..
jquery jqgrid propery with dot operator http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6902936/jquery-jqgrid-propery-with-dot-operator search 'true' editable true sortable true index 'function.code' width 200 jsonmap cell.function.code JSON reader is jsonReader repeatitems false root rows cell cell id id page page records records Please help what am i missing here Thanks..