jquery Programming Glossary: nextslide
jQuery/JavaScript: My recursive setTimeout function speeds up when tab becomes inactive http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6618986/jquery-javascript-my-recursive-settimeout-function-speeds-up-when-tab-becomes-i simplified code var timer var counter var slides collection of all targeted slides. animate to the next slide function nextSlide stop timer methods.stopTimer increase counter counter if counter slides.length 1 counter 0 if counter is greater than the.. 'easeInOutExpo' complete startTimer timer functions. function startTimer if timer '' timer setTimeout function nextSlide 3000 function stopTimer clearTimeout timer timer '' So what should happen is that at the end of the animation the timer..
Jquery setInterval too fast when coming from another tab http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6737067/jquery-setinterval-too-fast-when-coming-from-another-tab to where it was if it hadn't switched to another tab. How could I resolve this issue window .load function setInterval nextSlide 3500 function nextSlide offset delta #slideContent .animate left 1 offset 1000 Solution I chose jfriend00's first advise... switched to another tab. How could I resolve this issue window .load function setInterval nextSlide 3500 function nextSlide offset delta #slideContent .animate left 1 offset 1000 Solution I chose jfriend00's first advise. Now I turn the timer off.. mistakes my English is not perfect. The solution of your problem may be very simple window .load function setInterval nextSlide 3500 function nextSlide offset delta #slideContent .stop true true .animate left 1 offset 1000 inactive browser tabs buffer..