jquery Programming Glossary: nivo
NivoSlider change slide when thumb is hovered not clicked http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10754952/nivoslider-change-slide-when-thumb-is-hovered-not-clicked clicked Hello im hopeing someone can help me i have my nivoslider set up but im looking to change the way the contral nav.. change this to a hover. I found the follwing lines in the nivoslider plugin else nivoControl.append ' a class nivo control.. I found the follwing lines in the nivoslider plugin else nivoControl.append ' a class nivo control rel ' i ' ' i 1 ' a ' ..
Image Links Failing in IE8 when Chrome Frame is not present/disabled http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13927353/image-links-failing-in-ie8-when-chrome-frame-is-not-present-disabled of the slide . Any ideas I'm all out. jquery css css3 nivoslider google chrome frame share improve this question This.. given to it by others. one solution is to change the nivo slider css right at the bottom like below .nivoSlider a border.. change the nivo slider css right at the bottom like below .nivoSlider a border 0 display block background color #fff filter..
Insert Page in html design http://stackoverflow.com/questions/18937026/insert-page-in-html-design src js custom.js script link rel stylesheet href css nivo slider.css type text css media screen script src js jquery.nivo.slider.js.. slider.css type text css media screen script src js jquery.nivo.slider.js type text javascript script link rel shortcut icon..
Nivo Slide using DIVs instead of IMG http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2928678/nivo-slide-using-divs-instead-of-img luck... Can anyone help me jQuery Nivo Slider v2.0 http nivo.dev7studios.com Copyright 2010 Gilbert Pellegrom Free to use.. option added by nerd sh May 2010 Do not start nivoRun timer if there is only 1 slide by msielski April 2010 controlNavThumbs.. added by HelloPablo http hellopablo.co.uk function .fn.nivoSlider function options Defaults are below var settings .extend..
jQuery, JavaScript, HTML: how to load images after everything else is loaded? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5402680/jquery-javascript-html-how-to-load-images-after-everything-else-is-loaded that page I want to implement the jquery Nivo Slider http nivo.dev7studios.com . In the documentation it says I have to list.. looking for a way to use any jquery Slider Plugin like the nivo slider but either dynamically load images or load all those..
Showing Slide Count with Nivo Slider http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5441617/showing-slide-count-with-nivo-slider the corresponding thumbnail was clicked javascript jquery nivo share improve this question You can have the current slide.. can have the current slide no as current_slide_no jQuery '#nivo slider' .data 'nivo vars' .currentSlide Add 1 to it as index.. slide no as current_slide_no jQuery '#nivo slider' .data 'nivo vars' .currentSlide Add 1 to it as index starts from 0. Use..
How can I control how Nivoslider preloads images? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5502531/how-can-i-control-how-nivoslider-preloads-images is not natively supported. Any ideas jquery photo gallery nivo share improve this question I've been looking for a similar..
How to initiate Nivo Slider in ajax loaded content? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8388776/how-to-initiate-nivo-slider-in-ajax-loaded-content href ' #ajaxContent' function this .find '#slider' .nivoSlider effect 'fade' Specify sets like 'fold fade sliceDown'.. a live demo http www.spiritlevel.co.uk clicktest divclicknivotest.html The Nivo Slider Project is the one I want to get working..... any help you can give. Many thanks. jquery ajax nivoslider share improve this question inside your .work a function..
How can you change effect in Nivo Slider based off of previous or next slide keypress? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10353332/how-can-you-change-effect-in-nivo-slider-based-off-of-previous-or-next-slide-key can you change effect in Nivo Slider based off of previous or next slide keypress I want.. slide keypress I want to change the transition effect on Nivo Slider based off of which button was pressed. Any ideas of how.. specific slide if it slides the correct direction. I love Nivo Slider but I feel like these should be default choosable actions...
Image Links Failing in IE8 when Chrome Frame is not present/disabled http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13927353/image-links-failing-in-ie8-when-chrome-frame-is-not-present-disabled see a slideshow at the top of the homepage. I am using Nivo Slider here and it has been reported by our client that the..
Nivo Slide using DIVs instead of IMG http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2928678/nivo-slide-using-divs-instead-of-img Slide using DIVs instead of IMG I've found Nivo Slider to be.. Slide using DIVs instead of IMG I've found Nivo Slider to be the best solution for my site. However I want it.. but ofcourse without any luck... Can anyone help me jQuery Nivo Slider v2.0 http nivo.dev7studios.com Copyright 2010 Gilbert..
jQuery, JavaScript, HTML: how to load images after everything else is loaded? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5402680/jquery-javascript-html-how-to-load-images-after-everything-else-is-loaded time. On top of that page I want to implement the jquery Nivo Slider http nivo.dev7studios.com . In the documentation it says..
Showing Slide Count with Nivo Slider http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5441617/showing-slide-count-with-nivo-slider Slide Count with Nivo Slider I would like to show the slide count as 2 of 10 on my..
How can I control how Nivoslider preloads images? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5502531/how-can-i-control-how-nivoslider-preloads-images can I control how Nivoslider preloads images I'm using the excellent Nivoslider plugin.. how Nivoslider preloads images I'm using the excellent Nivoslider plugin to showcase a set of photos on my homepage currently.. at once adding 2 3 megs to the page weight. No dice. Nivo leaves image handling up to the browser. It reads the img src..
jQuery Tools Alternatives? [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5561409/jquery-tools-alternatives style slide show plugins with transition effects include Nivo Slider and Cycle . EDIT 3 I've recently discovered Tooltipster..
How to initiate Nivo Slider in ajax loaded content? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8388776/how-to-initiate-nivo-slider-in-ajax-loaded-content to initiate Nivo Slider in ajax loaded content I am having trouble getting Nivo.. Slider in ajax loaded content I am having trouble getting Nivo slider to initiate when the page containing it had been loaded.. href testcontent4.html rel address testcontent4.html Nivo Slider Project a h3 div class projectIntro p This is some intro..
NivoSlider change slide when thumb is hovered not clicked http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10754952/nivoslider-change-slide-when-thumb-is-hovered-not-clicked change slide when thumb is hovered not clicked Hello im hopeing someone can help me i have my nivoslider set up but im looking to change the way the contral nav thumbs operate. Out of the box the main images changes when.. images changes when a thumbnail is clicked im looking to change this to a hover. I found the follwing lines in the nivoslider plugin else nivoControl.append ' a class nivo control rel ' i ' ' i 1 ' a ' Set initial active link '.nivo controlNav.. a thumbnail is clicked im looking to change this to a hover. I found the follwing lines in the nivoslider plugin else nivoControl.append ' a class nivo control rel ' i ' ' i 1 ' a ' Set initial active link '.nivo controlNav a eq ' vars.currentSlide..
Image Links Failing in IE8 when Chrome Frame is not present/disabled http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13927353/image-links-failing-in-ie8-when-chrome-frame-is-not-present-disabled it has a set width and should only be blocking the left side of the slide . Any ideas I'm all out. jquery css css3 nivoslider google chrome frame share improve this question This is an issue found by many I found there's some solutions.. This is an issue found by many I found there's some solutions given to it by others. one solution is to change the nivo slider css right at the bottom like below .nivoSlider a border 0 display block background color #fff filter alpha opacity.. some solutions given to it by others. one solution is to change the nivo slider css right at the bottom like below .nivoSlider a border 0 display block background color #fff filter alpha opacity 0 opacity 0 webkit opacity 0 moz opacity 0 khtml..
Insert Page in html design http://stackoverflow.com/questions/18937026/insert-page-in-html-design src js jquery 1.5.1.min.js script script type text javascript src js custom.js script link rel stylesheet href css nivo slider.css type text css media screen script src js jquery.nivo.slider.js type text javascript script link rel shortcut.. src js custom.js script link rel stylesheet href css nivo slider.css type text css media screen script src js jquery.nivo.slider.js type text javascript script link rel shortcut icon href Fav.ico meta name robots content follow index link type..
Nivo Slide using DIVs instead of IMG http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2928678/nivo-slide-using-divs-instead-of-img change all IMG to DIV in the JS file but ofcourse without any luck... Can anyone help me jQuery Nivo Slider v2.0 http nivo.dev7studios.com Copyright 2010 Gilbert Pellegrom Free to use and abuse under the MIT license. http www.opensource.org licenses.. specified set of effects by toronegro May 2010 controlNavThumbsFromRel option added by nerd sh May 2010 Do not start nivoRun timer if there is only 1 slide by msielski April 2010 controlNavThumbs option added by Jamie Thompson http jamiethompson.co.uk.. http jamiethompson.co.uk March 2010 manualAdvance option added by HelloPablo http hellopablo.co.uk function .fn.nivoSlider function options Defaults are below var settings .extend .fn.nivoSlider.defaults options return this.each function..
jQuery, JavaScript, HTML: how to load images after everything else is loaded? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5402680/jquery-javascript-html-how-to-load-images-after-everything-else-is-loaded a lot of scripts and a rather long loading time. On top of that page I want to implement the jquery Nivo Slider http nivo.dev7studios.com . In the documentation it says I have to list all images for the slider inside of a div#slider div id slider.. they are in my header this might take quite a while. I looking for a way to use any jquery Slider Plugin like the nivo slider but either dynamically load images or load all those images after everything else on my page has loaded. Any idea..
Showing Slide Count with Nivo Slider http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5441617/showing-slide-count-with-nivo-slider 3 of 10 4 of 10 as the slider moves with slides 7 of 10 if the corresponding thumbnail was clicked javascript jquery nivo share improve this question You can have the current slide no as current_slide_no jQuery '#nivo slider' .data 'nivo.. javascript jquery nivo share improve this question You can have the current slide no as current_slide_no jQuery '#nivo slider' .data 'nivo vars' .currentSlide Add 1 to it as index starts from 0. Use afterChange attribute to change the current.. share improve this question You can have the current slide no as current_slide_no jQuery '#nivo slider' .data 'nivo vars' .currentSlide Add 1 to it as index starts from 0. Use afterChange attribute to change the current slide number while..
How can I control how Nivoslider preloads images? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5502531/how-can-i-control-how-nivoslider-preloads-images find anything about it in the documentation so I presume it is not natively supported. Any ideas jquery photo gallery nivo share improve this question I've been looking for a similar solution. I have an image gallery on a web site that loads..
How to initiate Nivo Slider in ajax loaded content? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8388776/how-to-initiate-nivo-slider-in-ajax-loaded-content close_other parent.addClass selected_work content_holder.load href ' #ajaxContent' function this .find '#slider' .nivoSlider effect 'fade' Specify sets like 'fold fade sliceDown' animSpeed 300 pauseTime 4000 controlNav true pauseOnHover true.. img.arrow' .attr src images arrow_close.gif Here is a live demo http www.spiritlevel.co.uk clicktest divclicknivotest.html The Nivo Slider Project is the one I want to get working... Probably doing something basic wrong as i am new to.. doing something basic wrong as i am new to jQuery so would appreciate any help you can give. Many thanks. jquery ajax nivoslider share improve this question inside your .work a function try this. Note however that you must use the correct..
How can you change effect in Nivo Slider based off of previous or next slide keypress? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10353332/how-can-you-change-effect-in-nivo-slider-based-off-of-previous-or-next-slide-key can you change effect in Nivo Slider based off of previous or next slide keypress I want to change the transition effect on Nivo Slider based off of.. change effect in Nivo Slider based off of previous or next slide keypress I want to change the transition effect on Nivo Slider based off of which button was pressed. Any ideas of how to accomplish this Update To clarify I meant the next or.. called. Then icing on the cake would be if someone presses a specific slide if it slides the correct direction. I love Nivo Slider but I feel like these should be default choosable actions. jquery carousel nivoslider share improve this question..
Image Links Failing in IE8 when Chrome Frame is not present/disabled http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13927353/image-links-failing-in-ie8-when-chrome-frame-is-not-present-disabled disabled If you take a look at the following website you will see a slideshow at the top of the homepage. I am using Nivo Slider here and it has been reported by our client that the links are not working in IE8. http youthsolutions.com.au The..
Nivo Slide using DIVs instead of IMG http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2928678/nivo-slide-using-divs-instead-of-img Slide using DIVs instead of IMG I've found Nivo Slider to be the best solution for my site. However I want it to make DIVs.. Slide using DIVs instead of IMG I've found Nivo Slider to be the best solution for my site. However I want it to make DIVs to slides and not IMGs like it does by default... default. I've tried to change all IMG to DIV in the JS file but ofcourse without any luck... Can anyone help me jQuery Nivo Slider v2.0 http nivo.dev7studios.com Copyright 2010 Gilbert Pellegrom Free to use and abuse under the MIT license. http..
jQuery, JavaScript, HTML: how to load images after everything else is loaded? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5402680/jquery-javascript-html-how-to-load-images-after-everything-else-is-loaded complex page with a lot of scripts and a rather long loading time. On top of that page I want to implement the jquery Nivo Slider http nivo.dev7studios.com . In the documentation it says I have to list all images for the slider inside of a div#slider..
Showing Slide Count with Nivo Slider http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5441617/showing-slide-count-with-nivo-slider Slide Count with Nivo Slider I would like to show the slide count as 2 of 10 on my slider. How do I make it work with the transitions 3 of 10..
How can I control how Nivoslider preloads images? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5502531/how-can-i-control-how-nivoslider-preloads-images can I control how Nivoslider preloads images I'm using the excellent Nivoslider plugin to showcase a set of photos on my homepage currently 5... can I control how Nivoslider preloads images I'm using the excellent Nivoslider plugin to showcase a set of photos on my homepage currently 5. All is working fine but each photo adds about 150K.. using a slideshow plugin. And all these images are being loaded at once adding 2 3 megs to the page weight. No dice. Nivo leaves image handling up to the browser. It reads the img src ... tag and then gussies up the images into a slideshow with..
jQuery Tools Alternatives? [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5561409/jquery-tools-alternatives wrapping. Excellent VERY popular and solid non carousel style slide show plugins with transition effects include Nivo Slider and Cycle . EDIT 3 I've recently discovered Tooltipster and now heavily favor it over qTip2 . share improve this..
How to initiate Nivo Slider in ajax loaded content? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8388776/how-to-initiate-nivo-slider-in-ajax-loaded-content to initiate Nivo Slider in ajax loaded content I am having trouble getting Nivo slider to initiate when the page containing it had been.. to initiate Nivo Slider in ajax loaded content I am having trouble getting Nivo slider to initiate when the page containing it had been loaded by ajax. Here is the HTML div class work img class introPic.. class arrow src images arrow_open.gif alt gt a class titlelink href testcontent4.html rel address testcontent4.html Nivo Slider Project a h3 div class projectIntro p This is some intro text for Nivo Slider Project p div div class pictures div..