jquery Programming Glossary: node.length
Persisting the changes of range objects after selection in HTML http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13949059/persisting-the-changes-of-range-objects-after-selection-in-html if node.nodeType 3 var nextCharIndex charIndex node.length if foundStart savedSel.start charIndex savedSel.start nextCharIndex..
Modifying document.location.hash without page scrolling http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1489624/modifying-document-location-hash-without-page-scrolling it back on. hash hash.replace ^# '' var node '#' hash if node.length node.attr 'id' '' document.location.hash hash if node.length.. node.attr 'id' '' document.location.hash hash if node.length node.attr 'id' hash Step 2 Some browsers will trigger the scroll.. back hash hash.replace ^# '' var fx node '#' hash if node.length node.attr 'id' '' fx ' div div ' .css position 'absolute' ..
Javascript Contenteditable - set Cursor / Caret to index http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16095155/javascript-contenteditable-set-cursor-caret-to-index if node.nodeType 3 var nextCharIndex charIndex node.length if foundStart start charIndex start nextCharIndex range.setStart..
Getting a jQuery selector for an element http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2068272/getting-a-jquery-selector-for-an-element 1 throw 'Requires one element.' var path node this while node.length var realNode node 0 name realNode.localName if name break name..
First word selector http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5458605/first-word-selector ... and the first word first text.slice 0 text.indexOf if node.length return Remove the first word from the text node 0 .nodeValue.. 3 .first text node.text first text.split numWords .join if node.length return node 0 .nodeValue text.slice first.length node.before..
Get unique selector of element in Jquery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5706837/get-unique-selector-of-element-in-jquery jQuery.fn.extend getPath function var path node this while node.length var realNode node 0 name realNode.localName if name break name..
Persisting the changes of range objects after selection in HTML http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13949059/persisting-the-changes-of-range-objects-after-selection-in-html node foundStart false stop false while stop node nodeStack.pop if node.nodeType 3 var nextCharIndex charIndex node.length if foundStart savedSel.start charIndex savedSel.start nextCharIndex range.setStart node savedSel.start charIndex foundStart..
Modifying document.location.hash without page scrolling http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1489624/modifying-document-location-hash-without-page-scrolling ID off the node while the hash is being set and then adding it back on. hash hash.replace ^# '' var node '#' hash if node.length node.attr 'id' '' document.location.hash hash if node.length node.attr 'id' hash Step 2 Some browsers will trigger the scroll.. it back on. hash hash.replace ^# '' var node '#' hash if node.length node.attr 'id' '' document.location.hash hash if node.length node.attr 'id' hash Step 2 Some browsers will trigger the scroll based on where the ID'd node was last seen so you need.. of the viewport set its ID to the hash and then roll everything back hash hash.replace ^# '' var fx node '#' hash if node.length node.attr 'id' '' fx ' div div ' .css position 'absolute' visibility 'hidden' top document .scrollTop 'px' .attr 'id'..
Javascript Contenteditable - set Cursor / Caret to index http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16095155/javascript-contenteditable-set-cursor-caret-to-index node foundStart false stop false while stop node nodeStack.pop if node.nodeType 3 var nextCharIndex charIndex node.length if foundStart start charIndex start nextCharIndex range.setStart node start charIndex foundStart true if foundStart..
Getting a jQuery selector for an element http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2068272/getting-a-jquery-selector-for-an-element name is ambiguous . jQuery.fn.getPath function if this.length 1 throw 'Requires one element.' var path node this while node.length var realNode node 0 name realNode.localName if name break name name.toLowerCase var parent node.parent var siblings parent.children..
First word selector http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5458605/first-word-selector return this.nodeType 3 .first Get the text... text node.text ... and the first word first text.slice 0 text.indexOf if node.length return Remove the first word from the text node 0 .nodeValue text.slice first.length Add it back in with HTML around it.. node this.contents .filter function return this.nodeType 3 .first text node.text first text.split numWords .join if node.length return node 0 .nodeValue text.slice first.length node.before ' span ' first ' span br ' Working demo http jsfiddle.net 9AXvN..
Get unique selector of element in Jquery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5706837/get-unique-selector-of-element-in-jquery script is working and is based on a script of Blixt jQuery.fn.extend getPath function var path node this while node.length var realNode node 0 name realNode.localName if name break name name.toLowerCase var parent node.parent var sameTagSiblings..