jquery Programming Glossary: link's
jquery accordion prevent bubbling / allow default link action http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1135466/jquery-accordion-prevent-bubbling-allow-default-link-action triggers on clicking a div Or is there a way to allow the link's default action to continue I've tried a .click function window.location..
jQuery Mobile Tabs and Anchors http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12181586/jquery-mobile-tabs-and-anchors for is .mobile.silentScroll . You want to get your anchor link's Y position and then have the page scroll to it. There is a little..
Hover Item with JQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1983169/hover-item-with-jquery . As you hover over that link you want to invoke all other link's hover styles. Unfortunately you can not invoke the hover styles..
Binding dynamically created elements in jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2238616/binding-dynamically-created-elements-in-jquery the link behavior e.preventDefault Get the id of this link's associated content box. var id this .attr 'href' Find the screen..
Setting a cookie based on the name of the link that is clicked http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2756422/setting-a-cookie-based-on-the-name-of-the-link-that-is-clicked .text set cookie .cookie name value expires 365 now go to link's location document.location.href this .attr 'href' Still will.. .ready function 'a.cookier' .each function Kill the link's link feature. _href this .attr 'href' this .attr rel _href .attr..
Test if links are external with jQuery / javascript? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2910946/test-if-links-are-external-with-jquery-javascript Act on each link 'a' .each function Store current link's url var url this .attr href Test if current host domain is..
Rails Ajax: .js.erb rendered as text, not JS http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5311247/rails-ajax-js-erb-rendered-as-text-not-js action ' dataType 'script' return false This will grab the link's click event send a request to the server which should return..
Disabling links with JQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/586024/disabling-links-with-jquery asp.net mvc share improve this question To modify the link's text inside your function simply use this.text 'New Text ' To..
jQuery: how to trigger anchor link's click event http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6068266/jquery-how-to-trigger-anchor-links-click-event how to trigger anchor link's click event I have a anchor link like a id myanchor href http..
Overlapping elements - HTML, CSS, and jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6302824/overlapping-elements-html-css-and-jquery when calculating their position. You should save each link's position and calculate every next link's position according.. should save each link's position and calculate every next link's position according to previous already positioned links. There's..
Load Wordpress post content into DIV using AJAX http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7526113/load-wordpress-post-content-into-div-using-ajax the equation that isn't right the post ID loads into the link's rel attribute but fails to load into the .load function. Just.. sufficient to load the post into defined DIV. 2. Change link's rel attribute from post ID to post permalink I decided that.. I would instead use the post's permalink tag in the link's rel attribute. This is how it link's rel looked like previously..
jQuery - why does delegate propagate, even after ``e.preventDefault();`` is called? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8288507/jquery-why-does-delegate-propagate-even-after-e-preventdefault-is-call since I'm attempting to stop propagation from the link's click handler. JavaScript 'body' .delegate '.outer' 'click'..
jQueryUI Autocomplete - how to match search words with a list of keywords and show the matched results? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9040137/jqueryui-autocomplete-how-to-match-search-words-with-a-list-of-keywords-and-sh return false select function event ui Put the selected link's label in the text box and redirect to the url '#searchTerms'..
Bypass popup blocker on window.open when JQuery event.preventDefault() is set http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9514698/bypass-popup-blocker-on-window-open-when-jquery-event-preventdefault-is-set event is in question. I am able to call a function on link's click event. This function now checks the said condition by..
jquery accordion prevent bubbling / allow default link action http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1135466/jquery-accordion-prevent-bubbling-allow-default-link-action there a way to prevent event bubbling so the accordion only triggers on clicking a div Or is there a way to allow the link's default action to continue I've tried a .click function window.location this.href Which does make the link function but..
jQuery Mobile Tabs and Anchors http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12181586/jquery-mobile-tabs-and-anchors ID jib UPDATED ANSWER AFTER COMMENTS What you're looking for is .mobile.silentScroll . You want to get your anchor link's Y position and then have the page scroll to it. There is a little gotcha though. You'll need to add a little pause before..
Hover Item with JQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1983169/hover-item-with-jquery class hover that you've associated with a link for example . As you hover over that link you want to invoke all other link's hover styles. Unfortunately you can not invoke the hover styles from jQuery that requires that you actually move your mouse..
Binding dynamically created elements in jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2238616/binding-dynamically-created-elements-in-jquery link s with name modal 'a name modal ' .click function e Cancel the link behavior e.preventDefault Get the id of this link's associated content box. var id this .attr 'href' Find the screen height and width var overlayHeight document .height var..
Setting a cookie based on the name of the link that is clicked http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2756422/setting-a-cookie-based-on-the-name-of-the-link-that-is-clicked var name 'instrument' get link text var value this .text set cookie .cookie name value expires 365 now go to link's location document.location.href this .attr 'href' Still will not create the cookie. If I add a breakpoint onto .cookie~.. this question This is hackish but it works for me. document .ready function 'a.cookier' .each function Kill the link's link feature. _href this .attr 'href' this .attr rel _href .attr href javascript void 0 'a.cookier' .click function var..
Test if links are external with jQuery / javascript? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2910946/test-if-links-are-external-with-jquery-javascript version of what he answered hostname new RegExp location.host Act on each link 'a' .each function Store current link's url var url this .attr href Test if current host domain is in it if hostname.test url If it's local... this .addClass..
Rails Ajax: .js.erb rendered as text, not JS http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5311247/rails-ajax-js-erb-rendered-as-text-not-js .click function .ajax type 'GET' url ' controller action ' dataType 'script' return false This will grab the link's click event send a request to the server which should return your edit.js.erb file and then execute it as script. Mind you..
Disabling links with JQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/586024/disabling-links-with-jquery 'doneContainer 2' style display none Loading... div jquery asp.net mvc share improve this question To modify the link's text inside your function simply use this.text 'New Text ' To disable other text we'd have to see the source of the page...
jQuery: how to trigger anchor link's click event http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6068266/jquery-how-to-trigger-anchor-links-click-event how to trigger anchor link's click event I have a anchor link like a id myanchor href http google.com target _blank Google a Now i need to open href..
Overlapping elements - HTML, CSS, and jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6302824/overlapping-elements-html-css-and-jquery to keep track of positioned elements and take that into account when calculating their position. You should save each link's position and calculate every next link's position according to previous already positioned links. There's simply no other.. take that into account when calculating their position. You should save each link's position and calculate every next link's position according to previous already positioned links. There's simply no other way when you want random positions and..
Load Wordpress post content into DIV using AJAX http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7526113/load-wordpress-post-content-into-div-using-ajax post ID right now is because it seems it's the only part of the equation that isn't right the post ID loads into the link's rel attribute but fails to load into the .load function. Just to give you a better idea of what I've gotten in my markup.. in the .load function. It seemed that the post ID was just not sufficient to load the post into defined DIV. 2. Change link's rel attribute from post ID to post permalink I decided that since the post ID was clearly not working I would instead use.. permalink I decided that since the post ID was clearly not working I would instead use the post's permalink tag in the link's rel attribute. This is how it link's rel looked like previously a class trick rel php the_ID href php the_permalink a And..
jQuery - why does delegate propagate, even after ``e.preventDefault();`` is called? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8288507/jquery-why-does-delegate-propagate-even-after-e-preventdefault-is-call the Div alert and the Div alert. I'm unclear why this is happening since I'm attempting to stop propagation from the link's click handler. JavaScript 'body' .delegate '.outer' 'click' function e e.preventDefault alert 'Div' 'body' .delegate '.outer..
jQueryUI Autocomplete - how to match search words with a list of keywords and show the matched results? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9040137/jqueryui-autocomplete-how-to-match-search-words-with-a-list-of-keywords-and-sh text into the search box '#searchTerms' .val ui.item.label return false select function event ui Put the selected link's label in the text box and redirect to the url '#searchTerms' .val ui.item.label Redirect to the page using .href so the..
Bypass popup blocker on window.open when JQuery event.preventDefault() is set http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9514698/bypass-popup-blocker-on-window-open-when-jquery-event-preventdefault-is-set navigate to the page as referenced by 'href' tag of whose click event is in question. I am able to call a function on link's click event. This function now checks the said condition by executing another URL that executes my Spring controller and..