jquery Programming Glossary: lineheight
How to determine a 'line-height' using Javascript (jQuery)? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1185151/how-to-determine-a-line-height-using-javascript-jquery font size which you can see and multiply it by 1.5 which is fairly standard var fontSize el .css 'font size' var lineHeight Math.floor parseInt fontSize.replace 'px' '' 1.5 Yeah it's a bit gross but it will work just fine for things like determining..
Given a textarea, is there a way to restrict length based on # of lines? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7519337/given-a-textarea-is-there-a-way-to-restrict-length-based-on-of-lines 0 return var areaWidth textarea.width var oldHeight textarea.css height var oldOverflow textarea.css overflow y var lineHeight parseFloat textarea.css line height var maxTxtHeight maxLines lineHeight px Calculations for an efficient determination.. var oldOverflow textarea.css overflow y var lineHeight parseFloat textarea.css line height var maxTxtHeight maxLines lineHeight px Calculations for an efficient determination var fontstyles font size textarea.css font size fontstyles font family textarea.css.. Math.round is necessary to deal with browser specific interpretations of height if Math.round temparea.scrollHeight lineHeight maxLines textarea.value textarea.style.visibility hidden if oldOverflow scroll textarea.style.overflowY hidden textarea.style.height..