jquery Programming Glossary: list.children
Make ul list work like select input http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15700834/make-ul-list-work-like-select-input highlighted highlighted.prev .length 0 highlighted.prev list.children .last scroll break case 40 highlight highlighted highlighted.next.. highlighted highlighted.next .length 0 highlighted.next list.children .first scroll break case 13 if highlighted select highlighted..
jQuery - sort DIVs by className http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5076844/jquery-sort-divs-by-classname the list items and return them as an array. var listitems list.children 'div' .get Sort the array using the funcSort . listitems.sort..
jQuery in Magento http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8933199/jquery-in-magento function var active 0 starts at zero var list jQuery 'ul' list.children 'li' .eq '0' .siblings .hide Hide all except first list element.. jQuery '.next' .bind 'click' function active active list.children 'li' .length 1 0 active 1 jQuery '.prev' .bind 'click' function.. 1 jQuery '.prev' .bind 'click' function active active 0 list.children 'li' .length 1 active 1 var getActive function return list.children..
Make ul list work like select input http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15700834/make-ul-list-work-like-select-input event unbind switch event.keyCode case 38 highlight highlighted highlighted.prev .length 0 highlighted.prev list.children .last scroll break case 40 highlight highlighted highlighted.next .length 0 highlighted.next list.children .first scroll.. list.children .last scroll break case 40 highlight highlighted highlighted.next .length 0 highlighted.next list.children .first scroll break case 13 if highlighted select highlighted break bind .fn.scrollTo function target options..
jQuery - sort DIVs by className http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5076844/jquery-sort-divs-by-classname Select the list element. var list listElementSelector Select the list items and return them as an array. var listitems list.children 'div' .get Sort the array using the funcSort . listitems.sort funcSort Go through each of the array entries and append them..
jQuery in Magento http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8933199/jquery-in-magento script type text javascript CDATA jQuery document .ready function var active 0 starts at zero var list jQuery 'ul' list.children 'li' .eq '0' .siblings .hide Hide all except first list element jQuery '.next' .bind 'click' function active active list.children.. 'li' .eq '0' .siblings .hide Hide all except first list element jQuery '.next' .bind 'click' function active active list.children 'li' .length 1 0 active 1 jQuery '.prev' .bind 'click' function active active 0 list.children 'li' .length 1 active 1.. active active list.children 'li' .length 1 0 active 1 jQuery '.prev' .bind 'click' function active active 0 list.children 'li' .length 1 active 1 var getActive function return list.children 'li' .eq active jQuery '.prev .next' .bind 'click'..