jquery Programming Glossary: linewidth
jqPlot resizing http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10191122/jqplot-resizing highlighter show true sizeAdjust 7.5 seriesDefaults lineWidth 3 series chSeries legend show true location 'sw' compass..
Programatically set the marker on a plot http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10415683/programatically-set-the-marker-on-a-plot Change our line width and use a diamond shaped marker. lineWidth 2 color 'red' markerOptions style 'dimaond' color 'black'.. thicker 5 pixel line and 10 pixel filled square markers. lineWidth 5 markerOptions style filledSquare size 10 cursor show..
jqPlot : how to color parts of background / grid with several different colors http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10837997/jqplot-how-to-color-parts-of-background-grid-with-several-different-colors but it spread horizontally not vertically. About the lineWidth properties the value is defined in pixel. Therefore you can.. 20 stop new Date '2012 01 13' .getTime 20 lineWidth 1000 color 'rgba 255 0 0 0.45 ' shadow false lineCap 'butt'.. 20 stop new Date '2012 01 14' .getTime 20 lineWidth 1000 color 'rgba 255 0 0 0.45 ' shadow false lineCap 'butt'..
jqplot set default value http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14520646/jqplot-set-default-value tickInterval '1 minute' yaxis min 0 series lineWidth 4 color '#000000' markerOptions style 'square' javascript..
How to create a historgram from json http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16693793/how-to-create-a-historgram-from-json style fontSize '8px' fontWeight 'normal' color '#333' lineWidth 0 lineColor '#999' tickLength 70 tickColor '#ccc' yAxis title..
How to label Google Column Chart bars http://stackoverflow.com/questions/17047650/how-to-label-google-column-chart-bars width 600 series 0 type 'bars' 1 type 'line' color 'grey' lineWidth 0 pointSize 0 visibleInLegend false vAxis maxValue 100 share..
Finding line-wraps http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3738490/finding-line-wraps '14px' maxLineWidth parseInt maxLineWidth 10 newlinesAt lineWidth 0 lastSpace null text text.replace s g ' ' .each text function.. ' ' .each text function i char var width char_width char 0 lineWidth width if ^ s .test char lastSpace i console.log i char lineWidth.. width if ^ s .test char lastSpace i console.log i char lineWidth width if lineWidth maxLineWidth newlinesAt.push lastSpace i..
How to draw number lines using HTML http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4182494/how-to-draw-number-lines-using-html with ctx fillStyle '#000' fillRect 0 0 w h fill beginPath lineWidth 2 strokeStyle '#f00' moveTo w 7 h 2 lineTo 6 w 7 h 2 stroke.. 2 stroke for var i 10 i 10 i beginPath strokeStyle '#0f0' lineWidth 2 moveTo w 2 i 20 h 2 20 lineTo w 2 i 20 h 2 20 fillStyle '#ff0'.. h 2 20 fillStyle '#ff0' fillText i w 2 i 20 5 h 2 35 if i lineWidth 4 strokeStyle '#f0f' fill stroke see in Action I guess you..
Best method for passing Data from Java/JSF2 bean to Javascript/jQuery Components http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7930047/best-method-for-passing-data-from-java-jsf2-bean-to-javascript-jquery-components 0 Highcharts.getOptions .colors 0 1 'rgba 2 0 0 0 ' lineWidth 1 marker enabled false states hover enabled true radius.. enabled true radius 5 shadow false states hover lineWidth 1 series name 'Random data' data function generate an..
jqPlot resizing http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10191122/jqplot-resizing formatString ' .2f' textColor 'black' fontSize '11px' highlighter show true sizeAdjust 7.5 seriesDefaults lineWidth 3 series chSeries legend show true location 'sw' compass direction nw n ne e se s sw w. xoffset 5 yoffset 5 placement..
Programatically set the marker on a plot http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10415683/programatically-set-the-marker-on-a-plot are specified as an array of objects one object series Change our line width and use a diamond shaped marker. lineWidth 2 color 'red' markerOptions style 'dimaond' color 'black' Don't show a line just show markers. Make the markers.. circlular markers. markerOptions style circle Use a thicker 5 pixel line and 10 pixel filled square markers. lineWidth 5 markerOptions style filledSquare size 10 cursor show true showTooltip true '#chartdiv' .bind 'jqplotDataClick'..
jqPlot : how to color parts of background / grid with several different colors http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10837997/jqplot-how-to-color-parts-of-background-grid-with-several-different-colors The width parameter is still used to display the line as a column but it spread horizontally not vertically. About the lineWidth properties the value is defined in pixel. Therefore you can set the value with the graph container height to be sure and.. true objects line start new Date '2012 01 12' .getTime 20 stop new Date '2012 01 13' .getTime 20 lineWidth 1000 color 'rgba 255 0 0 0.45 ' shadow false lineCap 'butt' line start new Date '2012 01 13' .getTime.. 'butt' line start new Date '2012 01 13' .getTime 20 stop new Date '2012 01 14' .getTime 20 lineWidth 1000 color 'rgba 255 0 0 0.45 ' shadow false lineCap 'butt' jquery jquery plugins graph jqplot share..
jqplot set default value http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14520646/jqplot-set-default-value 90 fontSize 5pt formatString ' I M p ' min '11 00 AM' tickInterval '1 minute' yaxis min 0 series lineWidth 4 color '#000000' markerOptions style 'square' javascript jquery jqplot share improve this question You..
How to create a historgram from json http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16693793/how-to-create-a-historgram-from-json ' 88.38 91.19' ' 91.19 94.00' labels rotation 90 y 40 style fontSize '8px' fontWeight 'normal' color '#333' lineWidth 0 lineColor '#999' tickLength 70 tickColor '#ccc' yAxis title text '' maxPadding 0 gridLineColor '#e9e9e9' tickWidth 1 tickLength..
How to label Google Column Chart bars http://stackoverflow.com/questions/17047650/how-to-label-google-column-chart-bars
Finding line-wraps http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3738490/finding-line-wraps .getFontSizeCharObject char_width font_size_char 'Times' '14px' maxLineWidth parseInt maxLineWidth 10 newlinesAt lineWidth 0 lastSpace null text text.replace s g ' ' .each text function i char var width char_width char 0 lineWidth width if ^ s.. newlinesAt lineWidth 0 lastSpace null text text.replace s g ' ' .each text function i char var width char_width char 0 lineWidth width if ^ s .test char lastSpace i console.log i char lineWidth width if lineWidth maxLineWidth newlinesAt.push lastSpace.. text function i char var width char_width char 0 lineWidth width if ^ s .test char lastSpace i console.log i char lineWidth width if lineWidth maxLineWidth newlinesAt.push lastSpace i lineWidth width lastSpace null .each newlinesAt function i..
How to draw number lines using HTML http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4182494/how-to-draw-number-lines-using-html '2d' var w canvas.width 700 var h canvas.height 400 with ctx fillStyle '#000' fillRect 0 0 w h fill beginPath lineWidth 2 strokeStyle '#f00' moveTo w 7 h 2 lineTo 6 w 7 h 2 stroke for var i 10 i 10 i beginPath strokeStyle '#0f0' lineWidth 2.. lineWidth 2 strokeStyle '#f00' moveTo w 7 h 2 lineTo 6 w 7 h 2 stroke for var i 10 i 10 i beginPath strokeStyle '#0f0' lineWidth 2 moveTo w 2 i 20 h 2 20 lineTo w 2 i 20 h 2 20 fillStyle '#ff0' fillText i w 2 i 20 5 h 2 35 if i lineWidth 4 strokeStyle.. '#0f0' lineWidth 2 moveTo w 2 i 20 h 2 20 lineTo w 2 i 20 h 2 20 fillStyle '#ff0' fillText i w 2 i 20 5 h 2 35 if i lineWidth 4 strokeStyle '#f0f' fill stroke see in Action I guess you can add your own module according to ur requirement share..
Best method for passing Data from Java/JSF2 bean to Javascript/jQuery Components http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7930047/best-method-for-passing-data-from-java-jsf2-bean-to-javascript-jquery-components plotOptions area fillColor linearGradient 0 0 0 100 stops 0 Highcharts.getOptions .colors 0 1 'rgba 2 0 0 0 ' lineWidth 1 marker enabled false states hover enabled true radius 5 shadow false states hover lineWidth 1 series.. 0 0 ' lineWidth 1 marker enabled false states hover enabled true radius 5 shadow false states hover lineWidth 1 series name 'Random data' data function generate an array of random data var data time new Date .getTime i..