jquery Programming Glossary: line
Why is gridview:true used for and what does it mean? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12513004/why-is-gridviewtrue-used-for-and-what-does-it-mean HTML fragments. Later jqGrid call jQuery.append in the line which set internally innerHTML property to set the whole HTML..
Fancybox doesn't work with jQuery v1.9.0 [ f.browser is undefined / Cannot read property 'msie' ] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14344289/fancybox-doesnt-work-with-jquery-v1-9-0-f-browser-is-undefined-cannot-read not pack version with a text html editor. Find around the line 29 where it says isIE6 .browser.msie .browser.version 7 window.XMLHttpRequest.. .browser.msie by navigator.userAgent.match msie 6 i around line 615 and or replace all .browser.msie instances if any thanks..
jQuery Mobile: Markup Enhancement of dynamically added content http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14550396/jquery-mobile-markup-enhancement-of-dynamically-added-content Method 2 Second option is to do it manually with this line data role none Example http jsfiddle.net Gajotres LqDke Method..
How do I “think in AngularJS” if I have a jQuery background? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14994391/how-do-i-think-in-angularjs-if-i-have-a-jquery-background elaborate solutions with jQuery plugins of 150 or 200 lines of code that they then glue into AngularJS with a collection.. becomes comprehensible and straightforward. The bottom line is this when solutioning first think in AngularJS if you can't..
jQuery: How to position one element relative to another? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/158070/jquery-how-to-position-one-element-relative-to-another #menu element is use this .append #menu just before the line that positions the #menu element. But it still doesn't work..
Add table row in jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/171027/add-table-row-in-jquery Weighing everything up I'm not sure there is a single one line solution that accounts for every single possible scenario. You..
jQueryUI: how can I custom-format the Autocomplete plug-in results? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2435964/jqueryui-how-can-i-custom-format-the-autocomplete-plug-in-results used for the formatting of the completed part. It's an inline style. This means if you had multiple autocompletes on the same.. opposed to using the case of the typed characters use this line var t item.label.replace re span style 'font weight bold color..
jQuery document.createElement equivalent? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/268490/jquery-document-createelement-equivalent share improve this question here's your example in one line. this. OuterDiv ' div div ' .hide .append ' table table ' .attr..
What does (function($) {})(jQuery); mean? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2937227/what-does-function-jquery-mean three small plugins but I have been simply copying the line into all my plugins without actually knowing what it means... scope once it's returned the function is executed using line 4 maybe reading through these steps will help 1. function ....
What is console.log and how do I use it? [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4743730/what-is-console-log-and-how-do-i-use-it Possible Duplicate What is console.log I see this line in a lot of jQuery scripts out there. I assume it's used for..
Chrome Uncaught Syntax Error: Unexpected Token ILLEGAL [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5733275/chrome-uncaught-syntax-error-unexpected-token-illegal load the script file on the page. It says it's at the last line of the javascript file. I can't seem to find anything wrong.. character at the end of that source. Try deleting the last line and adding it back. I can't figure out exactly what's there.. copy paste that last function including the complete last line into the Chrome console I get your error. share improve this..
JQuery, Spring MVC @RequestBody and JSON - making it work together http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5908466/jquery-spring-mvc-requestbody-and-json-making-it-work-together test this setup by executing mvn jetty run on the command line and then sending a POST request URL http localhost 8080 test..
jqgrid server side error message/validation handling http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6960208/jqgrid-server-side-error-message-validation-handling Every HTTP response has the status code in the first line of the response. It's very important to understand the meaning.. the URL which try to load not exist for example the first line of the server response will be HTTP 1.1 404 Not Found and jqGrid.. class ui icon ui icon alert style float left display inline block margin right .3em span ' if textStatus errorText textStatus..
Origin null is not allowed by Access-Control-Allow-Origin http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8456538/origin-null-is-not-allowed-by-access-control-allow-origin
Remove close button on jQueryUI Dialog? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/896777/remove-close-button-on-jqueryui-dialog I have found this worked in the end note the third line overriding the open function which find the button and hides..
jqPlot : how to color parts of background / grid with several different colors http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10837997/jqplot-how-to-color-parts-of-background-grid-with-several-different-colors of the background using the line option instead of verticalLine option. The fact is that with verticalLine developers must deal.. of verticalLine option. The fact is that with verticalLine developers must deal with the line width.So it is difficult.. spreads from the centre of the line and not from a border. Line option permits to set a start and end points to set the exact..
IE issue - Object.keys(value).length not supported http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13723805/ie-issue-object-keysvalue-length-not-supported Message Object doesn't support this property or method Line 640 Char 5 Code 0 URI xxx At first I thought it had something..
Fancybox doesn't work with jQuery v1.9.0 [ f.browser is undefined / Cannot read property 'msie' ] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14344289/fancybox-doesnt-work-with-jquery-v1-9-0-f-browser-is-undefined-cannot-read Source File ...fancybox jquery.fancybox 1.3.4.pack.js Line 18 ... other errors Uncaught TypeError Cannot read property.. Source File h... fancybox2.1.3 jquery.fancybox.js Line 139 If you are using this to call jQuery script src http code.jquery.com..
Access to restricted URI denied“ code: ”1012 - Cross domain Ajax request http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1681470/access-to-restricted-uri-denied-code-1012-cross-domain-ajax-request location http testsite assets scripts jquery 1.3.2.js Line 19 Source File http testsite assets scripts jquery 1.3.2.js.. Source File http testsite assets scripts jquery 1.3.2.js Line 19 I have checkout the following links too Access to restricted..
Greasemonkey @require jQuery not working “Component not available” http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2077714/greasemonkey-require-jquery-not-working-component-not-available Profiles xo9xhovo.default gm_scripts myscript jquerymin.js Line 36 This stops my greasemonkey code from running. I've made sure.. Source File file Users Greg Documents myscript.user.js Line 1 Column 1 Source Code UserScript javascript jquery firefox..
How do I make jQuery Contains case insensitive, including jQuery 1.8+? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2196641/how-do-i-make-jquery-contains-case-insensitive-including-jquery-1-8 q is not a function Source File js jquery 1.4.js ver 1.4 Line 81 Here's where I'm using it 'input.preset' .keyup function..
What does (function($) {})(jQuery); mean? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2937227/what-does-function-jquery-mean place let's break it down a little. 1. 2. function 3. 4. Line 2 is a plain function wrapped in parenthesis to tell the runtime..
Choosing Mobile Web HTML5 Framework [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5063117/choosing-mobile-web-html5-framework but I would consider the documentation sparse. Bottom Line 1. jQuery mobile as long as your app is not enterprise centric..
Hide A DIV if screen is narrower than 1024px http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5277872/hide-a-div-if-screen-is-narrower-than-1024px 11 31 32 UTC Message Expected identifier string or number Line 140 Char 1 Code 0 URI www.itsdaniel0.com 2011 03 unicorns are.. Message Object doesn't support this property or method Line 16 Char 1 Code 0 URI dl.dropbox.com u 17087195 website sidebar_size.js.. 'twttr.anywhere._instances' is null or not an object Line 1 Char 5207 Code 0 URI platform.twitter.com anywhere.js id 6vIPELyEeU5vcSc3c0Q5w..
Using JQuery to call a WebMethod http://stackoverflow.com/questions/563133/using-jquery-to-call-a-webmethod value identifiers in your data JSON literal aren't quoted. Line 17 should be data 'text' ' search ' Then all will work as expected...
event delegation vs direct binding when adding complex elements to a page http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8827430/event-delegation-vs-direct-binding-when-adding-complex-elements-to-a-page class sortable li header class show after collapse Top Line Info header section class hide after collapse ol class sortable.. sortable connected li header class show after collapse Top Line Info header section class hide after collapse div Content A..
$('<element>') vs $('<element />') in jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9675487/element-vs-element-in-jquery no difference as seen in the source code line 30 line 121 Line 30 rsingleTag ^ w s 1 Line 121 If a single string is passed.. source code line 30 line 121 Line 30 rsingleTag ^ w s 1 Line 121 If a single string is passed in and it's a single tag just..
Uploading Image to Amazon s3 with HTML, javascript & jQuery with Ajax Request (No PHP) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11240127/uploading-image-to-amazon-s3-with-html-javascript-jquery-with-ajax-request-n 'https yourbucket .s3.amazonaws.com ' true MUST BE LAST LINE BEFORE YOU SEND xhr.send fd Helper functions function uploadProgress..
JQuery AJAX exception only in Firefox: “Node cannot be inserted at the specified point in the hierarchy” (HierarchyRequestError) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11441020/jquery-ajax-exception-only-in-firefox-node-cannot-be-inserted-at-the-specified getmsas ' state function data #msas .html data html ABOVE LINE IS THE FIX return false Again I need to investigate why this..
It is not inserting data into database http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14554847/it-is-not-inserting-data-into-database Handle errors with prepare operation here echo __LINE__.' '. mysqli error imagequestionsql INSERT INTO Image_Question.. Handle errors with prepare operation here echo __LINE__.' '. mysqli error make sure both prepared statements succeeded.. execute if insert errno Handle query error here echo __LINE__.' '. insert error break 1 questionId mysqli insert_id question_ids..
Strange code in jQuery sources: var !== var ? x : y; http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14772076/strange-code-in-jquery-sources-var-var-x-y escaped 0x10000 NaN means non codepoint return high high LINE 129 escaped BMP codepoint high 0 String.fromCharCode high 0x10000..
Horizontal scroll on mouseMove - wide div in smaller div with overflow:hidden (Can't get the math to work) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16050564/horizontal-scroll-on-mousemove-wide-div-in-smaller-div-with-overflowhidden-c wDiff 10 Add to CSS .thumbs block position relative THIS LINE overflow hidden background #ccc margin 0 5px width 714px height.. background #ccc margin 0 5px width 714px height 142px THIS LINE .thumbs ALL position absolute margin left 0 WILL BE CONTROLLED..
Add,Update and delete records of database using jquery datatables http://stackoverflow.com/questions/18846999/add-update-and-delete-records-of-database-using-jquery-datatables gaSql 'db' test gaSql 'server' localhost REMOVE THIS LINE it just includes my SQL connection user pass include _SERVER..
Send JQuery JSON to WCF REST using date http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4474352/send-jquery-json-to-wcf-rest-using-date function var date ' Date ' this.getTime ' ' CHANGED LINE return date You also need to convert the dates to UTC time or..
javascript not working in the new part when loading a new part using jquery and HTML 5 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6173570/javascript-not-working-in-the-new-part-when-loading-a-new-part-using-jquery-and ' var disqus_developer 1 DON'T EDIT BELOW THIS LINE function var dsq document.createElement 'script' dsq.type 'text..
jqGrid, ASP.NET, JSON is Driving me crazy. Please Help http://stackoverflow.com/questions/723801/jqgrid-asp-net-json-is-driving-me-crazy-please-help mygrid.addJSONData jeval myjsongrid.rows This is ERROR LINE myjsongrid null myjsongridParsed null result null success..
How to dynamically add a div using JQuery? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/953415/how-to-dynamically-add-a-div-using-jquery .click function e ADD THE FOLLOWING LINE TO PREVENT THE POSTBACK P.S. Make sure you pass e to this function.....
Why is gridview:true used for and what does it mean? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12513004/why-is-gridviewtrue-used-for-and-what-does-it-mean then jqGrid collect the content of all rows as strings with HTML fragments. Later jqGrid call jQuery.append in the line which set internally innerHTML property to set the whole HTML fragment on the page. Because of the same reason you should..
Fancybox doesn't work with jQuery v1.9.0 [ f.browser is undefined / Cannot read property 'msie' ] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14344289/fancybox-doesnt-work-with-jquery-v1-9-0-f-browser-is-undefined-cannot-read follow Open the jquery.fancybox 1.3.4.js file full version not pack version with a text html editor. Find around the line 29 where it says isIE6 .browser.msie .browser.version 7 window.XMLHttpRequest and replace it by EDITED March 19 2013 more.. 6 i window.XMLHttpRequest UPDATE March 19 2013 Also replace .browser.msie by navigator.userAgent.match msie 6 i around line 615 and or replace all .browser.msie instances if any thanks joofow ... that's it Or download the already patched version..
jQuery Mobile: Markup Enhancement of dynamically added content http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14550396/jquery-mobile-markup-enhancement-of-dynamically-added-content false this .attr 'data enhance' 'true' this .trigger pagecreate Method 2 Second option is to do it manually with this line data role none Example http jsfiddle.net Gajotres LqDke Method 3 Certain HTML elements can be prevented from markup enhancement..
How do I “think in AngularJS” if I have a jQuery background? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14994391/how-do-i-think-in-angularjs-if-i-have-a-jquery-background seen many developers here and on the mailing list create these elaborate solutions with jQuery plugins of 150 or 200 lines of code that they then glue into AngularJS with a collection of callbacks and apply s that are confusing and convoluted.. AngularJS in a fraction of the code where suddenly everything becomes comprehensible and straightforward. The bottom line is this when solutioning first think in AngularJS if you can't think of a solution ask the community if after all of that..
jQuery: How to position one element relative to another? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/158070/jquery-how-to-position-one-element-relative-to-another you don't have nested CSS rules that care where in the DOM the #menu element is use this .append #menu just before the line that positions the #menu element. But it still doesn't work You might have some weird layout that doesn't work with this..
Add table row in jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/171027/add-table-row-in-jquery tbody elements and the row would get added to each of them. Weighing everything up I'm not sure there is a single one line solution that accounts for every single possible scenario. You will need to make sure the jQuery code tallies with your..
jQueryUI: how can I custom-format the Autocomplete plug-in results? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2435964/jqueryui-how-can-i-custom-format-the-autocomplete-plug-in-results obj ought to be re used for all items. there's no css class used for the formatting of the completed part. It's an inline style. This means if you had multiple autocompletes on the same page they'd all get the same treatment. A css style would.. ezifi 4 To preserve the case of the match strings as opposed to using the case of the typed characters use this line var t item.label.replace re span style 'font weight bold color Blue ' span In other words starting from the original code..
jQuery document.createElement equivalent? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/268490/jquery-document-createelement-equivalent I'm not sure if this is any better. jquery html dom dhtml share improve this question here's your example in one line. this. OuterDiv ' div div ' .hide .append ' table table ' .attr cellSpacing 0 .addClass text Update I thought I'd update..
What does (function($) {})(jQuery); mean? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2937227/what-does-function-jquery-mean I am just starting out with writing jQuery plugins. I wrote three small plugins but I have been simply copying the line into all my plugins without actually knowing what it means. Can someone tell me a little more about these Perhaps an explanation.. to tell the runtime to return the function to the parent scope once it's returned the function is executed using line 4 maybe reading through these steps will help 1. function .. 2. 1 3. 2 You can see that 1 is the declaration 2 is returning..
What is console.log and how do I use it? [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4743730/what-is-console-log-and-how-do-i-use-it is console.log and how do I use it duplicate Possible Duplicate What is console.log I see this line in a lot of jQuery scripts out there. I assume it's used for debug. Where can I see this log javascript jquery share..
Chrome Uncaught Syntax Error: Unexpected Token ILLEGAL [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5733275/chrome-uncaught-syntax-error-unexpected-token-illegal ILLEGAL Receiving the subject error when Chrome tries to load the script file on the page. It says it's at the last line of the javascript file. I can't seem to find anything wrong with it. No errors in firefox and the script works as expected... share improve this question There's some sort of bogus character at the end of that source. Try deleting the last line and adding it back. I can't figure out exactly what's there yet ... edit &mdash I think it's a zero width space Unicode..
JQuery, Spring MVC @RequestBody and JSON - making it work together http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5908466/jquery-spring-mvc-requestbody-and-json-making-it-work-together multiplication this.multiplication multiplication You can test this setup by executing mvn jetty run on the command line and then sending a POST request URL http localhost 8080 test math mime type application json post body left 13 right 7 I..
jqgrid server side error message/validation handling http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6960208/jqgrid-server-side-error-message-validation-handling with the server are implemented with respect of HTTP protocol. Every HTTP response has the status code in the first line of the response. It's very important to understand the meaning of this. The typical successful request with JSON data looks.. 200 OK ... Content Type application json ... page 1 .... If the URL which try to load not exist for example the first line of the server response will be HTTP 1.1 404 Not Found and jqGrid based on the HTTP status code 404 in the case will not.. var htmlBody errorInfo i errorText '' errorIconSpan ' span class ui icon ui icon alert style float left display inline block margin right .3em span ' if textStatus errorText textStatus if errorThrown if errorText.length 0 errorText ' hr..
Origin null is not allowed by Access-Control-Allow-Origin http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8456538/origin-null-is-not-allowed-by-access-control-allow-origin
Remove close button on jQueryUI Dialog? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/896777/remove-close-button-on-jqueryui-dialog jquery jquery ui jquery ui dialog share improve this question I have found this worked in the end note the third line overriding the open function which find the button and hides it #div2 .dialog closeOnEscape false open function event ui..
jqPlot : how to color parts of background / grid with several different colors http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10837997/jqplot-how-to-color-parts-of-background-grid-with-several-different-colors suggestion I developed a better way to highlight a part of the background using the line option instead of verticalLine option. The fact is that with verticalLine developers must deal with the line width.So it is difficult to obtain what you.. highlight a part of the background using the line option instead of verticalLine option. The fact is that with verticalLine developers must deal with the line width.So it is difficult to obtain what you need because the width of the line spreads.. to obtain what you need because the width of the line spreads from the centre of the line and not from a border. Line option permits to set a start and end points to set the exact part of the background to highlight. The width parameter is..
IE issue - Object.keys(value).length not supported http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13723805/ie-issue-object-keysvalue-length-not-supported numberOfColumns Object.keys value .length And the error is... Message Object doesn't support this property or method Line 640 Char 5 Code 0 URI xxx At first I thought it had something to do with the Object.keys value .length property but strangely..
Fancybox doesn't work with jQuery v1.9.0 [ f.browser is undefined / Cannot read property 'msie' ] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14344289/fancybox-doesnt-work-with-jquery-v1-9-0-f-browser-is-undefined-cannot-read 15 01 2013 10 03 28 AM Error TypeError b.browser is undefined Source File ...fancybox jquery.fancybox 1.3.4.pack.js Line 18 ... other errors Uncaught TypeError Cannot read property 'msie' of undefined jquery.fancybox 1.3.4.pack.js 18 Uncaught.. 15 01 2013 10 09 58 AM Error TypeError .browser is undefined Source File h... fancybox2.1.3 jquery.fancybox.js Line 139 If you are using this to call jQuery script src http code.jquery.com jquery latest.js script ... any of your existing..
Access to restricted URI denied“ code: ”1012 - Cross domain Ajax request http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1681470/access-to-restricted-uri-denied-code-1012-cross-domain-ajax-request URI denied code 1012 nsresult 0x805303f4 NS_ERROR_DOM_BAD_URI location http testsite assets scripts jquery 1.3.2.js Line 19 Source File http testsite assets scripts jquery 1.3.2.js Line 19 I have checkout the following links too Access to restricted.. location http testsite assets scripts jquery 1.3.2.js Line 19 Source File http testsite assets scripts jquery 1.3.2.js Line 19 I have checkout the following links too Access to restricted URI denied code 1012 .ajax url redirectURL ' callback '..
Greasemonkey @require jQuery not working “Component not available” http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2077714/greasemonkey-require-jquery-not-working-component-not-available File file Users greg Library Application 20Support Firefox Profiles xo9xhovo.default gm_scripts myscript jquerymin.js Line 36 This stops my greasemonkey code from running. I've made sure I included the @require for jQuery and saved my js file.. when installing a Greasemonkey script Error not well formed Source File file Users Greg Documents myscript.user.js Line 1 Column 1 Source Code UserScript javascript jquery firefox addon greasemonkey share improve this question Ok so i..
How do I make jQuery Contains case insensitive, including jQuery 1.8+? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2196641/how-do-i-make-jquery-contains-case-insensitive-including-jquery-1-8 .indexOf m 3 .toUpperCase 0 Here is the error Error q is not a function Source File js jquery 1.4.js ver 1.4 Line 81 Here's where I'm using it 'input.preset' .keyup function this .next .find li .removeClass bold var theMatch this .val..
What does (function($) {})(jQuery); mean? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2937227/what-does-function-jquery-mean looks like function is mealy a function that is executed in place let's break it down a little. 1. 2. function 3. 4. Line 2 is a plain function wrapped in parenthesis to tell the runtime to return the function to the parent scope once it's returned..
Choosing Mobile Web HTML5 Framework [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5063117/choosing-mobile-web-html5-framework in the framework. It is a fairly straight forward framework but I would consider the documentation sparse. Bottom Line 1. jQuery mobile as long as your app is not enterprise centric 2. Sencha Touch if your application is enterprise centric..
Hide A DIV if screen is narrower than 1024px http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5277872/hide-a-div-if-screen-is-narrower-than-1024px .NET4.0C .NET4.0E InfoPath.2 Timestamp Sat 12 Mar 2011 11 31 32 UTC Message Expected identifier string or number Line 140 Char 1 Code 0 URI www.itsdaniel0.com 2011 03 unicorns are cool Message Object doesn't support this property or method.. Char 1 Code 0 URI www.itsdaniel0.com 2011 03 unicorns are cool Message Object doesn't support this property or method Line 16 Char 1 Code 0 URI dl.dropbox.com u 17087195 website sidebar_size.js Message 'twttr.anywhere._instances' is null or not.. 0 URI dl.dropbox.com u 17087195 website sidebar_size.js Message 'twttr.anywhere._instances' is null or not an object Line 1 Char 5207 Code 0 URI platform.twitter.com anywhere.js id 6vIPELyEeU5vcSc3c0Q5w v 1 Message 'twttr.anywhere._instances'..
Using JQuery to call a WebMethod http://stackoverflow.com/questions/563133/using-jquery-to-call-a-webmethod JSON Primitive. The reason for that is because the key value identifiers in your data JSON literal aren't quoted. Line 17 should be data 'text' ' search ' Then all will work as expected. Note The suggested data test search will not work. If..
event delegation vs direct binding when adding complex elements to a page http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8827430/event-delegation-vs-direct-binding-when-adding-complex-elements-to-a-page markup like this classes are just for explication ol id root class sortable li header class show after collapse Top Line Info header section class hide after collapse ol class sortable connected li header class show after collapse Top Line Info.. Line Info header section class hide after collapse ol class sortable connected li header class show after collapse Top Line Info header section class hide after collapse div Content A div section li ol section li li header section class hide after..
$('<element>') vs $('<element />') in jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9675487/element-vs-element-in-jquery one is used jquery share improve this question There is no difference as seen in the source code line 30 line 121 Line 30 rsingleTag ^ w s 1 Line 121 If a single string is passed in and it's a single tag just do a createElement and skip the.. improve this question There is no difference as seen in the source code line 30 line 121 Line 30 rsingleTag ^ w s 1 Line 121 If a single string is passed in and it's a single tag just do a createElement and skip the rest ret rsingleTag.exec..
Uploading Image to Amazon s3 with HTML, javascript & jQuery with Ajax Request (No PHP) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11240127/uploading-image-to-amazon-s3-with-html-javascript-jquery-with-ajax-request-n abort uploadCanceled false xhr.open 'POST' 'https yourbucket .s3.amazonaws.com ' true MUST BE LAST LINE BEFORE YOU SEND xhr.send fd Helper functions function uploadProgress evt if evt.lengthComputable var percentComplete Math.round..
JQuery AJAX exception only in Firefox: “Node cannot be inserted at the specified point in the hierarchy” (HierarchyRequestError) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11441020/jquery-ajax-exception-only-in-firefox-node-cannot-be-inserted-at-the-specified selected' .val if state state 0 jQuery.get ' getmsas ' state function data #msas .html data html ABOVE LINE IS THE FIX return false Again I need to investigate why this is Firefox specific this was driving me crazy so hopefully..
It is not inserting data into database http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14554847/it-is-not-inserting-data-into-database INTO Question QuestionNo VALUES if insert mysqli prepare questionsql Handle errors with prepare operation here echo __LINE__.' '. mysqli error imagequestionsql INSERT INTO Image_Question ImageId QuestionId VALUES if insertimagequestion mysqli.. VALUES if insertimagequestion mysqli prepare imagequestionsql Handle errors with prepare operation here echo __LINE__.' '. mysqli error make sure both prepared statements succeeded before proceeding if insert insertimagequestion c count.. _POST 'numQuestion' i insert bind_param i questionNo insert execute if insert errno Handle query error here echo __LINE__.' '. insert error break 1 questionId mysqli insert_id question_ids questionNo questionId imgresults _POST 'imgid' foreach..
Strange code in jQuery sources: var !== var ? x : y; http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14772076/strange-code-in-jquery-sources-var-var-x-y funescape function funescape function _ escaped var high 0x escaped 0x10000 NaN means non codepoint return high high LINE 129 escaped BMP codepoint high 0 String.fromCharCode high 0x10000 Supplemental Plane codepoint surrogate pair String.fromCharCode..
Horizontal scroll on mouseMove - wide div in smaller div with overflow:hidden (Can't get the math to work) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16050564/horizontal-scroll-on-mousemove-wide-div-in-smaller-div-with-overflowhidden-c zeno's paradox equation catching delay th.css marginLeft posX wDiff 10 Add to CSS .thumbs block position relative THIS LINE overflow hidden background #ccc margin 0 5px width 714px height 142px THIS LINE .thumbs ALL position absolute margin left..
Add,Update and delete records of database using jquery datatables http://stackoverflow.com/questions/18846999/add-update-and-delete-records-of-database-using-jquery-datatables connection information gaSql 'user' root gaSql 'password' gaSql 'db' test gaSql 'server' localhost REMOVE THIS LINE it just includes my SQL connection user pass include _SERVER 'DOCUMENT_ROOT' . datatables mysql.php If you just want..
Send JQuery JSON to WCF REST using date http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4474352/send-jquery-json-to-wcf-rest-using-date which I realised thanks to Rick Strahl . Date.prototype.toMSJSON function var date ' Date ' this.getTime ' ' CHANGED LINE return date You also need to convert the dates to UTC time or you get all kinds of funny stuff so var dt ... var dt1 new..
javascript not working in the new part when loading a new part using jquery and HTML 5 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6173570/javascript-not-working-in-the-new-part-when-loading-a-new-part-using-jquery-and n 0 back no' var disqus_url ' php echo main_root. _SERVER 'REQUEST_URI' ' var disqus_developer 1 DON'T EDIT BELOW THIS LINE function var dsq document.createElement 'script' dsq.type 'text javascript' dsq.async true dsq.src 'http ' disqus_shortname..
jqGrid, ASP.NET, JSON is Driving me crazy. Please Help http://stackoverflow.com/questions/723801/jqgrid-asp-net-json-is-driving-me-crazy-please-help var myjsongrid jeval result.d alert myjsongrid.rows mygrid.addJSONData jeval myjsongrid.rows This is ERROR LINE myjsongrid null myjsongridParsed null result null success function data alert 'success ' data error function xhr..
How to dynamically add a div using JQuery? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/953415/how-to-dynamically-add-a-div-using-jquery document ready document .ready function On button click '#imgBtnAddNewLineItem' .click function e ADD THE FOLLOWING LINE TO PREVENT THE POSTBACK P.S. Make sure you pass e to this function... e.preventDefault Increase the lineitemcount lineItemCount..