jquery Programming Glossary: lightness
Special color transition effect with pure jQuery animation // no ui or other libary http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12349958/special-color-transition-effect-with-pure-jquery-animation-no-ui-or-other-lib props hue idx 0 type degrees saturation idx 1 type percent lightness idx 2 type percent r byte floor 0 max 255 percent max 1 degrees..
Get List of jQuery UI themes - from an URL (same-origin-policy) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12611469/get-list-of-jquery-ui-themes-from-an-url-same-origin-policy grinder pepper grinder li li class themes el data theme ui lightness ui lightness li li class themes el data theme ui darkness ui.. grinder li li class themes el data theme ui lightness ui lightness li li class themes el data theme ui darkness ui darkness li..
Are there hosted jQuery UI themes anywhere? [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1348559/are-there-hosted-jquery-ui-themes-anywhere ajax.googleapis.com ajax libs jqueryui 1.7.2 themes ui lightness jquery ui.css type text css media all Substituting the name.. Minified Microsoft CDN Uncompressed Minified ui lightness Google CDN Uncompressed Minified Microsoft CDN Uncompressed..
Best way to start using jQuery in a Zend Framework 1.9 application? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1616857/best-way-to-start-using-jquery-in-a-zend-framework-1-9-application view jQuery addStylesheet ' js jquery css ui lightness jquery ui 1.7.2.custom.css' setLocalPath ' js jquery js jquery..
jquery sortable cannot be dragged outside of accordion http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2040359/jquery-sortable-cannot-be-dragged-outside-of-accordion Sortable Failure Test title link type text css href css ui lightness jquery ui 1.7.2.custom.css rel stylesheet script type text javascript..
getDate with Jquery Datepicker http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2562986/getdate-with-jquery-datepicker html charset iso 8859 1 link type text css href css ui lightness jquery ui 1.8.custom.css rel stylesheet script type text javascript..
How do I get jqGrid to work using ASP.NET + JSON on the backend? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/727502/how-do-i-get-jqgrid-to-work-using-asp-net-json-on-the-backend occured retrieving data ' var gridimgpath ' clm css ui lightness images' document .ready function #testGrid .jqGrid datatype..
Downloading jQuery UI CSS from Google's CDN http://stackoverflow.com/questions/820412/downloading-jquery-ui-css-from-googles-cdn street start sunny swanky purse trontastic ui darkness ui lightness and vader . Themes Compressed black tie blitzer cupertino dark..
How to open Modal pop up in JSF 2 using JQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9434558/how-to-open-modal-pop-up-in-jsf-2-using-jquery ajax.googleapis.com ajax libs jqueryui 1.7.2 themes ui lightness jquery ui.css type text css media all h head h body h panelGroup..
JQuery ui - date picker, disabling specific dates http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9742289/jquery-ui-date-picker-disabling-specific-dates stylesheet type text css href development bundle themes ui lightness jquery.ui.all.css style type text css .ui datepicker .preBooked_class..
Special color transition effect with pure jQuery animation // no ui or other libary http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12349958/special-color-transition-effect-with-pure-jquery-animation-no-ui-or-other-lib 0 type byte green idx 1 type byte blue idx 2 type byte hsla props hue idx 0 type degrees saturation idx 1 type percent lightness idx 2 type percent r byte floor 0 max 255 percent max 1 degrees mod 360 floor 0 t f.support u h p 0 o j h.each u.style.cssText..
Get List of jQuery UI themes - from an URL (same-origin-policy) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12611469/get-list-of-jquery-ui-themes-from-an-url-same-origin-policy smoothness li li class themes el data theme pepper grinder pepper grinder li li class themes el data theme ui lightness ui lightness li li class themes el data theme ui darkness ui darkness li and more ul div Is there a way to get this list.. li li class themes el data theme pepper grinder pepper grinder li li class themes el data theme ui lightness ui lightness li li class themes el data theme ui darkness ui darkness li and more ul div Is there a way to get this list of themes from..
Are there hosted jQuery UI themes anywhere? [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1348559/are-there-hosted-jquery-ui-themes-anywhere by the jqueryui.com source code link rel stylesheet href http ajax.googleapis.com ajax libs jqueryui 1.7.2 themes ui lightness jquery ui.css type text css media all Substituting the name of other themes from the themeroller page seems to work but.. CDN Uncompressed Minified ui darkness Google CDN Uncompressed Minified Microsoft CDN Uncompressed Minified ui lightness Google CDN Uncompressed Minified Microsoft CDN Uncompressed Minified vader Google CDN Uncompressed Minified Microsoft CDN..
Best way to start using jQuery in a Zend Framework 1.9 application? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1616857/best-way-to-start-using-jquery-in-a-zend-framework-1-9-application view addHelperPath ZendX JQuery View Helper ZendX_JQuery_View_Helper view jQuery addStylesheet ' js jquery css ui lightness jquery ui 1.7.2.custom.css' setLocalPath ' js jquery js jquery 1.3.2.min.js' setUiLocalPath ' js jquery js jquery ui 1.7.2.custom.min.js'..
jquery sortable cannot be dragged outside of accordion http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2040359/jquery-sortable-cannot-be-dragged-outside-of-accordion them outside of the accordion. html head title Accordion Sortable Failure Test title link type text css href css ui lightness jquery ui 1.7.2.custom.css rel stylesheet script type text javascript src js jquery 1.3.2.min.js script script type text..
getDate with Jquery Datepicker http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2562986/getdate-with-jquery-datepicker down yet. html head meta http equiv Content Type content text html charset iso 8859 1 link type text css href css ui lightness jquery ui 1.8.custom.css rel stylesheet script type text javascript src js jquery 1.4.2.min.js script script type text javascript..
How do I get jqGrid to work using ASP.NET + JSON on the backend? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/727502/how-do-i-get-jqgrid-to-work-using-asp-net-json-on-the-backend data.d error function data textStatus alert 'An error has occured retrieving data ' var gridimgpath ' clm css ui lightness images' document .ready function #testGrid .jqGrid datatype function pdata getData pdata colNames 'My Id Column' 'My Column'..
Downloading jQuery UI CSS from Google's CDN http://stackoverflow.com/questions/820412/downloading-jquery-ui-css-from-googles-cdn mint choc overcast pepper grinder redmond smoothness south street start sunny swanky purse trontastic ui darkness ui lightness and vader . Themes Compressed black tie blitzer cupertino dark hive dot luv eggplant excite bike flick hot sneaks humanity..
How to open Modal pop up in JSF 2 using JQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9434558/how-to-open-modal-pop-up-in-jsf-2-using-jquery javascript src scripts.js script link rel stylesheet href http ajax.googleapis.com ajax libs jqueryui 1.7.2 themes ui lightness jquery ui.css type text css media all h head h body h panelGroup id idOfDialogPlaceHolder style display none h form prependId..
JQuery ui - date picker, disabling specific dates http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9742289/jquery-ui-date-picker-disabling-specific-dates www.w3.org TR html4 strict.dtd html lang en head link rel stylesheet type text css href development bundle themes ui lightness jquery.ui.all.css style type text css .ui datepicker .preBooked_class background #111111 .ui datepicker .preBooked_class..