jquery Programming Glossary: lastsel
Local form editing demo and jqGrid 4.4.1 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12281463/local-form-editing-demo-and-jqgrid-4-4-1 you can find here . The full code you will find below var lastSel mydata id 1 invdate 2007 10 01 name test note note amount 200.00.. rowid editSettings onSelectRow function id if id id lastSel cancel editing of the previous selected row if it was in editing.. any id parameter if jqGrid not in editing state if typeof lastSel undefined this .jqGrid 'restoreRow' lastSel lastSel id .jqGrid..
jQGrid, how to make a column editable in the add dialog but not during (inline) edits http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4307147/jqgrid-how-to-make-a-column-editable-in-the-add-dialog-but-not-during-inline after the call onSelectRow function id if id id lastSel grid.jqGrid 'restoreRow' lastSel var cm grid.jqGrid 'getColProp'.. function id if id id lastSel grid.jqGrid 'restoreRow' lastSel var cm grid.jqGrid 'getColProp' 'Name' cm.editable false grid.jqGrid.. 'editRow' id true null null 'clientArray' cm.editable true lastSel id You can see this live here . share improve this answer..
jqgrid incorrect select drop down option values in edit box http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4469650/jqgrid-incorrect-select-drop-down-option-values-in-edit-box Holmes id '3' Country '2' State '6' Name Oscar Wilde var lastSel 1 var grid jQuery #list var resetStatesValues function grid.setColProp.. editoptions value states onSelectRow function id if id id lastSel if lastSel 1 resetStatesValues grid.restoreRow lastSel lastSel.. value states onSelectRow function id if id id lastSel if lastSel 1 resetStatesValues grid.restoreRow lastSel lastSel id ondblClickRow..
jqgrid delete: not getting value http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14194139/jqgrid-delete-not-getting-value CRM_PROT_STAGES onSelectRow function ids if ids ids lastsel var ret jQuery #list10_d2 .jqGrid 'getRowData' ids protID.. ' stageID jQuery '#list10_d2' .jqGrid 'restoreRow' lastsel jQuery '#list10_d2' .jqGrid 'editRow' ids true lastsel ids.. lastsel jQuery '#list10_d2' .jqGrid 'editRow' ids true lastsel ids jQuery #list10_d2 .jqGrid 'navGrid' '#pager10_d2' add..
jqGrid: using beforeProcessing to populate filterToolbar selection boxes http://stackoverflow.com/questions/17407378/jqgrid-using-beforeprocessing-to-populate-filtertoolbar-selection-boxes async false success function data .responseText var lastsel 1 build the grid grid.jqGrid url 'jqGridHandler.ashx' editurl.. eVals tVals tVals onSelectRow function id if id id lastsel grid.jqGrid 'restoreRow' lastsel lastsel id grid.jqGrid.. function id if id id lastsel grid.jqGrid 'restoreRow' lastsel lastsel id grid.jqGrid 'editRow' id true beforeProcessing..
Sending additional parameters to editurl on JQgrid http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3176157/sending-additional-parameters-to-editurl-on-jqgrid document .ready function alert CONTEXT_PATH var lastsel jQuery #rowed3 .jqGrid url CONTEXT_PATH ' ajax getPartesByCategory.do.. 80 pager '#prowed3' sortname 'piezaId' postData piezaId lastsel mtype POST viewrecords true sortorder desc onSelectRow function.. true sortorder desc onSelectRow function id if id id lastsel jQuery '#rowed3' .jqGrid 'restoreRow' lastsel jQuery '#rowed3'..
Can I implement lazy loading with jqGrid? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9790122/can-i-implement-lazy-loading-with-jqgrid Records subGrid true CDATA onSelectRow function id if lastsel 0 id lastsel #studentGrid .jqGrid 'collapseSubGridRow' lastsel.. true CDATA onSelectRow function id if lastsel 0 id lastsel #studentGrid .jqGrid 'collapseSubGridRow' lastsel lastsel.. 0 id lastsel #studentGrid .jqGrid 'collapseSubGridRow' lastsel lastsel id #studentGrid .jqGrid 'navGrid' #pager edit..
Local form editing demo and jqGrid 4.4.1 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12281463/local-form-editing-demo-and-jqgrid-4-4-1 used by the formatter date . The new demo used jqGrid 4.4.1 you can find here . The full code you will find below var lastSel mydata id 1 invdate 2007 10 01 name test note note amount 200.00 tax 10.00 closed true ship_via TN total 210.00 id 2 invdate.. true this.jqGrid 'setSelection' rowid this.jqGrid 'editGridRow' rowid editSettings onSelectRow function id if id id lastSel cancel editing of the previous selected row if it was in editing state. jqGrid hold intern savedRow array inside of jqGrid.. jqGrid object so it is safe to call restoreRow method with any id parameter if jqGrid not in editing state if typeof lastSel undefined this .jqGrid 'restoreRow' lastSel lastSel id .jqGrid 'navGrid' '#pager' editSettings addSettings delSettings..
jQGrid, how to make a column editable in the add dialog but not during (inline) edits http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4307147/jqgrid-how-to-make-a-column-editable-in-the-add-dialog-but-not-during-inline of the editRow method and reset back to the editable true immediately after the call onSelectRow function id if id id lastSel grid.jqGrid 'restoreRow' lastSel var cm grid.jqGrid 'getColProp' 'Name' cm.editable false grid.jqGrid 'editRow' id true.. back to the editable true immediately after the call onSelectRow function id if id id lastSel grid.jqGrid 'restoreRow' lastSel var cm grid.jqGrid 'getColProp' 'Name' cm.editable false grid.jqGrid 'editRow' id true null null 'clientArray' cm.editable..
jqgrid incorrect select drop down option values in edit box http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4469650/jqgrid-incorrect-select-drop-down-option-values-in-edit-box Name Jim Morrison id '2' Country '2' State '5' Name Sherlock Holmes id '3' Country '2' State '6' Name Oscar Wilde var lastSel 1 var grid jQuery #list var resetStatesValues function grid.setColProp 'State' editoptions value states grid.jqGrid data.. 100 editable true formatter 'select' edittype 'select' editoptions value states onSelectRow function id if id id lastSel if lastSel 1 resetStatesValues grid.restoreRow lastSel lastSel id ondblClickRow function id ri ci if id id lastSel.. true formatter 'select' edittype 'select' editoptions value states onSelectRow function id if id id lastSel if lastSel 1 resetStatesValues grid.restoreRow lastSel lastSel id ondblClickRow function id ri ci if id id lastSel grid.restoreRow..
jqgrid delete: not getting value http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14194139/jqgrid-delete-not-getting-value ProtocolJGridServChildStages action protocolStageEdit caption CRM_PROT_STAGES onSelectRow function ids if ids ids lastsel var ret jQuery #list10_d2 .jqGrid 'getRowData' ids protID ret.PROTOCOL_ID alert protID stageID ret.STAGE_ID alert.. action protocolStageEdit protID ' protID ' stageID ' stageID jQuery '#list10_d2' .jqGrid 'restoreRow' lastsel jQuery '#list10_d2' .jqGrid 'editRow' ids true lastsel ids jQuery #list10_d2 .jqGrid 'navGrid' '#pager10_d2' add true.. ' stageID ' stageID jQuery '#list10_d2' .jqGrid 'restoreRow' lastsel jQuery '#list10_d2' .jqGrid 'editRow' ids true lastsel ids jQuery #list10_d2 .jqGrid 'navGrid' '#pager10_d2' add true edit true del true width 500 width 500 url 'ProtocolJGridServChildStages..
jqGrid: using beforeProcessing to populate filterToolbar selection boxes http://stackoverflow.com/questions/17407378/jqgrid-using-beforeprocessing-to-populate-filtertoolbar-selection-boxes table var typeValues .ajax url jqGridHandler.ashx oper tVals async false success function data .responseText var lastsel 1 build the grid grid.jqGrid url 'jqGridHandler.ashx' editurl 'jqGridEditor.ashx' datatype 'json' height 550 width.. Esc to cancel.' loadonce true jsonReader pVals pVals eVals eVals tVals tVals onSelectRow function id if id id lastsel grid.jqGrid 'restoreRow' lastsel lastsel id grid.jqGrid 'editRow' id true beforeProcessing function data var pVals.. pVals pVals eVals eVals tVals tVals onSelectRow function id if id id lastsel grid.jqGrid 'restoreRow' lastsel lastsel id grid.jqGrid 'editRow' id true beforeProcessing function data var pVals data.pVals grid.setColProp 'Product'..
Sending additional parameters to editurl on JQgrid http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3176157/sending-additional-parameters-to-editurl-on-jqgrid true http www.trirand.com jqgridwiki doku.php id wiki 3Acommon_rules document .ready function alert CONTEXT_PATH var lastsel jQuery #rowed3 .jqGrid url CONTEXT_PATH ' ajax getPartesByCategory.do catid s property value categoryId ' url ' autoWEB.. 0 No 1 Si required true rowNum 20 rowList 20 40 60 80 pager '#prowed3' sortname 'piezaId' postData piezaId lastsel mtype POST viewrecords true sortorder desc onSelectRow function id if id id lastsel jQuery '#rowed3' .jqGrid 'restoreRow'.. 'piezaId' postData piezaId lastsel mtype POST viewrecords true sortorder desc onSelectRow function id if id id lastsel jQuery '#rowed3' .jqGrid 'restoreRow' lastsel jQuery '#rowed3' .jqGrid 'editRow' id true lastsel id editurl CONTEXT_PATH..
Can I implement lazy loading with jqGrid? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9790122/can-i-implement-lazy-loading-with-jqgrid true sortorder desc caption Students emptyrecords Empty Records subGrid true CDATA onSelectRow function id if lastsel 0 id lastsel #studentGrid .jqGrid 'collapseSubGridRow' lastsel lastsel id #studentGrid .jqGrid 'navGrid' #pager edit.. desc caption Students emptyrecords Empty Records subGrid true CDATA onSelectRow function id if lastsel 0 id lastsel #studentGrid .jqGrid 'collapseSubGridRow' lastsel lastsel id #studentGrid .jqGrid 'navGrid' #pager edit false add.. subGrid true CDATA onSelectRow function id if lastsel 0 id lastsel #studentGrid .jqGrid 'collapseSubGridRow' lastsel lastsel id #studentGrid .jqGrid 'navGrid' #pager edit false add false del false search true sopt 'eq' 'ne' 'lt'..