jquery Programming Glossary: launched
How do I highlight markers on hover in Google Maps for a sortable table? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1490266/how-do-i-highlight-markers-on-hover-in-google-maps-for-a-sortable-table in your table needs to be global because JavaScript launched the from HTML in the tables executes in global context. You'll..
Support for jQuery in Windows Store Applications http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15992683/support-for-jquery-in-windows-store-applications TODO This application has been newly launched. Initialize your application here. else TODO This application..
Intercept click event on a button, ask for confirmation, then proceed http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4674991/intercept-click-event-on-a-button-ask-for-confirmation-then-proceed the execution of the original click if it's the one that launched your original window.confirm. Bit of a chicken egg problem...
Problems with simple modal in IE9 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5499517/problems-with-simple-modal-in-ie9 with simple modal in IE9 Yesterday I launched a new website. Before I uploaded the files to my server I tested..
Opening a second fancybox Within another fancybox! http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5880245/opening-a-second-fancybox-within-another-fancybox its opened by fancybox in a iframe mode since it's being launched as a widget from other domains . Within this iframe i am opening..
Why does my page work in IE9's IE7 mode, but not in IE7 itself? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5993222/why-does-my-page-work-in-ie9s-ie7-mode-but-not-in-ie7-itself each mode not to mention modern browsers. However after it launched I got an email that said the site was very broken in IE7. I..
Error in Internet Explorer 9 (not earlier versions or other browsers) when including jQuery in an iframe http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6528946/error-in-internet-explorer-9-not-earlier-versions-or-other-browsers-when-incl jQuery in an iframe Basically I have a page that launched a fancybox iframe. In that iframe I also include jQuery. But..
Prevent Cheating on Javascript Game http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7171101/prevent-cheating-on-javascript-game on the client side. I hacked the Angry Birds game when it launched on chrome http wesbos.com all levels html5 angry birds However..
Unable to load google in iframe in fancybox http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8803053/unable-to-load-google-in-iframe-in-fancybox Google ads may not result in a new browser window being launched nor may Google ads be placed in an IFRAME. . share improve..
How do I highlight markers on hover in Google Maps for a sortable table? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1490266/how-do-i-highlight-markers-on-hover-in-google-maps-for-a-sortable-table click ' The array and any other variables or functions you mention in your table needs to be global because JavaScript launched the from HTML in the tables executes in global context. You'll almost certainly need to use a createMarker function to hold..
Support for jQuery in Windows Store Applications http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15992683/support-for-jquery-in-windows-store-applications activation.ApplicationExecutionState.terminated TODO This application has been newly launched. Initialize your application here. else TODO This application has been reactivated from suspension. Restore application..
Intercept click event on a button, ask for confirmation, then proceed http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4674991/intercept-click-event-on-a-button-ask-for-confirmation-then-proceed trigger your Are You Sure Calling preventDefault doesn't stop the execution of the original click if it's the one that launched your original window.confirm. Bit of a chicken egg problem. Edit after reading your edited question var myClick null get..
Problems with simple modal in IE9 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5499517/problems-with-simple-modal-in-ie9 with simple modal in IE9 Yesterday I launched a new website. Before I uploaded the files to my server I tested the website in IE8 Firefox Safari and Chrome and everything..
Opening a second fancybox Within another fancybox! http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5880245/opening-a-second-fancybox-within-another-fancybox fancyboxes I am launching a form within a fancybox. Normally its opened by fancybox in a iframe mode since it's being launched as a widget from other domains . Within this iframe i am opening a second fancybox to display validation errors. All this..
Why does my page work in IE9's IE7 mode, but not in IE7 itself? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5993222/why-does-my-page-work-in-ie9s-ie7-mode-but-not-in-ie7-itself mode but actual IE7 and IE8 emulation . The site works in each mode not to mention modern browsers. However after it launched I got an email that said the site was very broken in IE7. I went to an abandoned machine and booted up Windows XP started..
Error in Internet Explorer 9 (not earlier versions or other browsers) when including jQuery in an iframe http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6528946/error-in-internet-explorer-9-not-earlier-versions-or-other-browsers-when-incl Explorer 9 not earlier versions or other browsers when including jQuery in an iframe Basically I have a page that launched a fancybox iframe. In that iframe I also include jQuery. But when I testing it in Internet Explorer 9 it gives me the error..
Prevent Cheating on Javascript Game http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7171101/prevent-cheating-on-javascript-game Edit RobG is correct in that it will need to be calculated on the client side. I hacked the Angry Birds game when it launched on chrome http wesbos.com all levels html5 angry birds However they have since obfuscate the code so much that its impossible..
Unable to load google in iframe in fancybox http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8803053/unable-to-load-google-in-iframe-in-fancybox