jquery Programming Glossary: la
Adding comments section to Fancybox http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11182799/adding-comments-section-to-fancybox and I am using fancy box to generate modal image overlay when thumbnails are clicked. Could you suggest how to add comments.. suggest how to add comments section to the fancy box overlay along with the zoomed image Just like how Facebook has comments.. comments section to the right hand corner of the modal overlay Does fancy box have a functionality for this If not could you..
Differences bettween contentType and dataType in Jquery ajax function http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14322984/differences-bettween-contenttype-and-datatype-in-jquery-ajax-function var button form.children first .ajax Viene eseguita la chiamata AJAX type POST Tipo di richiesta POST URL verso quale.. POST Tipo di richiesta POST URL verso quale viene inviata la richiesta url form.attr action Dati XML inviati data xml version.. apple fruit javaBean Tipo di media type accettabile dalla response contentType application xml dataType text success function..
How to iterate a table rows with JQuery and access some cell values? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1891357/how-to-iterate-a-table-rows-with-jquery-and-access-some-cell-values table rows with JQuery and access some cell values table class checkout itemsOverview tr class item td GR 10 Senderos td.. some cell values table class checkout itemsOverview tr class item td GR 10 Senderos td td span class value 15.00 span lt.. itemsOverview tr class item td GR 10 Senderos td td span class value 15.00 span lt td td input type text value 1 maxlength..
Why does my spinner GIF stop while jQuery ajax call is running? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/191413/why-does-my-spinner-gif-stop-while-jquery-ajax-call-is-running from ASP.NET UpdatePanels. I'm using jQuery and jTemplates to bind the results of a web service to a grid and everything.. to show a spinner GIF while the table is being refreshed la UpdateProgress in ASP.NET I've got it all working except that.. charset utf 8 dataType json success function msg applyTemplate msg error function XMLHttpRequest textStatus errorThrown..
Validation of fields with same name and class get “TypeError: e.validator.methods[o] is undefined” http://stackoverflow.com/questions/19282526/validation-of-fields-with-same-name-and-class-get-typeerror-e-validator-method of fields with same name and class get &ldquo TypeError e.validator.methods o is undefined&rdquo.. section id variations_holder input type text name field1 class pprice br input type text name field2 class pprice br input.. name field1 class pprice br input type text name field2 class pprice br input type submit section And this is the code I'm..
JQuery - Best way of wiring GUI objects to events? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3941272/jquery-best-way-of-wiring-gui-objects-to-events scripts. Initially I used the ' syntax to grab and manipulate objects this to me is the 'old skool' paradigm of explicitly.. functions button onClick 'myFunction this ' ... with a related function function myFunction obj alert 'this is how old timers.. prefer to do the attaching of scripts to events a la JQuery document .ready #myButton .click function event alert..
Can I bind form inputs to models in Backbone.js without manually tracking blur events? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4074636/can-i-bind-form-inputs-to-models-in-backbone-js-without-manually-tracking-blur-e where I want to bind my form inputs directly to my model a la Sproutcore . Is it possible with Backbone.js or other tools..
Best way to create a link using JQuery? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4261687/best-way-to-create-a-link-using-jquery grids. We just construct the links using String manipulation a la var s a title Blah href javascript BlahFunc ' options.rowId.. We just construct the links using String manipulation a la var s a title Blah href javascript BlahFunc ' options.rowId.. the links using String manipulation a la var s a title Blah href javascript BlahFunc ' options.rowId ' This is blah a Is..
jquery tooltip to display validator messages http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4381476/jquery-tooltip-to-display-validator-messages tooltip to display validator messages Im trying to display error messages for.. tooltip to display validator messages Im trying to display error messages for the jquery validator plugin the bassistance.. stuff working. My code so far #loginForm .validate errorPlacement function error element element .tooltip content 'the error..
Best JavaScript solution for client-side form validation and interaction? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4751780/best-javascript-solution-for-client-side-form-validation-and-interaction driven elements Some fields are hidden and have values populated by widgets. E.g. a map widget lets you point to a location.. you point to a location and a hidden field is updated with latitude longitude coordinates but the location must be within.. only be validated when all of the fields have bee populated. Server side validation Validation of some fields requires..
How does jQuery?™s .text() work, internally? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5023432/how-does-jquerys-text-work-internally text return jQuery.getText this Anyone know Clarification I know how to use it. I just want to know how to get.. it. I just want to know how to get the text of an element la jQuery when jQuery isn ™t available. javascript jquery share.. get the text of an element la jQuery when jQuery isn ™t available. javascript jquery share improve this question jQuery.fn.text..
JQuery Validation Internationalization Problem http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7091206/jquery-validation-internationalization-problem Validation plugin that gives error message at browser's language. I mean if I run it on a browser that has English language.. language. I mean if I run it on a browser that has English language errors will be in English or if the browser's language.. language errors will be in English or if the browser's language is Turkish error messages will be Turkish too of course..
Convert this custom JQuery tooltip script into a Jquery plugin http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7256622/convert-this-custom-jquery-tooltip-script-into-a-jquery-plugin 0 distancia vertical de ajuste var fade_time 300 tiempo de la transición de mostrar ocultar ARCHIVOS NECESARIOS DEL PLUGIN.. tip_text tip.html alert tip_text var new_content ' span class left span span class contenido ' tip_text ' span span class.. tip_text var new_content ' span class left span span class contenido ' tip_text ' span span class right span span class..
Fancy box - how to show slideshow from a single thumbnail http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8800152/fancy-box-how-to-show-slideshow-from-a-single-thumbnail if I set it up on one of the pages it just shows the 6 related images on that page. How can I use Fancybox to show a slideshow.. question this is how i do it but with multiple Fotos de la galeria var galPhotos href '.. img galeria fondo1.jpg' 'nextEffect'.. .live 'click' function .fancybox galPhotos this would launch the fancybox with as many images as you put in the array..
event delegation vs direct binding when adding complex elements to a page http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8827430/event-delegation-vs-direct-binding-when-adding-complex-elements-to-a-page complex elements to a page I have some markup like this classes are just for explication ol id root class sortable li header.. like this classes are just for explication ol id root class sortable li header class show after collapse Top Line Info.. just for explication ol id root class sortable li header class show after collapse Top Line Info header section class hide..
Adding comments section to Fancybox http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11182799/adding-comments-section-to-fancybox section to Fancybox I am creating a jquery image gallery and I am using fancy box to generate modal image overlay when thumbnails are clicked. Could you suggest how to add comments section to the fancy box overlay along with the zoomed.. modal image overlay when thumbnails are clicked. Could you suggest how to add comments section to the fancy box overlay along with the zoomed image Just like how Facebook has comments section to the right hand corner of the modal overlay Does.. along with the zoomed image Just like how Facebook has comments section to the right hand corner of the modal overlay Does fancy box have a functionality for this If not could you suggest how to do this Thanks jquery fancybox image gallery..
Differences bettween contentType and dataType in Jquery ajax function http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14322984/differences-bettween-contenttype-and-datatype-in-jquery-ajax-function this Variabile che contiene il riferimento al bottone clickato var button form.children first .ajax Viene eseguita la chiamata AJAX type POST Tipo di richiesta POST URL verso quale viene inviata la richiesta url form.attr action Dati XML.. first .ajax Viene eseguita la chiamata AJAX type POST Tipo di richiesta POST URL verso quale viene inviata la richiesta url form.attr action Dati XML inviati data xml version 1.0 encoding UTF 8 standalone yes javaBean foo bar foo.. 1.0 encoding UTF 8 standalone yes javaBean foo bar foo fruit apple fruit javaBean Tipo di media type accettabile dalla response contentType application xml dataType text success function text MvcUtil.showSuccessResponse text button error..
How to iterate a table rows with JQuery and access some cell values? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1891357/how-to-iterate-a-table-rows-with-jquery-and-access-some-cell-values to iterate a table rows with JQuery and access some cell values table class checkout itemsOverview tr class item td GR 10 Senderos td td span class value 15.00 span lt td td input type text value.. to iterate a table rows with JQuery and access some cell values table class checkout itemsOverview tr class item td GR 10 Senderos td td span class value 15.00 span lt td td input type text value 1 maxlength 2 class quantity td.. JQuery and access some cell values table class checkout itemsOverview tr class item td GR 10 Senderos td td span class value 15.00 span lt td td input type text value 1 maxlength 2 class quantity td tr tr class item td GR 10 Senderos br..
Why does my spinner GIF stop while jQuery ajax call is running? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/191413/why-does-my-spinner-gif-stop-while-jquery-ajax-call-is-running jQuery ajax call is running I'm just starting to wean myself from ASP.NET UpdatePanels. I'm using jQuery and jTemplates to bind the results of a web service to a grid and everything works fine. Here's the thing I'm trying to show a spinner.. a grid and everything works fine. Here's the thing I'm trying to show a spinner GIF while the table is being refreshed la UpdateProgress in ASP.NET I've got it all working except that the spinner is frozen. To see what's going on I've tried moving.. data 'Countries' 'ga' contentType application json charset utf 8 dataType json success function msg applyTemplate msg error function XMLHttpRequest textStatus errorThrown applyTemplate function msg 'div#TemplateTarget' .setTemplate..
Validation of fields with same name and class get “TypeError: e.validator.methods[o] is undefined” http://stackoverflow.com/questions/19282526/validation-of-fields-with-same-name-and-class-get-typeerror-e-validator-method of fields with same name and class get &ldquo TypeError e.validator.methods o is undefined&rdquo I have this HTML code section id variations_holder input.. o is undefined&rdquo I have this HTML code section id variations_holder input type text name field1 class pprice br input type text name field2 class pprice br input type submit section And this is the code I'm using to handle.. this HTML code section id variations_holder input type text name field1 class pprice br input type text name field2 class pprice br input type submit section And this is the code I'm using to handle validation '#variations_holder input.pprice'..
JQuery - Best way of wiring GUI objects to events? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3941272/jquery-best-way-of-wiring-gui-objects-to-events a few years ago I've been using it in all my client side scripts. Initially I used the ' syntax to grab and manipulate objects this to me is the 'old skool' paradigm of explicitly wiring up button events to functions button onClick 'myFunction.. 'old skool' paradigm of explicitly wiring up button events to functions button onClick 'myFunction this ' ... with a related function function myFunction obj alert 'this is how old timers like me do it ' Some of my colleagues prefer to do the.. alert 'this is how old timers like me do it ' Some of my colleagues prefer to do the attaching of scripts to events a la JQuery document .ready #myButton .click function event alert 'this is the newer JQuery way of doing things' Initially I..
Can I bind form inputs to models in Backbone.js without manually tracking blur events? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4074636/can-i-bind-form-inputs-to-models-in-backbone-js-without-manually-tracking-blur-e I have a backbone.js app www.github.com juggy job board where I want to bind my form inputs directly to my model a la Sproutcore . Is it possible with Backbone.js or other tools without actually tracking each blur events on the inputs and..
Best way to create a link using JQuery? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4261687/best-way-to-create-a-link-using-jquery We use jqGrid custom formatters to output links in our JQuery grids. We just construct the links using String manipulation a la var s a title Blah href javascript BlahFunc ' options.rowId ' This is blah a Is there a more clever way to create.. jqGrid custom formatters to output links in our JQuery grids. We just construct the links using String manipulation a la var s a title Blah href javascript BlahFunc ' options.rowId ' This is blah a Is there a more clever way to create links.. to output links in our JQuery grids. We just construct the links using String manipulation a la var s a title Blah href javascript BlahFunc ' options.rowId ' This is blah a Is there a more clever way to create links and other form elements..
jquery tooltip to display validator messages http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4381476/jquery-tooltip-to-display-validator-messages tooltip to display validator messages Im trying to display error messages for the jquery validator plugin the bassistance one as a tooltip.. tooltip to display validator messages Im trying to display error messages for the jquery validator plugin the bassistance one as a tooltip above the component when the validation.. one just wont show so I was wondering how to get this stuff working. My code so far #loginForm .validate errorPlacement function error element element .tooltip content 'the error message goes here' Also I was wondering how I can get..
Best JavaScript solution for client-side form validation and interaction? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4751780/best-javascript-solution-for-client-side-form-validation-and-interaction of an item needs to update a subtotal field. Widget driven elements Some fields are hidden and have values populated by widgets. E.g. a map widget lets you point to a location and a hidden field is updated with latitude longitude coordinates.. have values populated by widgets. E.g. a map widget lets you point to a location and a hidden field is updated with latitude longitude coordinates but the location must be within a certain region. Groups Some fields are groups like address.. Some fields are groups like address city state zip and should only be validated when all of the fields have bee populated. Server side validation Validation of some fields requires back end checking via Ajax requests Multiple forms per page..
How does jQuery?™s .text() work, internally? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5023432/how-does-jquerys-text-work-internally .append this 0 this 0 .ownerDocument document .createTextNode text return jQuery.getText this Anyone know Clarification I know how to use it. I just want to know how to get the text of an element la jQuery when jQuery isn ™t available... this Anyone know Clarification I know how to use it. I just want to know how to get the text of an element la jQuery when jQuery isn ™t available. javascript jquery share improve this question jQuery.fn.text can be used for 3.. I know how to use it. I just want to know how to get the text of an element la jQuery when jQuery isn ™t available. javascript jquery share improve this question jQuery.fn.text can be used for 3 different purposes as the source..
JQuery Validation Internationalization Problem http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7091206/jquery-validation-internationalization-problem Internationalization Problem How can I change JQuery Validation plugin that gives error message at browser's language. I mean if I run it on a browser that has English language errors will be in English or if the browser's language.. Validation plugin that gives error message at browser's language. I mean if I run it on a browser that has English language errors will be in English or if the browser's language is Turkish error messages will be Turkish too of course I will.. language. I mean if I run it on a browser that has English language errors will be in English or if the browser's language is Turkish error messages will be Turkish too of course I will define messages at that languages also I should define..
Convert this custom JQuery tooltip script into a Jquery plugin http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7256622/convert-this-custom-jquery-tooltip-script-into-a-jquery-plugin ajuste_top 0 distancia vertical de ajuste var ajuste_left 0 distancia vertical de ajuste var fade_time 300 tiempo de la transición de mostrar ocultar ARCHIVOS NECESARIOS DEL PLUGIN NO TOCAR Detectar que el raton pasa por encima selector .hover.. una variable var disp this var tip disp.next tooltip var tip_text tip.html alert tip_text var new_content ' span class left span span class contenido ' tip_text ' span span class right span span class bottom span ' alert new_content tip.html.. this var tip disp.next tooltip var tip_text tip.html alert tip_text var new_content ' span class left span span class contenido ' tip_text ' span span class right span span class bottom span ' alert new_content tip.html new_content if..
Fancy box - how to show slideshow from a single thumbnail http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8800152/fancy-box-how-to-show-slideshow-from-a-single-thumbnail and about 4 pages for a total of 24 images in a category if I set it up on one of the pages it just shows the 6 related images on that page. How can I use Fancybox to show a slideshow of all 24 images Many thanks in advance Richard jquery.. in advance Richard jquery fancybox share improve this question this is how i do it but with multiple Fotos de la galeria var galPhotos href '.. img galeria fondo1.jpg' 'nextEffect' 'fade' 'prevEffect' 'fade' href '.. img galeria fondo2.jpg'..
event delegation vs direct binding when adding complex elements to a page http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8827430/event-delegation-vs-direct-binding-when-adding-complex-elements-to-a-page delegation vs direct binding when adding complex elements to a page I have some markup like this classes are just for explication ol id root class sortable li header class show after collapse Top Line Info header section.. when adding complex elements to a page I have some markup like this classes are just for explication ol id root class sortable li header class show after collapse Top Line Info header section class hide after collapse ol class sortable.. elements to a page I have some markup like this classes are just for explication ol id root class sortable li header class show after collapse Top Line Info header section class hide after collapse ol class sortable connected li header class..