jquery Programming Glossary: last_msg_id
long-polling info from mysql not working http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11453423/long-polling-info-from-mysql-not-working part of code which i'm not using yet .get 'getmsg.php last_msg_id ' old_msg_id function data '#chat' .append data 'html' script.. BY id DESC LIMIT 1 while row mysql_fetch_array result last_msg_id row 'id' while old_msg_id last_msg_id usleep 1000 clearstatcache.. result last_msg_id row 'id' while old_msg_id last_msg_id usleep 1000 clearstatcache old_msg_id last_msg_id response array..
Server Side PHP Long polling http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12428587/server-side-php-long-polling result last_msg_content row 'streamitem_content' last_msg_id row 'streamitem_id' last_msg_timestamp row 'streamitem_timestamp'.. last_msg_content response 'streamitem_id' last_msg_id response 'streamitem_timestamp' Agotime last_msg_timestamp response..
Code works locally, but not when uploaded to hosting http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13681285/code-works-locally-but-not-when-uploaded-to-hosting chatcom_load_one id name .post 'load.php' tocom id last_msg_id last_msg_id function data var json eval data .each json function.. id name .post 'load.php' tocom id last_msg_id last_msg_id function data var json eval data .each json function i row.. .each json function i row #commidwin .append row 'msg' last_msg_id row 'last_msg_id_db' setTimeout chatcom_load_one id name 500..
Is this a true long polling? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13761008/is-this-a-true-long-polling apperes Parse erroe syntax error unexpected token . var last_msg_id 2 function load_msgs .ajax type Post url getdata.php data last_msg_id.. 2 function load_msgs .ajax type Post url getdata.php data last_msg_id last_msg_id dataType json async true cache false success function.. load_msgs .ajax type Post url getdata.php data last_msg_id last_msg_id dataType json async true cache false success function data var..
long-polling info from mysql not working http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11453423/long-polling-info-from-mysql-not-working document .ready function waitForMsg function load old_msg_id part of code which i'm not using yet .get 'getmsg.php last_msg_id ' old_msg_id function data '#chat' .append data 'html' script head body div id chat div body html and poll.php php include.. 'old_msg_id' result mysql_query SELECT id FROM chatpoll ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 1 while row mysql_fetch_array result last_msg_id row 'id' while old_msg_id last_msg_id usleep 1000 clearstatcache old_msg_id last_msg_id response array response 'msg' 'new'.. id FROM chatpoll ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 1 while row mysql_fetch_array result last_msg_id row 'id' while old_msg_id last_msg_id usleep 1000 clearstatcache old_msg_id last_msg_id response array response 'msg' 'new' response 'old_msg_id' old_msg_id echo..
Server Side PHP Long polling http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12428587/server-side-php-long-polling result or die mysqli_error mysqli while row mysqli_fetch_array result last_msg_content row 'streamitem_content' last_msg_id row 'streamitem_id' last_msg_timestamp row 'streamitem_timestamp' last_msg_comment_id row 'comment_id' last_msg_comment_content.. last_msg_last row 'last' response array response 'streamitem_content' last_msg_content response 'streamitem_id' last_msg_id response 'streamitem_timestamp' Agotime last_msg_timestamp response 'comment_id' last_msg_comment_id response 'comment_content'..
Code works locally, but not when uploaded to hosting http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13681285/code-works-locally-but-not-when-uploaded-to-hosting function chat_com_one id name '#chatcom' .show 'fast' function chatcom_load_one id name .post 'load.php' tocom id last_msg_id last_msg_id function data var json eval data .each json function i row #commidwin .append row 'msg' last_msg_id row.. chat_com_one id name '#chatcom' .show 'fast' function chatcom_load_one id name .post 'load.php' tocom id last_msg_id last_msg_id function data var json eval data .each json function i row #commidwin .append row 'msg' last_msg_id row 'last_msg_id_db'.. last_msg_id last_msg_id function data var json eval data .each json function i row #commidwin .append row 'msg' last_msg_id row 'last_msg_id_db' setTimeout chatcom_load_one id name 500 id name Only this piece is clashable var json eval data..
Is this a true long polling? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13761008/is-this-a-true-long-polling stops the long polling After every 10 15 seconds token error apperes Parse erroe syntax error unexpected token . var last_msg_id 2 function load_msgs .ajax type Post url getdata.php data last_msg_id last_msg_id dataType json async true cache false success.. Parse erroe syntax error unexpected token . var last_msg_id 2 function load_msgs .ajax type Post url getdata.php data last_msg_id last_msg_id dataType json async true cache false success function data var json data #commidwin .append json 'msg' last_msg_id.. syntax error unexpected token . var last_msg_id 2 function load_msgs .ajax type Post url getdata.php data last_msg_id last_msg_id dataType json async true cache false success function data var json data #commidwin .append json 'msg' last_msg_id json..