jquery Programming Glossary: lastid
Server Side PHP Long polling http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12428587/server-side-php-long-polling function wait script PHP if isset _POST 'streamitem_id' lastID _POST 'streamitem_id' if empty lastID die 'timeout' else following_string.. 'streamitem_id' lastID _POST 'streamitem_id' if empty lastID die 'timeout' else following_string _SESSION 'id' result SELECT.. c.comment_poster ' following_string' AND d.streamitem_id ' lastID' AND d.streamitem_target ' following_string' OR d.streamitem_creator..
files get uploaded just before they get cancelled [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13020459/files-get-uploaded-just-before-they-get-cancelled insert close Retrieve the ImageId of the last uploded file lastID mysqli insert_id Insert into Image_Question Table be using last.. that will be inserted insertimagequestion bind_param isi lastID 'Exam' qnum execute INSERT query insertimagequestion execute.. in my previous answer you could use the _SESSION to store lastID and ImageFile . For example after lastID mysqli insert_id insert..
How to return value from $.getJSON http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6911867/how-to-return-value-from-getjson .getJSON. It's very simple and it looks like that function lastID query .getJSON url query function json var type_id json.data.. to some other value for instance like this var returnedID lastID query this schould me equal to returned type_id from lastID.. query this schould me equal to returned type_id from lastID method. Many thanks for your reply jquery return getjson ..
Server Side PHP Long polling http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12428587/server-side-php-long-polling errorThrown setTimeout 'wait ' 1000 document .ready function wait script PHP if isset _POST 'streamitem_id' lastID _POST 'streamitem_id' if empty lastID die 'timeout' else following_string _SESSION 'id' result SELECT d. c. u. FROM streamdata.. ' 1000 document .ready function wait script PHP if isset _POST 'streamitem_id' lastID _POST 'streamitem_id' if empty lastID die 'timeout' else following_string _SESSION 'id' result SELECT d. c. u. FROM streamdata AS d JOIN streamdata_comments AS.. JOIN users AS u ON u.id c.comment_poster WHERE c.comment_poster ' following_string' AND d.streamitem_id ' lastID' AND d.streamitem_target ' following_string' OR d.streamitem_creator ' following_string' OR d.streamitem_creator IN friendlist..
files get uploaded just before they get cancelled [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13020459/files-get-uploaded-just-before-they-get-cancelled if insert errno Handle query error here close INSERT query insert close Retrieve the ImageId of the last uploded file lastID mysqli insert_id Insert into Image_Question Table be using last retrieved Image id in order to do this imagequestionsql.. int _POST 'numimage' bind the parameters these are the values that will be inserted insertimagequestion bind_param isi lastID 'Exam' qnum execute INSERT query insertimagequestion execute if insertimagequestion errno Handle query error here close.. mysqli share improve this question Alright like said in my previous answer you could use the _SESSION to store lastID and ImageFile . For example after lastID mysqli insert_id insert the following _SESSION 'lastID' lastID _SESSION 'ImageFile'..
How to return value from $.getJSON http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6911867/how-to-return-value-from-getjson value from .getJSON I'm having a problem with method using .getJSON. It's very simple and it looks like that function lastID query .getJSON url query function json var type_id json.data return type_id doesn't work Could you please tell me how to.. doesn't work Could you please tell me how to return type_id to some other value for instance like this var returnedID lastID query this schould me equal to returned type_id from lastID method. Many thanks for your reply jquery return getjson .. to some other value for instance like this var returnedID lastID query this schould me equal to returned type_id from lastID method. Many thanks for your reply jquery return getjson share improve this question You will need to do something..
jQuery Infinite Scroll - event fires multiple times when scrolling is fast http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6932907/jquery-infinite-scroll-event-fires-multiple-times-when-scrolling-is-fast window .scrollTop document .height window .height 'div#loadmoreajaxloader' .show .ajax cache false url 'loadmore.php lastid ' '.postitem last' .attr 'id' success function html if html '#postswrapper' .append html 'div#loadmoreajaxloader' .hide.. window .height 'div#loadmoreajaxloader' .show window .data 'ajaxready' false .ajax cache false url 'loadmore.php lastid ' '.postitem last' .attr 'id' success function html if html '#postswrapper' .append html 'div#loadmoreajaxloader' .hide..
Using infinite scroll w/ a MySQL Database http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7492545/using-infinite-scroll-w-a-mysql-database function if window .scrollTop document .height window .height 'div#loadmoreajaxloader' .show .ajax url loadmore.php lastid .postitem last .attr id success function html if html #postswrapper .append html 'div#loadmoreajaxloader' .hide else.. call loadmore.php again. My loadmore.php file has the following code php include '. includes config.php' if _GET 'lastid' query 'SELECT FROM db WHERE id '. _GET 'lastid' .' ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 0 3' result mysql_query query while rec mysql_fetch_object.. has the following code php include '. includes config.php' if _GET 'lastid' query 'SELECT FROM db WHERE id '. _GET 'lastid' .' ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 0 3' result mysql_query query while rec mysql_fetch_object result SET MY VARS HTML PHP DISPLAYING..
Lightbox Not Working on AJAX Load Parts http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7652726/lightbox-not-working-on-ajax-load-parts src php bloginfo 'template_url' img ajax loader.gif ' .ajax url php bloginfo 'template_url' includes loadmore.php lastid .postitem last .attr id success function html if html #wallPosts .append html '#loadmorebutton' .html 'Load More'.. img src php bloginfo 'template_url' img ajax loader.gif ' .ajax url php bloginfo 'template_url' includes loadmore.php lastid .postitem last .attr id success function html if html #wallPosts .append html '#loadmorebutton' .html 'Load More' else..