jquery Programming Glossary: isajaxrequest
Detecting IsAjaxRequest() with ASP.NET MVC and JQuery Form Plugin / File Upload http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1681563/detecting-isajaxrequest-with-asp-net-mvc-and-jquery-form-plugin-file-upload IsAjaxRequest with ASP.NET MVC and JQuery Form Plugin File Upload I'm using.. which isn't possible the server side check for IsAjaxRequest fails. I've seen a few posts related to this question but haven't.. POST that contains a value and then change or override the IsAjaxRequest extension method to also check for this condition. How to override..
Request.IsAjaxRequest returns false http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1702837/request-isajaxrequest-returns-false returns false I have an MVC project in which I have a form.. In the MVC action that is called I test for Request.IsAjaxRequest to decide whether to return a view or a JSON result. My problem.. return a view or a JSON result. My problem is that Request.IsAjaxRequest is returning false even though I know the call is being made..
Simple ASP.NET MVC CRUD views opening/closing in JavaScript UI dialog http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1843894/simple-asp-net-mvc-crud-views-opening-closing-in-javascript-ui-dialog going to have to have if else all over the place detecting IsAjaxRequest . I like dry sahara dry. With this technique I also have the.. this bit if controllerContext.HttpContext.Request.IsAjaxRequest return base.FindView controllerContext viewName Modal useCache..
Is there a Request.IsMvcAjaxRequest() equivalent for jQuery? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/289108/is-there-a-request-ismvcajaxrequest-equivalent-for-jquery MVC RC1 release notes Jan 2009 IsMvcAjaxRequest Renamed to IsAjaxRequest The IsMvcAjaxRequest method been renamed to IsAjaxRequest. As.. IsAjaxRequest The IsMvcAjaxRequest method been renamed to IsAjaxRequest. As part of this change the IsAjaxRequest method was updated.. been renamed to IsAjaxRequest. As part of this change the IsAjaxRequest method was updated to recognize the X Requested With HTTP header...
How to check if request is ajax or not in codebehind - ASP.NET Webforms http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4392836/how-to-check-if-request-is-ajax-or-not-in-codebehind-asp-net-webforms much like the one in the MVC code E.g. public static bool IsAjaxRequest this HttpRequest request if request null throw new ArgumentNullException..
Detecting IsAjaxRequest() with ASP.NET MVC and JQuery Form Plugin / File Upload http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1681563/detecting-isajaxrequest-with-asp-net-mvc-and-jquery-form-plugin-file-upload IsAjaxRequest with ASP.NET MVC and JQuery Form Plugin File Upload I'm using the JQuery Form plugin to do a file upload on an ASP.NET.. since an iframe is used for file uploads rather than XMLHttpRequest which isn't possible the server side check for IsAjaxRequest fails. I've seen a few posts related to this question but haven't come across any good solutions to work around this issue... to other tricks like sending a hidden field with your POST that contains a value and then change or override the IsAjaxRequest extension method to also check for this condition. How to override an existing extension method Probably the best option..
Request.IsAjaxRequest returns false http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1702837/request-isajaxrequest-returns-false returns false I have an MVC project in which I have a form with a submit button. I have added a jquery client side handler.. function response #results .html response return false In the MVC action that is called I test for Request.IsAjaxRequest to decide whether to return a view or a JSON result. My problem is that Request.IsAjaxRequest is returning false even though.. I test for Request.IsAjaxRequest to decide whether to return a view or a JSON result. My problem is that Request.IsAjaxRequest is returning false even though I know the call is being made from the jquery function. I know this because if I comment..
Simple ASP.NET MVC CRUD views opening/closing in JavaScript UI dialog http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1843894/simple-asp-net-mvc-crud-views-opening-closing-in-javascript-ui-dialog ViewEngine because otherwise each controller method is going to have to have if else all over the place detecting IsAjaxRequest . I like dry sahara dry. With this technique I also have the advantage of degrading very gracefully. My site functions without.. string masterName bool useCache you might have to customize this bit if controllerContext.HttpContext.Request.IsAjaxRequest return base.FindView controllerContext viewName Modal useCache return base.FindView controllerContext viewName Site useCache..
Is there a Request.IsMvcAjaxRequest() equivalent for jQuery? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/289108/is-there-a-request-ismvcajaxrequest-equivalent-for-jquery ajax share improve this question Here's an except from MVC RC1 release notes Jan 2009 IsMvcAjaxRequest Renamed to IsAjaxRequest The IsMvcAjaxRequest method been renamed to IsAjaxRequest. As part of this change the IsAjaxRequest method was updated to.. MVC RC1 release notes Jan 2009 IsMvcAjaxRequest Renamed to IsAjaxRequest The IsMvcAjaxRequest method been renamed to IsAjaxRequest. As part of this change the IsAjaxRequest method was updated to recognize the X Requested With HTTP header. This is a well.. Renamed to IsAjaxRequest The IsMvcAjaxRequest method been renamed to IsAjaxRequest. As part of this change the IsAjaxRequest method was updated to recognize the X Requested With HTTP header. This is a well known header sent by the major JavaScript..
How to check if request is ajax or not in codebehind - ASP.NET Webforms http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4392836/how-to-check-if-request-is-ajax-or-not-in-codebehind-asp-net-webforms this question You could create your own extension method much like the one in the MVC code E.g. public static bool IsAjaxRequest this HttpRequest request if request null throw new ArgumentNullException request return request X Requested With XMLHttpRequest..