jquery Programming Glossary: isset
Two $.post requests one after the other.Second $.post request doesn't get executed http://stackoverflow.com/questions/17887098/two-post-requests-one-after-the-other-second-post-request-doesnt-get-execut id mybutt value Submit body html yourphpfile.php php if isset _POST 'email' e _POST 'email' p _POST 'pass' name 'Bob' code.. 'Bob' code '1234' resp name .' '. code echo resp else if isset _POST 'name' n ' h1 Here is something new h1 ' echo n share..
AJAX request callback using jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/17973386/ajax-request-callback-using-jquery call. Here is my code convertNum.php num _POST 'json' if isset num echo num 'number' 2 DOCTYPE html html head script src https.. had wrapping all my HTML inside a if statement i.e. if num isset do NOT output html else output HTML but then I'm echoing HTML..
using jquery $.ajax to call a PHP function http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2269307/using-jquery-ajax-to-call-a-php-function function and call the PHP function from javascript. php if isset _POST 'something' do something to this php function test if.. 'something' do something to this php function test if isset _POST 'something' do something. How would i call that function.. value should point to the method to invoke e.g. if isset _POST 'action' empty _POST 'action' action _POST 'action' switch..
How to implement a chat room using Jquery/PHP? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4174521/how-to-implement-a-chat-room-using-jquery-php __FILE__ .' data.txt' store new message in the file msg isset _GET 'msg' _GET 'msg' '' if msg '' file_put_contents filename.. loop until the data file is not modified lastmodif isset _GET 'timestamp' _GET 'timestamp' 0 currentmodif filemtime..
How do I check if the request is made via AJAX with PHP? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4301150/how-do-i-check-if-the-request-is-made-via-ajax-with-php sends the X Requested With header then you can do... if isset _SERVER 'HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH' AND strtolower _SERVER 'HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH'..
Jquery:: Ajax powered progress bar? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4503658/jquery-ajax-powered-progress-bar variable. For example... text example php script if isset _GET 'twentyfive percent' sleep 2 I used sleep to simulate processing.. processing echo ' #progressbar .progressbar value 25 ' if isset _GET 'fifty percent' sleep 2 echo ' #progressbar .progressbar.. sleep 2 echo ' #progressbar .progressbar value 50 ' if isset _GET 'seventyfive percent' sleep 2 echo ' #progressbar .progressbar..
jQuery Upload Progress and AJAX file upload http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4856917/jquery-upload-progress-and-ajax-file-upload is how I handled the request 1 image per request in PHP if isset _FILES 'file' filename basename _FILES 'file' 'name' error true.. error true Only upload if on my home win dev machine if isset _SERVER 'WINDIR' path 'uploads '. filename error move_uploaded_file..
Inserting into MySQL from PHP (jQuery/AJAX) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5143191/inserting-into-mysql-from-php-jquery-ajax body html The process.php script php function post key if isset _POST key return _POST key return false setup the database connect..
Cascade Dropdown List using jQuery/PHP http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7137357/cascade-dropdown-list-using-jquery-php called _SESSION 'regionID' and _SESSION 'countryID' if isset _SESSION 'countryList' _SESSION 'countryList' array if isset.. _SESSION 'countryList' _SESSION 'countryList' array if isset _SESSION 'regionList' _SESSION 'regionList' array . . . form.. country list from database and store it in session if isset _SESSION 'countryList' empty _SESSION 'countryList' foreach..
JQuery UI Saving Sortable List http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7342727/jquery-ui-saving-sortable-list function alert Order saved. 1 On actions.php... if isset _POST 'order' set a variable for each post batchid _POST 'inputs'..
Two $.post requests one after the other.Second $.post request doesn't get executed http://stackoverflow.com/questions/17887098/two-post-requests-one-after-the-other-second-post-request-doesnt-get-execut br Password br input type password id pw br input type button id mybutt value Submit body html yourphpfile.php php if isset _POST 'email' e _POST 'email' p _POST 'pass' name 'Bob' code '1234' resp name .' '. code echo resp else if isset _POST 'name'..
AJAX request callback using jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/17973386/ajax-request-callback-using-jquery some additional processing based on the results of that AJAX call. Here is my code convertNum.php num _POST 'json' if isset num echo num 'number' 2 DOCTYPE html html head script src https ajax.googleapis.com ajax libs jquery 1.9.1 jquery.min.js.. exactly what data I want returned Some thoughts I've had wrapping all my HTML inside a if statement i.e. if num isset do NOT output html else output HTML but then I'm echoing HTML and I'd rather not do that. Setting up a separate PHP script..
using jquery $.ajax to call a PHP function http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2269307/using-jquery-ajax-to-call-a-php-function What i want to do is basically put that PHP script inside a function and call the PHP function from javascript. php if isset _POST 'something' do something to this php function test if isset _POST 'something' do something. How would i call that.. and call the PHP function from javascript. php if isset _POST 'something' do something to this php function test if isset _POST 'something' do something. How would i call that function in javascript Right now i'm just using .ajax with the PHP.. side the action POST parameter should be read and the corresponding value should point to the method to invoke e.g. if isset _POST 'action' empty _POST 'action' action _POST 'action' switch action case 'test' test break case 'blah' blah break ...etc.....
How to implement a chat room using Jquery/PHP? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4174521/how-to-implement-a-chat-room-using-jquery-php as long as data.txt file is unchanged php filename dirname __FILE__ .' data.txt' store new message in the file msg isset _GET 'msg' _GET 'msg' '' if msg '' file_put_contents filename msg die infinite loop until the data file is not modified.. _GET 'msg' '' if msg '' file_put_contents filename msg die infinite loop until the data file is not modified lastmodif isset _GET 'timestamp' _GET 'timestamp' 0 currentmodif filemtime filename while currentmodif lastmodif check if the data file..
How do I check if the request is made via AJAX with PHP? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4301150/how-do-i-check-if-the-request-is-made-via-ajax-with-php share improve this question If you are using a library that sends the X Requested With header then you can do... if isset _SERVER 'HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH' AND strtolower _SERVER 'HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH' 'xmlhttprequest' I'm AJAX share improve..
Jquery:: Ajax powered progress bar? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4503658/jquery-ajax-powered-progress-bar value representing the percent complete as an assigned javascript variable. For example... text example php script if isset _GET 'twentyfive percent' sleep 2 I used sleep to simulate processing echo ' #progressbar .progressbar value 25 ' if isset.. _GET 'twentyfive percent' sleep 2 I used sleep to simulate processing echo ' #progressbar .progressbar value 25 ' if isset _GET 'fifty percent' sleep 2 echo ' #progressbar .progressbar value 50 ' if isset _GET 'seventyfive percent' sleep 2 echo.. .progressbar value 25 ' if isset _GET 'fifty percent' sleep 2 echo ' #progressbar .progressbar value 50 ' if isset _GET 'seventyfive percent' sleep 2 echo ' #progressbar .progressbar value 75 ' if isset _GET 'onehundred percent' sleep..
jQuery Upload Progress and AJAX file upload http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4856917/jquery-upload-progress-and-ajax-file-upload 4 know what to do but I don't know about any others. This is how I handled the request 1 image per request in PHP if isset _FILES 'file' filename basename _FILES 'file' 'name' error true Only upload if on my home win dev machine if isset _SERVER.. if isset _FILES 'file' filename basename _FILES 'file' 'name' error true Only upload if on my home win dev machine if isset _SERVER 'WINDIR' path 'uploads '. filename error move_uploaded_file _FILES 'file' 'tmp_name' path rsp array 'error' error..
Inserting into MySQL from PHP (jQuery/AJAX) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5143191/inserting-into-mysql-from-php-jquery-ajax my_value input type submit name form_submit value Go form body html The process.php script php function post key if isset _POST key return _POST key return false setup the database connect cxn mysql_connect 'localhost' 'username_goes_here' 'password_goes_here'..
Cascade Dropdown List using jQuery/PHP http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7137357/cascade-dropdown-list-using-jquery-php is active. Default countryID and regionID are put in session called _SESSION 'regionID' and _SESSION 'countryID' if isset _SESSION 'countryList' _SESSION 'countryList' array if isset _SESSION 'regionList' _SESSION 'regionList' array . . . form.. called _SESSION 'regionID' and _SESSION 'countryID' if isset _SESSION 'countryList' _SESSION 'countryList' array if isset _SESSION 'regionList' _SESSION 'regionList' array . . . form action index.php method GET label for lbl_country id countrylabel.. onchange getRegions php _SESSION 'regionID' php fetch country list from database and store it in session if isset _SESSION 'countryList' empty _SESSION 'countryList' foreach _SESSION 'countryList' as val echo ' option value '. val..
JQuery UI Saving Sortable List http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7342727/jquery-ui-saving-sortable-list 'order' editor 'inputs' inputs 'neworder' neworder function alert Order saved. 1 On actions.php... if isset _POST 'order' set a variable for each post batchid _POST 'inputs' 'itemid' parse_str _POST 'neworder' neworder count the..