jquery Programming Glossary: grid.jqgrid
How to fire loadComplete after new row is added in jqgrid? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13761222/how-to-fire-loadcomplete-after-new-row-is-added-in-jqgrid var getColumnIndexByName function grid columnName var cm grid.jqGrid 'getGridParam' 'colModel' i 0 l cm.length for i l i 1 if cm.. icon alert style float left margin right .3em span span ' grid.jqGrid datastr xml datatype 'xmlstring' colNames 'cfgId' 'Name' 'Host'.. repeatitems false loadComplete function var count grid.jqGrid 'getGridParam' var ts grid 0 if ts.p.reccount 0 grid.hide ..
jQuery modal dialog and jqGrid http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3587480/jquery-modal-dialog-and-jqgrid need #wics .click function var grid jQuery #list10 var ids grid.jqGrid 'getGridParam' 'selarrrow' if ids.length 0 var names for var.. 0 var names for var i 0 il ids.length i il i var name grid.jqGrid 'getCell' ids i 'Name' names.push name alert Names names.join..
jQGrid, how to make a column editable in the add dialog but not during (inline) edits http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4307147/jqgrid-how-to-make-a-column-editable-in-the-add-dialog-but-not-during-inline after the call onSelectRow function id if id id lastSel grid.jqGrid 'restoreRow' lastSel var cm grid.jqGrid 'getColProp' 'Name'.. if id id lastSel grid.jqGrid 'restoreRow' lastSel var cm grid.jqGrid 'getColProp' 'Name' cm.editable false grid.jqGrid 'editRow'.. var cm grid.jqGrid 'getColProp' 'Name' cm.editable false grid.jqGrid 'editRow' id true null null 'clientArray' cm.editable true lastSel..
jqgrid incorrect select drop down option values in edit box http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4469650/jqgrid-incorrect-select-drop-down-option-values-in-edit-box function grid.setColProp 'State' editoptions value states grid.jqGrid data mydata datatype 'local' colModel name 'Name' width 200.. set 'value' property of the editoptions to initial state grid.jqGrid 'setColProp' 'state' editoptions value states setStateValues.. the row we have to change temporary the column property grid.jqGrid 'setColProp' 'state' editoptions value statesOfCountry countryId..
is there an api in jqgrid to add advanced filters to post data? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5272850/is-there-an-api-in-jqgrid-to-add-advanced-filters-to-post-data test generate to top postdata filter code var grid #list grid.jqGrid all prarameters which you need search true if you want to force..
can jqgrid support dropdowns in the toolbar filter fields http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5328072/can-jqgrid-support-dropdowns-in-the-toolbar-filter-fields grid #list getUniqueNames function columnName var texts grid.jqGrid 'getCol' columnName uniqueTexts textsLength texts.length text.. this return values setSearchSelect function columnName grid.jqGrid 'setColProp' columnName stype 'select' searchoptions value.. getUniqueNames columnName sopt 'eq' grid.jqGrid data mydata datatype 'local' colModel name 'Name' index 'Name'..
jquery jqgrid Show message when an edit row is complete http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6791463/jquery-jqgrid-show-message-when-an-edit-row-is-complete grid. In the case you can use var grid jQuery #tabImprese grid.jqGrid 'navGrid' '#pager' add false del false search false prmEdit..
How to fire loadComplete after new row is added in jqgrid? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13761222/how-to-fire-loadcomplete-after-new-row-is-added-in-jqgrid No configurations loaded div ' var xmlObject StringtoXML xml var getColumnIndexByName function grid columnName var cm grid.jqGrid 'getGridParam' 'colModel' i 0 l cm.length for i l i 1 if cm i .name columnName return i return the index return 1 grid.. state error style border 0 id expired span class ui icon ui icon alert style float left margin right .3em span span ' grid.jqGrid datastr xml datatype 'xmlstring' colNames 'cfgId' 'Name' 'Host' 'Operating System' 'Description' 'Product' 'Type' 'Last.. true xmlReader root list row Response id cfgId userdata userdata repeatitems false loadComplete function var count grid.jqGrid 'getGridParam' var ts grid 0 if ts.p.reccount 0 grid.hide emptyMsgDiv.show else grid.show emptyMsgDiv.hide for showlink..
jQuery modal dialog and jqGrid http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3587480/jquery-modal-dialog-and-jqgrid this question The following code could do what you need #wics .click function var grid jQuery #list10 var ids grid.jqGrid 'getGridParam' 'selarrrow' if ids.length 0 var names for var i 0 il ids.length i il i var name grid.jqGrid 'getCell' ids.. var ids grid.jqGrid 'getGridParam' 'selarrrow' if ids.length 0 var names for var i 0 il ids.length i il i var name grid.jqGrid 'getCell' ids i 'Name' names.push name alert Names names.join ids ids.join #names .html names.join #dialog confirm .dialog..
jQGrid, how to make a column editable in the add dialog but not during (inline) edits http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4307147/jqgrid-how-to-make-a-column-editable-in-the-add-dialog-but-not-during-inline editRow method and reset back to the editable true immediately after the call onSelectRow function id if id id lastSel grid.jqGrid 'restoreRow' lastSel var cm grid.jqGrid 'getColProp' 'Name' cm.editable false grid.jqGrid 'editRow' id true null null 'clientArray'.. true immediately after the call onSelectRow function id if id id lastSel grid.jqGrid 'restoreRow' lastSel var cm grid.jqGrid 'getColProp' 'Name' cm.editable false grid.jqGrid 'editRow' id true null null 'clientArray' cm.editable true lastSel id.. function id if id id lastSel grid.jqGrid 'restoreRow' lastSel var cm grid.jqGrid 'getColProp' 'Name' cm.editable false grid.jqGrid 'editRow' id true null null 'clientArray' cm.editable true lastSel id You can see this live here . share improve this..
jqgrid incorrect select drop down option values in edit box http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4469650/jqgrid-incorrect-select-drop-down-option-values-in-edit-box var lastSel 1 var grid jQuery #list var resetStatesValues function grid.setColProp 'State' editoptions value states grid.jqGrid data mydata datatype 'local' colModel name 'Name' width 200 name 'Country' width 100 editable true formatter 'select' edittype.. .find 'option value ' .remove resetStatesValues function set 'value' property of the editoptions to initial state grid.jqGrid 'setColProp' 'state' editoptions value states setStateValues function countryId to have short list of options which corresponds.. short list of options which corresponds to the country from the row we have to change temporary the column property grid.jqGrid 'setColProp' 'state' editoptions value statesOfCountry countryId changeStateSelect function countryId countryElem build..
is there an api in jqgrid to add advanced filters to post data? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5272850/is-there-an-api-in-jqgrid-to-add-advanced-filters-to-post-data name bw test myfilter.rules.push field name op bw data test generate to top postdata filter code var grid #list grid.jqGrid all prarameters which you need search true if you want to force the searching postData filters JSON.stringify myfilter if..
can jqgrid support dropdowns in the toolbar filter fields http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5328072/can-jqgrid-support-dropdowns-in-the-toolbar-filter-fields 4 Name Blaise Pascal Category science Subcategory mathematics grid #list getUniqueNames function columnName var texts grid.jqGrid 'getCol' columnName uniqueTexts textsLength texts.length text textsMap i for i 0 i textsLength i text texts i if text.. var values All .each uniqueNames function values this this return values setSearchSelect function columnName grid.jqGrid 'setColProp' columnName stype 'select' searchoptions value buildSearchSelect getUniqueNames columnName sopt 'eq'.. columnName stype 'select' searchoptions value buildSearchSelect getUniqueNames columnName sopt 'eq' grid.jqGrid data mydata datatype 'local' colModel name 'Name' index 'Name' width 200 name 'Category' index 'Category' width 200 name..
jquery jqgrid Show message when an edit row is complete http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6791463/jquery-jqgrid-show-message-when-an-edit-row-is-complete toolbar instead of creating a button after outside of the grid. In the case you can use var grid jQuery #tabImprese grid.jqGrid 'navGrid' '#pager' add false del false search false prmEdit One more good option is to use ondblClickRow event handler ondblClickRow..