jquery Programming Glossary: groupfield
jqGrid grouping - deactivating client side sorting on page navigation http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10977583/jqgrid-grouping-deactivating-client-side-sorting-on-page-navigation '' datatype 'json' mtype 'GET' grouping true groupingView groupField 'prodNo' groupSummary true groupColumnShow false groupText.. index property of the column which you use for grouping in groupField . So the easiest way to fix the problem in your case will be..
jqGrid custom edittype (radio button column) custom element not firing set event on edit http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15691828/jqgrid-custom-edittype-radio-button-column-custom-element-not-firing-set-event false height 'auto' grouping true groupingView groupField 'SubDocument' groupColumnShow false plusicon 'ui icon circle..
jqGrid sorting a column while grouping consider grouping header http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16219944/jqgrid-sorting-a-column-while-grouping-consider-grouping-header asc sortname 'Documents' grouping true groupingView groupField 'DocGroup' groupColumnShow false groupDataSorted true groupOrder..
something similar to treegrid in jqGrid http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6662475/something-similar-to-treegrid-in-jqgrid in the jqGrid definition grouping true groupingView groupField 'subCategory' groupOrder 'desc' groupDataSorted true groupColumnShow..
Why does my grouping in jqgrid behave differently? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6692086/why-does-my-grouping-in-jqgrid-behave-differently height '320' autowidth true grouping true groupingView groupField 'subCategory' groupOrder 'desc' groupDataSorted true groupColumnShow..
Hide Grouping Heading in jqgrid if every row inside it is hidden http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6939096/hide-grouping-heading-in-jqgrid-if-every-row-inside-it-is-hidden height '320' autowidth true grouping true groupingView groupField 'subCategory' groupOrder 'desc' groupDataSorted true groupColumnShow..
Custom client-side aggregation in jqGrid http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9381213/custom-client-side-aggregation-in-jqgrid loadonce true rowNum 1000 grouping false groupingView groupField 'State' groupSummary true groupColumnShow true groupText ' 0.. else grid.jqGrid 'setGridParam' grouping true groupingView groupField sel grid.jqGrid 'showCol' sel index .inArray sel allGroups if..
jqGrid grouping - deactivating client side sorting on page navigation http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10977583/jqgrid-grouping-deactivating-client-side-sorting-on-page-navigation loadonce true pgbuttons true pginput true rowNum 100 rowList '' datatype 'json' mtype 'GET' grouping true groupingView groupField 'prodNo' groupSummary true groupColumnShow false groupText ' 1 ' showSummaryOnHide true groupDataSorted true groupCollapse.. local data will be resorted by grindexes it's the value of index property of the column which you use for grouping in groupField . So the easiest way to fix the problem in your case will be to implement custom sorting in the prodNo column. You can try..
jqGrid custom edittype (radio button column) custom element not firing set event on edit http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15691828/jqgrid-custom-edittype-radio-button-column-custom-element-not-firing-set-event root PreClosing repeatitems false id 'ConfigId' shrinkToFit false height 'auto' grouping true groupingView groupField 'SubDocument' groupColumnShow false plusicon 'ui icon circle triangle s' minusicon 'ui icon circle triangle n' loadComplete..
jqGrid sorting a column while grouping consider grouping header http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16219944/jqgrid-sorting-a-column-while-grouping-consider-grouping-header 10 20 30 pager '#preclosingpagerdiv' viewrecords true sortorder asc sortname 'Documents' grouping true groupingView groupField 'DocGroup' groupColumnShow false groupDataSorted true groupOrder 'asc' localReader id 'ConfigId' shrinkToFit false height..
something similar to treegrid in jqGrid http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6662475/something-similar-to-treegrid-in-jqgrid 'subCategory' To use grouping you should add following options in the jqGrid definition grouping true groupingView groupField 'subCategory' groupOrder 'desc' groupDataSorted true groupColumnShow false groupText ' b 0 1 Item s b ' The setting groupColumnShow..
Why does my grouping in jqgrid behave differently? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6692086/why-does-my-grouping-in-jqgrid-behave-differently rownumbers true multiselect true height 320 autowidth true height '320' autowidth true grouping true groupingView groupField 'subCategory' groupOrder 'desc' groupDataSorted true groupColumnShow false groupCollapse true groupText ' b 0 1 Item s..
Hide Grouping Heading in jqgrid if every row inside it is hidden http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6939096/hide-grouping-heading-in-jqgrid-if-every-row-inside-it-is-hidden false page function return 1 root response rownumbers true height '320' autowidth true grouping true groupingView groupField 'subCategory' groupOrder 'desc' groupDataSorted true groupColumnShow false groupCollapse true groupText ' b 0 b ' ..
Custom client-side aggregation in jqGrid http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9381213/custom-client-side-aggregation-in-jqgrid template intTemplate cmTemplate width 90 xmlReader root 'result' loadonce true rowNum 1000 grouping false groupingView groupField 'State' groupSummary true groupColumnShow true groupText ' 0 ' groupDataSorted true showSummaryOnHide true loadComplete.. index count index grid.jqGrid 'showCol' allGroups index else grid.jqGrid 'setGridParam' grouping true groupingView groupField sel grid.jqGrid 'showCol' sel index .inArray sel allGroups if index 0 allGroups.splice index 1 for index 0 count allGroups.length..