jquery Programming Glossary: graphical
refresh div with jquery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10427573/refresh-div-with-jquery it isn't going to be obvious that it does anything unless you change the contents of the div. If you just want the graphical fade in effect simply remove the .html data call #panel .hide .fadeIn 'fast' Here is a demo you can mess around with http..
JqPlot : Set a fix height value for the graph area not including y axe labels http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11229577/jqplot-set-a-fix-height-value-for-the-graph-area-not-including-y-axe-labels surrounding divs i.e. title axes . In result whatever you set for the size of your chart in CSS will be taken by the graphical part of the chart just as you want it. var w parseInt .jqplot yaxis .width 10 parseInt #chart .width 10 var h parseInt .jqplot..
html2canvas error: Uncaught Error: IndexSizeError: DOM Exception 1 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15328764/html2canvas-error-uncaught-error-indexsizeerror-dom-exception-1 may be stretched and have a different dimension. This is why you also have to define destWidth and destHeight Here's a graphical representation of all this. To get back to your question Uncaught Error IndexSizeError DOM Exception 1 usually appears when..
Recording and storing high-res hand drawing http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1815512/recording-and-storing-high-res-hand-drawing the case the inputDraw solution suggested by @Gregory would be 100 perfect. It would also have to have a high level of graphical quality i.e. antialias the penstroke . Nothing fancy here but a MS Paint style 1x1 Pixel stroke won't cut it. I find this..
Creating a custom upload progress bar http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3067802/creating-a-custom-upload-progress-bar 123 content length 1000 update your progress bar the way you display it is up to you I use x done plus a graphical bar redirect whole page when form uploaded OK Oh and btw check PHP's upload_max_filesize and post_max_size settings as both..
jQuery Mobile Scrollview http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7254761/jquery-mobile-scrollview by me but the blog claims it should work for BB7 . It runs faster and smoother than the js solution and has fewer graphical bugs. Be sure to remove all the extra js css and all references to data scroll as it interferes breaks everything. For unsupported..