jquery Programming Glossary: groupid
JQuery, Spring MVC @RequestBody and JSON - making it work together http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5908466/jquery-spring-mvc-requestbody-and-json-making-it-work-together maven v4_0_0.xsd modelVersion 4.0.0 modelVersion groupId test groupId artifactId json artifactId packaging war packaging.. v4_0_0.xsd modelVersion 4.0.0 modelVersion groupId test groupId artifactId json artifactId packaging war packaging version 0.0.1.. name json test name dependencies dependency spring mvc groupId org.springframework groupId artifactId spring webmvc artifactId..
JQuery, Spring MVC @RequestBody and JSON - making it work together http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5908466/jquery-spring-mvc-requestbody-and-json-making-it-work-together schemaLocation http maven.apache.org POM 4.0.0 http maven.apache.org maven v4_0_0.xsd modelVersion 4.0.0 modelVersion groupId test groupId artifactId json artifactId packaging war packaging version 0.0.1 SNAPSHOT version name json test name dependencies.. http maven.apache.org POM 4.0.0 http maven.apache.org maven v4_0_0.xsd modelVersion 4.0.0 modelVersion groupId test groupId artifactId json artifactId packaging war packaging version 0.0.1 SNAPSHOT version name json test name dependencies dependency.. packaging war packaging version 0.0.1 SNAPSHOT version name json test name dependencies dependency spring mvc groupId org.springframework groupId artifactId spring webmvc artifactId version 3.0.5.RELEASE version dependency dependency jackson..