jquery Programming Glossary: groupdatasorted
jqGrid grouping - deactivating client side sorting on page navigation http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10977583/jqgrid-grouping-deactivating-client-side-sorting-on-page-navigation on client side according to the grouping column even with groupDataSorted true . rowTotal 10000 gridview true scroll false loadonce true.. false groupText ' 1 ' showSummaryOnHide true groupDataSorted true groupCollapse false jsonReader root 'list' userdata 'list'..
jqGrid sorting a column while grouping consider grouping header http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16219944/jqgrid-sorting-a-column-while-grouping-consider-grouping-header groupingView groupField 'DocGroup' groupColumnShow false groupDataSorted true groupOrder 'asc' localReader id 'ConfigId' shrinkToFit..
something similar to treegrid in jqGrid http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6662475/something-similar-to-treegrid-in-jqgrid groupingView groupField 'subCategory' groupOrder 'desc' groupDataSorted true groupColumnShow false groupText ' b 0 1 Item s b ' The..
Why does my grouping in jqgrid behave differently? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6692086/why-does-my-grouping-in-jqgrid-behave-differently groupingView groupField 'subCategory' groupOrder 'desc' groupDataSorted true groupColumnShow false groupCollapse true groupText ' b..
Hide Grouping Heading in jqgrid if every row inside it is hidden http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6939096/hide-grouping-heading-in-jqgrid-if-every-row-inside-it-is-hidden groupingView groupField 'subCategory' groupOrder 'desc' groupDataSorted true groupColumnShow false groupCollapse true groupText '..
Custom client-side aggregation in jqGrid http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9381213/custom-client-side-aggregation-in-jqgrid groupSummary true groupColumnShow true groupText ' 0 ' groupDataSorted true showSummaryOnHide true loadComplete function if this.p.grouping..
jqGrid grouping - deactivating client side sorting on page navigation http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10977583/jqgrid-grouping-deactivating-client-side-sorting-on-page-navigation the next page with the navigation button the data is sorted on client side according to the grouping column even with groupDataSorted true . rowTotal 10000 gridview true scroll false loadonce true pgbuttons true pginput true rowNum 100 rowList '' datatype.. true groupingView groupField 'prodNo' groupSummary true groupColumnShow false groupText ' 1 ' showSummaryOnHide true groupDataSorted true groupCollapse false jsonReader root 'list' userdata 'list' url '...' My case is a bit special because I am sorting..
jqGrid sorting a column while grouping consider grouping header http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16219944/jqgrid-sorting-a-column-while-grouping-consider-grouping-header true sortorder asc sortname 'Documents' grouping true groupingView groupField 'DocGroup' groupColumnShow false groupDataSorted true groupOrder 'asc' localReader id 'ConfigId' shrinkToFit false height 'auto' loadComplete function HideGroupHeaders..
something similar to treegrid in jqGrid http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6662475/something-similar-to-treegrid-in-jqgrid add following options in the jqGrid definition grouping true groupingView groupField 'subCategory' groupOrder 'desc' groupDataSorted true groupColumnShow false groupText ' b 0 1 Item s b ' The setting groupColumnShow false hide the subCategory column used..
Why does my grouping in jqgrid behave differently? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6692086/why-does-my-grouping-in-jqgrid-behave-differently 320 autowidth true height '320' autowidth true grouping true groupingView groupField 'subCategory' groupOrder 'desc' groupDataSorted true groupColumnShow false groupCollapse true groupText ' b 0 1 Item s b ' loadComplete function var i names this.p.groupingView.sortnames..
Hide Grouping Heading in jqgrid if every row inside it is hidden http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6939096/hide-grouping-heading-in-jqgrid-if-every-row-inside-it-is-hidden rownumbers true height '320' autowidth true grouping true groupingView groupField 'subCategory' groupOrder 'desc' groupDataSorted true groupColumnShow false groupCollapse true groupText ' b 0 b ' loadComplete function if this.p.datatype 'local'..
Custom client-side aggregation in jqGrid http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9381213/custom-client-side-aggregation-in-jqgrid true rowNum 1000 grouping false groupingView groupField 'State' groupSummary true groupColumnShow true groupText ' 0 ' groupDataSorted true showSummaryOnHide true loadComplete function if this.p.grouping this .children 'tbody' .children 'tr' .each function..