jquery Programming Glossary: grade
Generate XML document in-memory with JavaScript http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3191179/generate-xml-document-in-memory-with-javascript John Doe name submitter students student name Alice name grade 80 grade student student name Bob name grade 90 grade student.. name submitter students student name Alice name grade 80 grade student student name Bob name grade 90 grade student students.. Alice name grade 80 grade student student name Bob name grade 90 grade student students report To start I need to create some..
JQuery Validate: How do I add validation which checks the sum of multiple fields? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3714366/jquery-validate-how-do-i-add-validation-which-checks-the-sum-of-multiple-fields be Please indicate what percentage of students are in each grade Grade 9 TextBox1 Grade 10 TextBox2 Grade 11 TextBox3 Grade 12..
jQuery Mobile - How to Check if the Browser supports jQuery Mobile events http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4833281/jquery-mobile-how-to-check-if-the-browser-supports-jquery-mobile-events gbs jQuery Mobile is working to support all A grade browsers. This means that we will be actively testing against.. although the ultimate layout may be a gracefully degraded version of the full capabilities depending upon the browser.. upon the browser . To check if a browser is defined as grade A you can call .mobile.gradeA I don't have IE to check what..
Datatables: Change height of table not working http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7678345/datatables-change-height-of-table-not-working th Browser th th Platform s th th Engine version th th CSS grade th tr thead tbody tr class odd gradeX td Trident td td Internet.. version th th CSS grade th tr thead tbody tr class odd gradeX td Trident td td Internet Explorer 4.0 td td Win 95 td td.. td class center 4 td td class center X td tr tr class even gradeC td Trident td td Internet Explorer 5.0 td td Win 95 td td..
Generate XML document in-memory with JavaScript http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3191179/generate-xml-document-in-memory-with-javascript this toy XML document with JavaScript report submitter name John Doe name submitter students student name Alice name grade 80 grade student student name Bob name grade 90 grade student students report To start I need to create some kind of an.. XML document with JavaScript report submitter name John Doe name submitter students student name Alice name grade 80 grade student student name Bob name grade 90 grade student students report To start I need to create some kind of an XML document.. submitter name John Doe name submitter students student name Alice name grade 80 grade student student name Bob name grade 90 grade student students report To start I need to create some kind of an XML document object with the report root. I'm..
JQuery Validate: How do I add validation which checks the sum of multiple fields? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3714366/jquery-validate-how-do-i-add-validation-which-checks-the-sum-of-multiple-fields boxes which are suppose to total 100. An example might be Please indicate what percentage of students are in each grade Grade 9 TextBox1 Grade 10 TextBox2 Grade 11 TextBox3 Grade 12 TextBox4 I want to verify that TextBox1 TextBox2 TextBox3..
jQuery Mobile - How to Check if the Browser supports jQuery Mobile events http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4833281/jquery-mobile-how-to-check-if-the-browser-supports-jquery-mobile-events events mobile share improve this question http jquerymobile.com gbs jQuery Mobile is working to support all A grade browsers. This means that we will be actively testing against those browsers and ensuring that they work as best as they.. The browsers will receive the full jQuery Mobile CSS and JavaScript although the ultimate layout may be a gracefully degraded version of the full capabilities depending upon the browser . To check if a browser is defined as grade A you can call.. gracefully degraded version of the full capabilities depending upon the browser . To check if a browser is defined as grade A you can call .mobile.gradeA I don't have IE to check what that gives for this but you can give it a try share improve..
Datatables: Change height of table not working http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7678345/datatables-change-height-of-table-not-working 0 class display id example thead tr th Rendering engine th th Browser th th Platform s th th Engine version th th CSS grade th tr thead tbody tr class odd gradeX td Trident td td Internet Explorer 4.0 td td Win 95 td td class center 4 td td class.. th Rendering engine th th Browser th th Platform s th th Engine version th th CSS grade th tr thead tbody tr class odd gradeX td Trident td td Internet Explorer 4.0 td td Win 95 td td class center 4 td td class center X td tr tr class even gradeC.. td Trident td td Internet Explorer 4.0 td td Win 95 td td class center 4 td td class center X td tr tr class even gradeC td Trident td td Internet Explorer 5.0 td td Win 95 td td class center 5 td td class center C td tr tr class odd gradeA..
jQuery DataTables is messing op my CSS grids in IE8, how to fix? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10932426/jquery-datatables-is-messing-op-my-css-grids-in-ie8-how-to-fix .dataTable aoColumns sTitle Engine sTitle Browser sTitle Platform sTitle Version sClass center sTitle Grade bAutoWidth false bFilter false bLengthChange false bProcessing true bServerSide true bSort false iDisplayLength..
How can I improve the page transitions for my Jquery mobile app? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13986182/how-can-i-improve-the-page-transitions-for-my-jquery-mobile-app type text placeholder DD MM YYYY fieldset br fieldset label for p01_childBirthDate_text Child's Grade in School label input id p01_childBirthDate_text type text placeholder DD MM YYYY fieldset br fieldset label for flip..
JQuery Validate: How do I add validation which checks the sum of multiple fields? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3714366/jquery-validate-how-do-i-add-validation-which-checks-the-sum-of-multiple-fields which are suppose to total 100. An example might be Please indicate what percentage of students are in each grade Grade 9 TextBox1 Grade 10 TextBox2 Grade 11 TextBox3 Grade 12 TextBox4 I want to verify that TextBox1 TextBox2 TextBox3 TextBox4.. to total 100. An example might be Please indicate what percentage of students are in each grade Grade 9 TextBox1 Grade 10 TextBox2 Grade 11 TextBox3 Grade 12 TextBox4 I want to verify that TextBox1 TextBox2 TextBox3 TextBox4 100 . How do I.. An example might be Please indicate what percentage of students are in each grade Grade 9 TextBox1 Grade 10 TextBox2 Grade 11 TextBox3 Grade 12 TextBox4 I want to verify that TextBox1 TextBox2 TextBox3 TextBox4 100 . How do I go about this Thanks..