jquery Programming Glossary: google.maps.infowindow
Google Map API V3 - Click on Marker show more info content as overlay (like in Google Maps) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10999858/google-map-api-v3-click-on-marker-show-more-info-content-as-overlay-like-in-g map_canvas myOptions Info window element infowindow new google.maps.InfoWindow Set pin setPin data Show position function setPin data var pinLatLng..
Google Maps Api v3 Maps in Ui-Tabs are cut http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12641798/google-maps-api-v3-maps-in-ui-tabs-are-cut DESCRIPTION HERE p ' ' div ' ' div ' var infowindow new google.maps.InfoWindow content contentString google.maps.event.addListener marker 'click'..
clean example of directions with google maps in jquery mobile? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13345479/clean-example-of-directions-with-google-maps-in-jquery-mobile map map title Current position var infowindow new google.maps.InfoWindow google.maps.event.addListener currentPositionMarker 'click'.. current position marker info var infowindow new google.maps.InfoWindow google.maps.event.addListener currentPositionMarker 'click'..
Google Map v3 auto refresh Markers only http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14771422/google-map-v3-auto-refresh-markers-only mapTypeId google.maps.MapTypeId.ROADMAP var infowindow new google.maps.InfoWindow var marker i for i 0 i locations.length i marker new google.maps.Marker.. mapTypeId google.maps.MapTypeId.ROADMAP var infowindow new google.maps.InfoWindow var auto_remove true When true markers for all unreported locs..
Extract drawingManager polygon path Google Maps on click http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15454919/extract-drawingmanager-polygon-path-google-maps-on-click var map Global declaration of the map var iw new google.maps.InfoWindow Global declaration of the infowindow var lat_longs new Array..
Display infowindow by default and different markers in Google Maps http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16844370/display-infowindow-by-default-and-different-markers-in-google-maps map_canvas myOptions setMarkers map sites infowindow new google.maps.InfoWindow content loading... maxWidth 150 var bikeLayer new google.maps.BicyclingLayer..
Looping through Markers with Google Maps API v3 Problem http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2670356/looping-through-markers-with-google-maps-api-v3-problem .text parseFloat this .find 'lng' .text infowindow new google.maps.InfoWindow content this .find 'description' .text new google.maps.event.addListener.. loop for x in locations console.log x infowindow x new google.maps.InfoWindow content x marker x new google.maps.Marker title locations x.. map marker for x in locations infowindow x new google.maps.InfoWindow content x marker x new google.maps.Marker title locations x..
Display multiple markers on a map with their own info windows http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2870670/display-multiple-markers-on-a-map-with-their-own-info-windows but before you end your While loop. var infowindow new google.maps.InfoWindow content ' locations_haslatlong.Fields.Item field_or_fields_containing_data_for_info_window.. files park.png' clickable true var infowindow new google.maps.InfoWindow content _park.infoWindowContent google.maps.event.addListener..
Google Maps V3: Loading infowindow content via AJAX http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3381700/google-maps-v3-loading-infowindow-content-via-ajax how its working right now var markers var infowindow new google.maps.InfoWindow .each JSON.parse aulas function i a var latlng new google.maps.LatLng..
Google Maps Display:None Problem http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4700594/google-maps-displaynone-problem myOptions var contentString 'blah' var infowindow new google.maps.InfoWindow content contentString var marker new google.maps.Marker .. myOptions var contentString 'blah' var infowindow new google.maps.InfoWindow content contentString var marker new google.maps.Marker ..
Jquery load() a html file which contains JavaScript http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5668219/jquery-load-a-html-file-which-contains-javascript hash 'lng' zoom 14 mapTypeId 'roadmap' var infoWindow new google.maps.InfoWindow downloadUrl xmlout_carol.php function data var xml data.responseXML..
Google Maps API - opening a single infoWindow http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7796318/google-maps-api-opening-a-single-infowindow var arrMarkers arrMarkers i marker var infoWindow new google.maps.InfoWindow content h3 loc.deal.subject h3 p loc.location.merchant_location.address.. filename .get filename function json var infoWindow new google.maps.InfoWindow content .each json function i loc var marker new google.maps.Marker..
Google Map API V3 - Click on Marker show more info content as overlay (like in Google Maps) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10999858/google-map-api-v3-click-on-marker-show-more-info-content-as-overlay-like-in-g Initiate map map new google.maps.Map document.getElementById map_canvas myOptions Info window element infowindow new google.maps.InfoWindow Set pin setPin data Show position function setPin data var pinLatLng new google.maps.LatLng data.lng data.lat var pinMarker..
Google Maps Api v3 Maps in Ui-Tabs are cut http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12641798/google-maps-api-v3-maps-in-ui-tabs-are-cut HERE h2 ' ' div id bodyContent ' ' p style font size 1em ADD DESCRIPTION HERE p ' ' div ' ' div ' var infowindow new google.maps.InfoWindow content contentString google.maps.event.addListener marker 'click' function infowindow.open map marker google.maps.event.addListener..
clean example of directions with google maps in jquery mobile? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13345479/clean-example-of-directions-with-google-maps-in-jquery-mobile new google.maps.Marker position currentPosition map map title Current position var infowindow new google.maps.InfoWindow google.maps.event.addListener currentPositionMarker 'click' function infowindow.setContent Current position latitude lat.. position currentPosition map map title Current position current position marker info var infowindow new google.maps.InfoWindow google.maps.event.addListener currentPositionMarker 'click' function infowindow.setContent Current position latitude lat..
Google Map v3 auto refresh Markers only http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14771422/google-map-v3-auto-refresh-markers-only streetViewControl false center new google.maps.LatLng 40 0 mapTypeId google.maps.MapTypeId.ROADMAP var infowindow new google.maps.InfoWindow var marker i for i 0 i locations.length i marker new google.maps.Marker position new google.maps.LatLng locations i 1 locations.. streetViewControl false center new google.maps.LatLng 40 0 mapTypeId google.maps.MapTypeId.ROADMAP var infowindow new google.maps.InfoWindow var auto_remove true When true markers for all unreported locs will be removed. function setMarkers locObj if auto_remove..
Extract drawingManager polygon path Google Maps on click http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15454919/extract-drawingmanager-polygon-path-google-maps-on-click input type button name save value Save id save form JavaScript var map Global declaration of the map var iw new google.maps.InfoWindow Global declaration of the infowindow var lat_longs new Array var markers new Array var drawingManager function initialize..
Display infowindow by default and different markers in Google Maps http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16844370/display-infowindow-by-default-and-different-markers-in-google-maps var map new google.maps.Map document.getElementById map_canvas myOptions setMarkers map sites infowindow new google.maps.InfoWindow content loading... maxWidth 150 var bikeLayer new google.maps.BicyclingLayer bikeLayer.setMap map var sites 'Interfaith..
Looping through Markers with Google Maps API v3 Problem http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2670356/looping-through-markers-with-google-maps-api-v3-problem new google.maps.LatLng parseFloat this .find 'lat' .text parseFloat this .find 'lng' .text infowindow new google.maps.InfoWindow content this .find 'description' .text new google.maps.event.addListener the_marker 'click' function infowindow.open.. You are having a very common closure problem in the following loop for x in locations console.log x infowindow x new google.maps.InfoWindow content x marker x new google.maps.Marker title locations x 0 map map position locations x 2 google.maps.event.addListener.. map infowindow marker return function infowindow.open map marker for x in locations infowindow x new google.maps.InfoWindow content x marker x new google.maps.Marker title locations x 0 map map position locations x 3 google.maps.event.addListener..
Display multiple markers on a map with their own info windows http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2870670/display-multiple-markers-on-a-map-with-their-own-info-windows and dirty solution is to add this after you create your marker but before you end your While loop. var infowindow new google.maps.InfoWindow content ' locations_haslatlong.Fields.Item field_or_fields_containing_data_for_info_window .Value ' google.maps.event.addListener.. title _park.title icon 'http google maps icons.googlecode.com files park.png' clickable true var infowindow new google.maps.InfoWindow content _park.infoWindowContent google.maps.event.addListener marker 'click' function infowindow.open map marker share..
Google Maps V3: Loading infowindow content via AJAX http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3381700/google-maps-v3-loading-infowindow-content-via-ajax forward but its confusing me for some reason. This is how its working right now var markers var infowindow new google.maps.InfoWindow .each JSON.parse aulas function i a var latlng new google.maps.LatLng a.aula.lat a.aula.lng var marker new google.maps.Marker..
Google Maps Display:None Problem http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4700594/google-maps-displaynone-problem var map new google.maps.Map document.getElementById map_canvas myOptions var contentString 'blah' var infowindow new google.maps.InfoWindow content contentString var marker new google.maps.Marker position latlng map map google.maps.event.addListener marker.. map new google.maps.Map document.getElementById map_canvas myOptions var contentString 'blah' var infowindow new google.maps.InfoWindow content contentString var marker new google.maps.Marker position latlng map map google.maps.event.addListener marker..
Jquery load() a html file which contains JavaScript http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5668219/jquery-load-a-html-file-which-contains-javascript map center new google.maps.LatLng hash 'lat' hash 'lng' zoom 14 mapTypeId 'roadmap' var infoWindow new google.maps.InfoWindow downloadUrl xmlout_carol.php function data var xml data.responseXML var markers xml.documentElement.getElementsByTagName..
Google Maps API - opening a single infoWindow http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7796318/google-maps-api-opening-a-single-infowindow map MYMAP.map title loc.deal.subject var arrMarkers arrMarkers i marker var infoWindow new google.maps.InfoWindow content h3 loc.deal.subject h3 p loc.location.merchant_location.address p var arrInfoWindows arrInfoWindows i infoWindow.. new google.maps.LatLngBounds MYMAP.placeMarkers function filename .get filename function json var infoWindow new google.maps.InfoWindow content .each json function i loc var marker new google.maps.Marker position new google.maps.LatLng loc.location.merchant_location.latitude..