jquery Programming Glossary: google.maps.latlngbounds
check if map markers are within selected bounds http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11229711/check-if-map-markers-are-within-selected-bounds If you have an object with all your markers you can loop through them and check each marker for example var bounds new google.maps.LatLngBounds sw ne for var a in markers if bounds.contains new google.maps.LatLng markers a .lat markers a .lng marker is within bounds..
Google Map loading partially on click on the hidden tab http://stackoverflow.com/questions/17488247/google-map-loading-partially-on-click-on-the-hidden-tab .infoBox .fadeOut 300 infobox.open map this map.panTo new google.maps.LatLng 47.6145 122.3418 var bounds new google.maps.LatLngBounds for index in markers var data markers index bounds.extend new google.maps.LatLng data.lat data.lng map.fitBounds bounds..
Google MAP API v3: Center & Zoom on displayed markers http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2818984/google-map-api-v3-center-zoom-on-displayed-markers another fix I've found online map an instance of GMap3 latlng an array of instances of GLatLng var latlngbounds new google.maps.LatLngBounds latlng.each function n latlngbounds.extend n map.setCenter latlngbounds.getCenter map.fitBounds latlngbounds share improve..
How do you center a map with multiple markers using gMap? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5995916/how-do-you-center-a-map-with-multiple-markers-using-gmap This logic could be conbined with the marker creation. Just keeping it separate for code clarity. var bounds new google.maps.LatLngBounds for index in markers var data markers index bounds.extend new google.maps.LatLng data.lat data.lng map.fitBounds bounds..
Google Maps API - opening a single infoWindow http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7796318/google-maps-api-opening-a-single-infowindow latLng mapTypeId google.maps.MapTypeId.ROADMAP this.map new google.maps.Map selector 0 myOptions this.bounds new google.maps.LatLngBounds MYMAP.placeMarkers function filename .get filename function json .each json function i loc var marker new google.maps.Marker.. latLng mapTypeId google.maps.MapTypeId.ROADMAP this.map new google.maps.Map selector 0 myOptions this.bounds new google.maps.LatLngBounds MYMAP.placeMarkers function filename .get filename function json var infoWindow new google.maps.InfoWindow content .each..