jquery Programming Glossary: grabs
Dynamic Facebook comment counter link http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11640042/dynamic-facebook-comment-counter-link count div This jQuery would do the trick function this grabs all the div elements with the class details div.details .each..
dynamic drop down box? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16924082/dynamic-drop-down-box the jQuery .change selector Here is the line where it grabs the option selected by the user var sel_stud this .val This..
jQuery Selecting the first child with a specific attribute http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1766652/jquery-selecting-the-first-child-with-a-specific-attribute .find input type 'submit' .val I'm thinking this already grabs the first input of type submit by default I'm not sure if that..
Check if inputs are empty using jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1854556/check-if-inputs-are-empty-using-jquery 'warning' Also you should take note that 'input text' grabs multiple elements specify a context or use the this keyword..
Problem sending additional post data to server with uploadify http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1970558/problem-sending-additional-post-data-to-server-with-uploadify script. But the problem is that the scriptData method grabs its values upon page load uploadify initialization . Thus when..
How Can I Add a Class to the Body Tag using jQuery? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2018001/how-can-i-add-a-class-to-the-body-tag-using-jquery unique body class for every page using jQuery that somehow grabs the URL and then inserts that unique body class that would be..
Best way to add a 'callback' after a series of asynchronous XHR calls http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2208710/best-way-to-add-a-callback-after-a-series-of-asynchronous-xhr-calls in the code below I have a jQuery.each in which it grabs information on the elements and launch an Ajax get request for..
jquery show / hide div on click? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2235426/jquery-show-hide-div-on-click ul where #nav inner is actually the ul element. The above grabs the class from the clicked link and then selects the child of..
MVC with JQuery: handling Session Expire http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2319020/mvc-with-jquery-handling-session-expire fire a poll request to the server which in turn basically grabs the session from the request every time of session expiration..
jQuery: Listen to changes within a DIV and act accordingly http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2712124/jquery-listen-to-changes-within-a-div-and-act-accordingly within a DIV and act accordingly I have a function that grabs an XML document and transforms it according to an XSL document...
How can I clear content without getting the dreaded “stop running this script?” dialog? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2923987/how-can-i-clear-content-without-getting-the-dreaded-stop-running-this-script of the remove all jQuery does something naive. Like it grabs the html content does the text replace to remove one html element..
Jquery getJSON Not Working Cross Site http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3038862/jquery-getjson-not-working-cross-site Not Working Cross Site I have a piece of javascript that grabs JSON data. When executed locally everything seems to work fine...
Insert data into MySQL Database using javascript/AJAX http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4139532/insert-data-into-mysql-database-using-javascript-ajax made which calls a PHP script on the server which in turn grabs data from a MySQL database and returns results back to the client..
Select values of checkbox group with jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/416752/select-values-of-checkbox-group-with-jquery group using input @name 'user_group ' .val but that just grabs the value of the first checkbox in the list regardless of if..
jQuery text() function loses line breaks in IE http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4502673/jquery-text-function-loses-line-breaks-in-ie safari... however IE gets rid of the line breaks when it grabs the text via the jQuery text function. This is discussed in..
set option “selected” attribute from dynamic created option http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4590311/set-option-selected-attribute-from-dynamic-created-option ' selected selected ' opt.replaceWith html The code grabs the option element for Indonesia clones it and puts it into..
Run JQuery in the context of another frame http://stackoverflow.com/questions/539504/run-jquery-in-the-context-of-another-frame Notice the second argument to which is the expression that grabs the blah frame from within important frame html head script..
jquery: find the highest z-index http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5680770/jquery-find-the-highest-z-index result is simply the z index of the first div that jQuery grabs. To grab only the divs you want use a class on them. If you..
jquery - return value from callback function (in post request) into the function its inside of? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7032858/jquery-return-value-from-callback-function-in-post-request-into-the-function function that posts data to a validation script and grabs a value from there. The callback function on the post request..
need to refresh page in jquery mobile http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8722606/need-to-refresh-page-in-jquery-mobile files and enhanced. When you load the 2nd page JQM only grabs what's inside data role page id your 2nd page and adds this..
Dynamic Facebook comment counter link http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11640042/dynamic-facebook-comment-counter-link text a div fb comments count href PAGEURL fb comments count div This jQuery would do the trick function this grabs all the div elements with the class details div.details .each function index elem within each details div we look for an..
dynamic drop down box? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16924082/dynamic-drop-down-box example posted above The user chooses a student name which fires the jQuery .change selector Here is the line where it grabs the option selected by the user var sel_stud this .val This value is sent to another_php_file.php via this line of the AJAX..
jQuery Selecting the first child with a specific attribute http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1766652/jquery-selecting-the-first-child-with-a-specific-attribute forms on my page hence this to avoid confusion var name this .find input type 'submit' .val I'm thinking this already grabs the first input of type submit by default I'm not sure if that assumption is correct or if there's a more formal way of..
Check if inputs are empty using jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1854556/check-if-inputs-are-empty-using-jquery .blur function if this.value this .parents 'p' .addClass 'warning' Also you should take note that 'input text' grabs multiple elements specify a context or use the this keyword if you just want a reference to a lone element provided theres..
Problem sending additional post data to server with uploadify http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1970558/problem-sending-additional-post-data-to-server-with-uploadify that allows me to send over key value pairs to the uploadify.php script. But the problem is that the scriptData method grabs its values upon page load uploadify initialization . Thus when a user is on the page changing values scriptData still only..
How Can I Add a Class to the Body Tag using jQuery? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2018001/how-can-i-add-a-class-to-the-body-tag-using-jquery using wikispaces.com and I would like to dynamically add a unique body class for every page using jQuery that somehow grabs the URL and then inserts that unique body class that would be applied specifically and only for that page. So here's an..
Best way to add a 'callback' after a series of asynchronous XHR calls http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2208710/best-way-to-add-a-callback-after-a-series-of-asynchronous-xhr-calls it's mixing asynchronous synchronous type of code... so basically in the code below I have a jQuery.each in which it grabs information on the elements and launch an Ajax get request for each search .each function .ajax url 'save.x3 id ' this .attr..
jquery show / hide div on click? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2235426/jquery-show-hide-div-on-click .stop .show return false Your first error was #nav inner ul where #nav inner is actually the ul element. The above grabs the class from the clicked link and then selects the child of div.v1 with that class and toggles it shows it if hidden hides..
MVC with JQuery: handling Session Expire http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2319020/mvc-with-jquery-handling-session-expire postpone the session timeout ajaxically. Use setInterval to fire a poll request to the server which in turn basically grabs the session from the request every time of session expiration minus ten seconds or so. setInterval function .get 'poll'..
jQuery: Listen to changes within a DIV and act accordingly http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2712124/jquery-listen-to-changes-within-a-div-and-act-accordingly Listen to changes within a DIV and act accordingly I have a function that grabs an XML document and transforms it according to an XSL document. It then places the result into a div with the id laneconfigdisplay..
How can I clear content without getting the dreaded “stop running this script?” dialog? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2923987/how-can-i-clear-content-without-getting-the-dreaded-stop-running-this-script removing content not adding it. I'm afraid that in the context of the remove all jQuery does something naive. Like it grabs the html content does the text replace to remove one html element then calls .add to put back what remains. Is there a way..
Jquery getJSON Not Working Cross Site http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3038862/jquery-getjson-not-working-cross-site getJSON Not Working Cross Site I have a piece of javascript that grabs JSON data. When executed locally everything seems to work fine. However when I try accessing it from a different site it..
Insert data into MySQL Database using javascript/AJAX http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4139532/insert-data-into-mysql-database-using-javascript-ajax a MySQL library. Here's an example where an AJAX request is made which calls a PHP script on the server which in turn grabs data from a MySQL database and returns results back to the client http www.w3schools.com PHP php_ajax_database.asp share..
Select values of checkbox group with jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/416752/select-values-of-checkbox-group-with-jquery grab all the values using jQuery. I figured I can select the group using input @name 'user_group ' .val but that just grabs the value of the first checkbox in the list regardless of if it is checked of not. Any ideas javascript jquery share..
jQuery text() function loses line breaks in IE http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4502673/jquery-text-function-loses-line-breaks-in-ie 1' breakTag ' 2' This all works fine in firefox chrome opera safari... however IE gets rid of the line breaks when it grabs the text via the jQuery text function. This is discussed in the comments of this page on the jQuery documentation http api.jquery.com..
set option “selected” attribute from dynamic created option http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4590311/set-option-selected-attribute-from-dynamic-created-option option val ID html div .append opt.clone .html html html.replace ' selected selected ' opt.replaceWith html The code grabs the option element for Indonesia clones it and puts it into a new div not in the document to retrieve the full HTML string..
Run JQuery in the context of another frame http://stackoverflow.com/questions/539504/run-jquery-in-the-context-of-another-frame all the h1 elements from the frame with blah.html in it. Notice the second argument to which is the expression that grabs the blah frame from within important frame html head script type text javascript src javascripts jquery.js script script..
jquery: find the highest z-index http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5680770/jquery-find-the-highest-z-index
jquery - return value from callback function (in post request) into the function its inside of? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7032858/jquery-return-value-from-callback-function-in-post-request-into-the-function post request into the function its inside of I have a javascript function that posts data to a validation script and grabs a value from there. The callback function on the post request returns a boolean value and I'm trying to get the entire function..
need to refresh page in jquery mobile http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8722606/need-to-refresh-page-in-jquery-mobile sort of your BasePage which is fully loaded with all .js .css files and enhanced. When you load the 2nd page JQM only grabs what's inside data role page id your 2nd page and adds this to the DOM after your first page All scripts outside this div..