jquery Programming Glossary: filters
What's the difference in the :not() selector between jQuery and CSS? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10711730/whats-the-difference-in-the-not-selector-between-jquery-and-css which also accepts any arbitrarily complex selector and filters accordingly. It does in a way maintain a CSS like syntax but..
jquery cycle IE7 transparent png problem http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1156985/jquery-cycle-ie7-transparent-png-problem cant remember where i found it. IE PNG fix multiple filters function if return .fn.extend fixPNG function sizingMethod forceBG..
jquery IE Fadein and Fadeout Opacity http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1284163/jquery-ie-fadein-and-fadeout-opacity this bug Its really annoying I am using all the correct filters etc its just the fadein and fadeout in IE Thx jquery html css..
jQuery selector regular expressions http://stackoverflow.com/questions/190253/jquery-selector-regular-expressions the documentation for the syntax is EDIT The attribute filters allow you to select based on patterns of an attribute value...
How does this JavaScript/JQuery Syntax work: (function( window, undefined ) { })(window)? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2716069/how-does-this-javascript-jquery-syntax-work-function-window-undefined found javascript goes through the next scope etc. until it filters through the global variables. So if the window variable is made..
jquery with ASP.NET MVC - calling ajax enabled web service http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2835957/jquery-with-asp-net-mvc-calling-ajax-enabled-web-service searchString searchString searchOper searchOper filters filters public jqGridTable jqGridGetMovies int page int rows.. searchString searchString searchOper searchOper filters filters public jqGridTable jqGridGetMovies int page int rows string.. searchField string searchString string searchOper string filters where jqGridTable public class jqGridTable public int total..
Multiple search with multiplefields by default http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3981874/multiple-search-with-multiplefields-by-default Searching will be displayed not empty is that both use filters parameters of the postData . So if you initialize the postData..
is there an api in jqgrid to add advanced filters to post data? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5272850/is-there-an-api-in-jqgrid-to-add-advanced-filters-to-post-data there an api in jqgrid to add advanced filters to post data i see how in this code you can preset postdata.. post data i see how in this code you can preset postdata filters by have this in your javascript. postData filters ' groupOp.. postdata filters by have this in your javascript. postData filters ' groupOp AND rules ' ' field invdate op gt data 2007 09 06..
How can I export tables to excel from a webpage [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5524143/how-can-i-export-tables-to-excel-from-a-webpage DataTables Table Tools plugin. You get a grid that sorts filters orders and pages your data and with just a few extra lines of..
How to get all of the IDs with jQuery? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/827294/how-to-get-all-of-the-ids-with-jquery ways of accomplishing this taking advantage of attribute filters to limit matched elements to those with IDs and jQuery's built..
Using jQuery to test if an input has focus http://stackoverflow.com/questions/967096/using-jquery-to-test-if-an-input-has-focus can add the focus selector if it is missing function var filters .expr if filters.focus filters.focus function elem return elem.. selector if it is missing function var filters .expr if filters.focus filters.focus function elem return elem document.activeElement.. it is missing function var filters .expr if filters.focus filters.focus function elem return elem document.activeElement elem.type..
Textbox validation in jquery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12434948/textbox-validation-in-jquery '#myinput' var error '.error' var submit '#submit' var Filters min re . 3 error 'Must be at least 3 characters.' char re ^.. 'disabled' true break return isValid test input.val Filters input.on 'keyup blur' function test this.value Filters share..
JavaScript: Invert color on all elements of a page http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4766201/javascript-invert-color-on-all-elements-of-a-page
JavaScript Show/Hide as Filters to list of divs http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5017836/javascript-show-hide-as-filters-to-list-of-divs Show Hide as Filters to list of divs Looking to create Javascript that acts like..
AJAX and MVC (C#) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/799404/ajax-and-mvc-c Items per Page drop down I want to AJAX this Left Column Filters I want to AJAX this Product Display area displays products based..
jQuery Isotope Combination Filters mixed with BBQ Hash History - Need help understanding how to http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8812336/jquery-isotope-combination-filters-mixed-with-bbq-hash-history-need-help-under Isotope Combination Filters mixed with BBQ Hash History Need help understanding how to .. 'data filter name' value this.attr 'data filter value' isoFilters filterName prop filters name value for prop in filters isoFilters.push.. filterName prop filters name value for prop in filters isoFilters.push filters prop var filterSelector isoFilters.join '' trigger..
Difference between CSS selector and jQuery filter? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9983297/difference-between-css-selector-and-jquery-filter There is a subcategory of Selectors in jQuery called Basic Filters however the name is completely misleading and the selectors.. question . I imagine that it's categorized under Basic Filters anyway because of .not which is most definitely for all its..
What's the difference in the :not() selector between jQuery and CSS? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10711730/whats-the-difference-in-the-not-selector-between-jquery-and-css be and I suspect that this is for parity with the .not method which also accepts any arbitrarily complex selector and filters accordingly. It does in a way maintain a CSS like syntax but it extends from what's defined in the standard. As another..
jquery cycle IE7 transparent png problem http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1156985/jquery-cycle-ie7-transparent-png-problem change the structure. I would give attribution but I honestly cant remember where i found it. IE PNG fix multiple filters function if return .fn.extend fixPNG function sizingMethod forceBG if .browser.msie return this var emptyimg empty.gif Path..
jquery IE Fadein and Fadeout Opacity http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1284163/jquery-ie-fadein-and-fadeout-opacity color before removing the overlay. Anyone know how to fix this bug Its really annoying I am using all the correct filters etc its just the fadein and fadeout in IE Thx jquery html css internet explorer opacity share improve this question ..
jQuery selector regular expressions http://stackoverflow.com/questions/190253/jquery-selector-regular-expressions on the syntax and how to use it. Does anyone know where the documentation for the syntax is EDIT The attribute filters allow you to select based on patterns of an attribute value. jquery regex jquery selectors share improve this question..
How does this JavaScript/JQuery Syntax work: (function( window, undefined ) { })(window)? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2716069/how-does-this-javascript-jquery-syntax-work-function-window-undefined variables until it finds the variable name. When it's not found javascript goes through the next scope etc. until it filters through the global variables. So if the window variable is made local javascript can look it up quicker. Further infomation..
jquery with ASP.NET MVC - calling ajax enabled web service http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2835957/jquery-with-asp-net-mvc-calling-ajax-enabled-web-service rows rows sidx sortIndex sord sortDirection searchField searchField searchString searchString searchOper searchOper filters filters public jqGridTable jqGridGetMovies int page int rows string sortIndex string sortDirection string _search string.. sidx sortIndex sord sortDirection searchField searchField searchString searchString searchOper searchOper filters filters public jqGridTable jqGridGetMovies int page int rows string sortIndex string sortDirection string _search string searchField.. string sortIndex string sortDirection string _search string searchField string searchString string searchOper string filters where jqGridTable public class jqGridTable public int total get set total number of pages public int page get set current..
Multiple search with multiplefields by default http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3981874/multiple-search-with-multiplefields-by-default the usage of the Toolbar Searching the dialog with the Advanced Searching will be displayed not empty is that both use filters parameters of the postData . So if you initialize the postData you can receive a good starting point. See on the demo ...
is there an api in jqgrid to add advanced filters to post data? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5272850/is-there-an-api-in-jqgrid-to-add-advanced-filters-to-post-data there an api in jqgrid to add advanced filters to post data i see how in this code you can preset postdata filters by have this in your javascript. postData filters '.. there an api in jqgrid to add advanced filters to post data i see how in this code you can preset postdata filters by have this in your javascript. postData filters ' groupOp AND rules ' ' field invdate op gt data 2007 09 06 ' ' field.. filters to post data i see how in this code you can preset postdata filters by have this in your javascript. postData filters ' groupOp AND rules ' ' field invdate op gt data 2007 09 06 ' ' field invdate op lt data 2007 10 04 ' ' field name op bw..
How can I export tables to excel from a webpage [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5524143/how-can-i-export-tables-to-excel-from-a-webpage the cleanest easiest export from tables to Excel is Jquery DataTables Table Tools plugin. You get a grid that sorts filters orders and pages your data and with just a few extra lines of code and two small files included you get export to Excel..
How to get all of the IDs with jQuery? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/827294/how-to-get-all-of-the-ids-with-jquery and cletus both point out more reliable and concise ways of accomplishing this taking advantage of attribute filters to limit matched elements to those with IDs and jQuery's built in map function var IDs #mydiv span id find spans with ID..
Using jQuery to test if an input has focus http://stackoverflow.com/questions/967096/using-jquery-to-test-if-an-input-has-focus If you aren't sure if the version will be 1.6 or lower you can add the focus selector if it is missing function var filters .expr if filters.focus filters.focus function elem return elem document.activeElement elem.type elem.href jQuery share.. sure if the version will be 1.6 or lower you can add the focus selector if it is missing function var filters .expr if filters.focus filters.focus function elem return elem document.activeElement elem.type elem.href jQuery share improve this answer..
Textbox validation in jquery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12434948/textbox-validation-in-jquery or more inputs. Demo http jsbin.com ezatap 6 edit var input '#myinput' var error '.error' var submit '#submit' var Filters min re . 3 error 'Must be at least 3 characters.' char re ^ a z i error 'Must be only letters.' vowel re aeiou i error 'Must..
JavaScript: Invert color on all elements of a page http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4766201/javascript-invert-color-on-all-elements-of-a-page
JavaScript Show/Hide as Filters to list of divs http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5017836/javascript-show-hide-as-filters-to-list-of-divs Show Hide as Filters to list of divs Looking to create Javascript that acts like a filter on a list of divs. For instance here's the intended..
AJAX and MVC (C#) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/799404/ajax-and-mvc-c Navigation First Prev 1 2 3 Next Last full post back Items per Page drop down I want to AJAX this Left Column Filters I want to AJAX this Product Display area displays products based on 1 2 3 above I am starting with Item #2 and am trying..
jQuery Isotope Combination Filters mixed with BBQ Hash History - Need help understanding how to http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8812336/jquery-isotope-combination-filters-mixed-with-bbq-hash-history-need-help-under Isotope Combination Filters mixed with BBQ Hash History Need help understanding how to I am trying to understand how to use Combination filters with.. object i.e. filters.color 'red' var this this name this.attr 'data filter name' value this.attr 'data filter value' isoFilters filterName prop filters name value for prop in filters isoFilters.push filters prop var filterSelector isoFilters.join.. filter name' value this.attr 'data filter value' isoFilters filterName prop filters name value for prop in filters isoFilters.push filters prop var filterSelector isoFilters.join '' trigger isotope if its ready if container.data 'isotope' container.isotope..
Difference between CSS selector and jQuery filter? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9983297/difference-between-css-selector-and-jquery-filter indicator that a pseudo selector works as a filter. There is a subcategory of Selectors in jQuery called Basic Filters however the name is completely misleading and the selectors themselves poorly categorized not all of them are actual filters.. actually offered in CSS. The differences are detailed in this question . I imagine that it's categorized under Basic Filters anyway because of .not which is most definitely for all its intents and purposes a filter method and the antithesis of .filter..