jquery Programming Glossary: filtering
jqGrid with user-custom advanced search and addJSONData population http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10284075/jqgrid-with-user-custom-advanced-search-and-addjsondata-population format . In the case you can have advantage of local data filtering datatype 'local' or the usage of loadonce true . See the demo.. from the answer as an example. If you want to implement filtering of data on the server side only you can use any format of additional..
What's the difference in the :not() selector between jQuery and CSS? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10711730/whats-the-difference-in-the-not-selector-between-jquery-and-css passing a comma separated list of selectors to not means filtering elements that don't match any of the listed selectors . Now..
jQuery select based on text http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1430290/jquery-select-based-on-text out with a smaller collection of SPAN elements before filtering down to the exact set you're interested in. EDIT Took Ken Browning's..
jQuery Mobile: Markup Enhancement of dynamically added content http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14550396/jquery-mobile-markup-enhancement-of-dynamically-added-content performance reasons. One of a listview high points is a filtering functionality. Unfortunately for some reason jQuery Mobile will.. demo 01.03.2013 Added comment about how to dynamically add filtering to a listview 07.03.2013 Added new chapter Get correct maximum..
jQuery Validate Ignore elements with style http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2623514/jquery-validate-ignore-elements-with-style ignore Elements to ignore when validating simply filtering them out. jQuery's not method is used therefore everything that..
jquery with ASP.NET MVC - calling ajax enabled web service http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2835957/jquery-with-asp-net-mvc-calling-ajax-enabled-web-service like paging sorting and two kind of searching more as filtering with WHERE in the corresponding SELECT of data simple and advanced...
Paged table with ASP.NET MVC and AJAX http://stackoverflow.com/questions/286022/paged-table-with-asp-net-mvc-and-ajax a paged table of results in ASP.NET MVC with sorting filtering and paging provided via AJAX. It seems to me that I should have..
How to filter the jqGrid data NOT using the built in search/filter box http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2928371/how-to-filter-the-jqgrid-data-not-using-the-built-in-search-filter-box grid data. If you have your own interface for searching filtering some select controls or checkboxes for example you should just.. in the select controls which you have an option like no filtering . To be more exact your code should looks like the code from.. GET requests but with HTTP POST also If you use some no filtering or all entries in the select box StateId you can modify the..
Remember (persist) the filter, sort order and current page of jqGrid http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3015203/remember-persist-the-filter-sort-order-and-current-page-of-jqgrid with jqGrid Thanks jquery cookies persistence jqgrid filtering share improve this question PROBLEM SOLVED I eventually..
how to revert position of a jquery UI draggable based on condition http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3088485/how-to-revert-position-of-a-jquery-ui-draggable-based-on-condition here . The accept option also takes a function if you need filtering a selector can't provide like this #droppable .droppable accept..
jquery filtering has + not http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4045431/jquery-filtering-has-not filtering has not Okay I have list items some have a span some not. On.. ' span class spn new span span ' jquery jquery selectors filtering share improve this question You can use a combination of..
jqgrid reloadGrid with loadonce set to true http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5397671/jqgrid-reloadgrid-with-loadonce-set-to-true data from the grid. All next grid reloading sorting paging filtering works local. If you want refresh the grid data from the server..
Add Paging for JqGrid http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8479777/add-paging-for-jqgrid to the client side and allow jqGrid do paging sorting and filtering the data for you on the client side. It can work effective only..
jqGrid auto filter highlighting search result http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8501679/jqgrid-auto-filter-highlighting-search-result true ignoreCase true to make case insensitive local filtering of the data. If you use already local data types any datatypes..
jquery: on vs live http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9864476/jquery-on-vs-live callback is the moral equivalent of bind not live . Add a filtering selector to your call to on 'container' .on 'click' 'child filter'..
jqGrid with user-custom advanced search and addJSONData population http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10284075/jqgrid-with-user-custom-advanced-search-and-addjsondata-population filter in the postData.filters you have to hold the standard format . In the case you can have advantage of local data filtering datatype 'local' or the usage of loadonce true . See the demo from the answer as an example. If you want to implement filtering.. datatype 'local' or the usage of loadonce true . See the demo from the answer as an example. If you want to implement filtering of data on the server side only you can use any format of additional properties please don't use the same name filters ...
What's the difference in the :not() selector between jQuery and CSS? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10711730/whats-the-difference-in-the-not-selector-between-jquery-and-css body class body has class ' jsFiddle preview Remember that passing a comma separated list of selectors to not means filtering elements that don't match any of the listed selectors . Now the not pseudo class in Selectors level 3 on the other hand..
jQuery select based on text http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1430290/jquery-select-based-on-text but you may experience performance benefits by starting out with a smaller collection of SPAN elements before filtering down to the exact set you're interested in. EDIT Took Ken Browning's suggestion to use the text function instead of innerHTML..
jQuery Mobile: Markup Enhancement of dynamically added content http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14550396/jquery-mobile-markup-enhancement-of-dynamically-added-content only affects new nodes appended to a list. This is done for performance reasons. One of a listview high points is a filtering functionality. Unfortunately for some reason jQuery Mobile will fail to dynamically add filter option to an existing listview... Gajotres vTBGa Changes 01.02.2013 Added a dynamic navbar demo 01.03.2013 Added comment about how to dynamically add filtering to a listview 07.03.2013 Added new chapter Get correct maximum content height 17.03.2013 Added few words to the chapter..
jQuery Validate Ignore elements with style http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2623514/jquery-validate-ignore-elements-with-style ignore hidden Update for completeness from the plugin's documentation ignore Elements to ignore when validating simply filtering them out. jQuery's not method is used therefore everything that is accepted by not can be passed as this option. Inputs..
jquery with ASP.NET MVC - calling ajax enabled web service http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2835957/jquery-with-asp-net-mvc-calling-ajax-enabled-web-service access a web server which you cannot change. jqGrid has features like paging sorting and two kind of searching more as filtering with WHERE in the corresponding SELECT of data simple and advanced. If we want have these nice features inside of jqGrid..
Paged table with ASP.NET MVC and AJAX http://stackoverflow.com/questions/286022/paged-table-with-asp-net-mvc-and-ajax MVC and AJAX I'm looking for good patterns for implementing a paged table of results in ASP.NET MVC with sorting filtering and paging provided via AJAX. It seems to me that I should have my controller actions provide only the data and not mark..
How to filter the jqGrid data NOT using the built in search/filter box http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2928371/how-to-filter-the-jqgrid-data-not-using-the-built-in-search-filter-box parameters to the url sending to server and reloading the grid data. If you have your own interface for searching filtering some select controls or checkboxes for example you should just append your url yourself and reload the grid with respect.. choose any way which you prefer. For example you can include in the select controls which you have an option like no filtering . To be more exact your code should looks like the code from the answer how to reload jqgrid in asp.net mvc when i change.. have very clear structure. All works fine not only with HTTP GET requests but with HTTP POST also If you use some no filtering or all entries in the select box StateId you can modify the function which calculate the value of StateId parameter which..
Remember (persist) the filter, sort order and current page of jqGrid http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3015203/remember-persist-the-filter-sort-order-and-current-page-of-jqgrid stage. Does anyone have any experience with this kind of thing with jqGrid Thanks jquery cookies persistence jqgrid filtering share improve this question PROBLEM SOLVED I eventually ended up using cookies in javascript to store the sort column..
how to revert position of a jquery UI draggable based on condition http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3088485/how-to-revert-position-of-a-jquery-ui-draggable-based-on-condition selector gets reset when you let go you can see a full demo here . The accept option also takes a function if you need filtering a selector can't provide like this #droppable .droppable accept function dropElem dropElem was the dropped element return..
jquery filtering has + not http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4045431/jquery-filtering-has-not filtering has not Okay I have list items some have a span some not. On my event I want to add the span when they don't have any yet... span .find span .append appended this .not span .append ' span class spn new span span ' jquery jquery selectors filtering share improve this question You can use a combination of the not and has selectors like this a.add span .click function..
jqgrid reloadGrid with loadonce set to true http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5397671/jqgrid-reloadgrid-with-loadonce-set-to-true the datatype parameters to 'local' after the first load of data from the grid. All next grid reloading sorting paging filtering works local. If you want refresh the grid data from the server one more time you should set datatype to its original value..
Add Paging for JqGrid http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8479777/add-paging-for-jqgrid the server and instead of that want send all the grid data to the client side and allow jqGrid do paging sorting and filtering the data for you on the client side. It can work effective only with relatively small number of rows some hundred rows for..
jqGrid auto filter highlighting search result http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8501679/jqgrid-auto-filter-highlighting-search-result how to implement your requirement. I used the options loadonce true ignoreCase true to make case insensitive local filtering of the data. If you use already local data types any datatypes excepring 'xml' and 'json' the data will be already hold..
jquery: on vs live http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9864476/jquery-on-vs-live .live and .delegate . The syntax 'selector' .on 'event' callback is the moral equivalent of bind not live . Add a filtering selector to your call to on 'container' .on 'click' 'child filter' callback In this case '.a' .on click .alert link function..