jquery Programming Glossary: filters.rules
Call PHP Function using jQuery AJAX http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4152431/call-php-function-using-jquery-ajax
jqGrid auto filter highlighting search result http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8501679/jqgrid-auto-filter-highlighting-search-result i l rules rule iCol this this if this.p.search true filters .parseJSON this.p.postData.filters if filters null typeof filters.rules 'undefined' filters.rules.length 0 rules filters.rules l rules.length for i 0 i l i rule rules i iCol getColumnIndexByName.. if this.p.search true filters .parseJSON this.p.postData.filters if filters null typeof filters.rules 'undefined' filters.rules.length 0 rules filters.rules l rules.length for i 0 i l i rule rules i iCol getColumnIndexByName this rule.field if.. .parseJSON this.p.postData.filters if filters null typeof filters.rules 'undefined' filters.rules.length 0 rules filters.rules l rules.length for i 0 i l i rule rules i iCol getColumnIndexByName this rule.field if iCol 0 ' tbody tr.jqgrow td nth..
why doesn't Jqgrid frozen column seem to work with filter rows and filter heading? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8564198/why-doesnt-jqgrid-frozen-column-seem-to-work-with-filter-rows-and-filter-headin true typeof postData.filters undefined var filters jQuery.parseJSON postData.filters newCapture Filter var rules filters.rules for var i 0 i rules.length i var rule rules i var op rule.op the code name of the operation if jQuery.fn.searchFilter jQuery.fn.searchFilter.defaults.. if isFiltering true typeof postData.filters undefined filters .parseJSON postData.filters newCapture Filter rules filters.rules for i 0 i rules.length i rule rules i op rule.op the code name of the operation iOp .inArray op arOps if iOp 0 typeof .jgrid.search.odata..
How can i get jqgrid frozen columns to work with word wrap on http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8686616/how-can-i-get-jqgrid-frozen-columns-to-work-with-word-wrap-on if isFiltering true typeof postData.filters undefined filters .parseJSON postData.filters newCapture Filter rules filters.rules for i 0 i rules.length i rule rules i op rule.op the code name of the operation iOp .inArray op arOps if iOp 0 typeof..