jquery Programming Glossary: file's
Is it possible to include an html file inside a php file http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11044403/is-it-possible-to-include-an-html-file-inside-a-php-file that included file has a php ... block in it somewhere the file's contents will simply be treated as output. If css isn't being..
files get uploaded just before they get cancelled [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13020459/files-get-uploaded-just-before-they-get-cancelled Got a little situation here where I am trying to cancel a file's upload. What I have done is stated that if the user clicks on..
jQuery ajax upload file in asp.net mvc http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2428296/jquery-ajax-upload-file-in-asp-net-mvc i Uploaded file Use the following properties to get file's name size and MIMEType int fileSize file.ContentLength string..
How to upload string as file with jQuery or other js framework http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3012566/how-to-upload-string-as-file-with-jquery-or-other-js-framework form data name file ' 'filename temp.txt r n' Add the file's mime type 'Content type plain text r n r n' Add your data data..
jQuery find file extension (from string) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3042312/jquery-find-file-extension-from-string else I've been looking for something that will find the file's extension but I can't seem to find anything. jquery file ..
Download File Using Javascript/jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3749231/download-file-using-javascript-jquery such as HTML or text files you need the server to set the file's MIME Type to a nonsensical value such as application x please..
How to use Javascript to check and load CSS if not loaded? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4724606/how-to-use-javascript-to-check-and-load-css-if-not-loaded element exists with the href attribute set to your CSS file's URL if link href ' path to.css' .length ' link href path to.css..
how to resolve the C:\fakepath? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4851595/how-to-resolve-the-c-fakepath feature that prevents javascript from knowing your file's local full path. It makes sense as a client you don't want the..
How do you get JavaScript/jQuery Intellisense Working in VS 2008? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/59766/how-do-you-get-javascript-jquery-intellisense-working-in-vs-2008 jQuery.js Make sure the path is correct relative to the file's position in the folder structure etc. Also any references need..
Error with jQuery get of a CSV file http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8185912/error-with-jquery-get-of-a-csv-file request.... Doing a .get on a file will not get you that file's data into a structure that can be used. You have to request..
Is it possible to include an html file inside a php file http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11044403/is-it-possible-to-include-an-html-file-inside-a-php-file code blocks. You can include anything you want but unless that included file has a php ... block in it somewhere the file's contents will simply be treated as output. If css isn't being applied then make sure that that your style sheets are actually..
files get uploaded just before they get cancelled [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13020459/files-get-uploaded-just-before-they-get-cancelled get uploaded just before they get cancelled closed Got a little situation here where I am trying to cancel a file's upload. What I have done is stated that if the user clicks on the Cancel button then it will simply remove the iframe so..
jQuery ajax upload file in asp.net mvc http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2428296/jquery-ajax-upload-file-in-asp-net-mvc i 0 i Request.Files.Count i HttpPostedFileBase file Request.Files i Uploaded file Use the following properties to get file's name size and MIMEType int fileSize file.ContentLength string fileName file.FileName string mimeType file.ContentType System.IO.Stream..
How to upload string as file with jQuery or other js framework http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3012566/how-to-upload-string-as-file-with-jquery-or-other-js-framework name is file and local filename is temp.txt 'Content Disposition form data name file ' 'filename temp.txt r n' Add the file's mime type 'Content type plain text r n r n' Add your data data ' r n' boundary ' ' .ajax contentType multipart form data..
jQuery find file extension (from string) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3042312/jquery-find-file-extension-from-string something if .zip .rar do something else if .pdf do something else I've been looking for something that will find the file's extension but I can't seem to find anything. jquery file share improve this question How about something like this...
Download File Using Javascript/jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3749231/download-file-using-javascript-jquery download a file it would otherwise be capable of rendering such as HTML or text files you need the server to set the file's MIME Type to a nonsensical value such as application x please download me or alternatively application octet stream which..
How to use Javascript to check and load CSS if not loaded? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4724606/how-to-use-javascript-to-check-and-load-css-if-not-loaded css share improve this question Just check to see if a link element exists with the href attribute set to your CSS file's URL if link href ' path to.css' .length ' link href path to.css rel stylesheet ' .appendTo head The plain ol' JS method..
how to resolve the C:\fakepath? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4851595/how-to-resolve-the-c-fakepath share improve this question Some browsers have a security feature that prevents javascript from knowing your file's local full path. It makes sense as a client you don't want the server to know your local machine's filesystem. It would..
How do you get JavaScript/jQuery Intellisense Working in VS 2008? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/59766/how-do-you-get-javascript-jquery-intellisense-working-in-vs-2008 top of your external js file add the following reference path jQuery.js Make sure the path is correct relative to the file's position in the folder structure etc. Also any references need to be at the top of the file before any other text including..
Error with jQuery get of a CSV file http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8185912/error-with-jquery-get-of-a-csv-file it's doc page ...Load data from the server using a HTTP GET request.... Doing a .get on a file will not get you that file's data into a structure that can be used. You have to request this through a server which will then provide the .csv data..