jquery Programming Glossary: engine
What's the difference in the :not() selector between jQuery and CSS? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10711730/whats-the-difference-in-the-not-selector-between-jquery-and-css instead of falling back to Sizzle jQuery's selector engine which implements the not extension . If you're anal about performance..
Using jQuery with Windows 8 Metro JavaScript App causes security error http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10859523/using-jquery-with-windows-8-metro-javascript-app-causes-security-error easier. I would prefer to be able to use the selector engine and event handling systems but I would live without them if..
what's faster? CSS3 transitions or jQuery animations? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10984771/whats-faster-css3-transitions-or-jquery-animations using timers and a loop. The CSS is part of the browser engine . which depends pretty much on hardware of system. You can also..
How to individually target multiple dropdowns in CSS for Dropkick Plug-in http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11769888/how-to-individually-target-multiple-dropdowns-in-css-for-dropkick-plug-in of the template parser. You don't mention which templating engine you're using. The general idea is that you pass the dropdown..
Why do the :not() and :has() selectors allow quoted arguments? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12475595/why-do-the-not-and-has-selectors-allow-quoted-arguments on another answer jQuery rather its underlying selector engine Sizzle lets you quote the argument to the not selector as well..
Why is it a bad practice to return generated HTML instead of JSON? Or is it? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1284381/why-is-it-a-bad-practice-to-return-generated-html-instead-of-json-or-is-it JS is quite hard You probably already have some templating engine on the server side that was used to generate the page in the..
jQuery selector performance http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1411143/jquery-selector-performance From here Up to and including jQuery 1.2.6 the selector engine worked in a top down or left to right manner. jQuery 1.3.x ie..
jQuery templating engines http://stackoverflow.com/questions/170168/jquery-templating-engines templating engines I am looking for a template engine to use client side. I have.. templating engines I am looking for a template engine to use client side. I have been trying a few like jsRepeater.. that has the same problem. Any advice on other templating engines to use jquery templates jsrender share improve this question..
Simple ASP.NET MVC CRUD views opening/closing in JavaScript UI dialog http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1843894/simple-asp-net-mvc-crud-views-opening-closing-in-javascript-ui-dialog old html form submits. All I did was subclass the default engine and add some MasterPage selection bits The View Engine public.. was all done as a proof of concept and thats why the view engine is really lite and there is no validation or other standard..
:nth-of-type() in jQuery / Sizzle? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2093355/nth-of-type-in-jquery-sizzle in jQuery Sizzle It surprised me that Sizzle the selector engine jQuery uses comes with a built in nth child selector but lacks..
JavaScript data grid for millions of rows http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2402953/javascript-data-grid-for-millions-of-rows caveat is that there are bugs limits in the browsers' CSS engines that limit the potential height of an element. For IE that.. within those pages. Since the height limit in the CSS engine seems to be different and significantly lower than in the actual.. and significantly lower than in the actual layout engine this gives us a much higher upper limit. I am still looking..
jQuery Validation plugin in ASP.NET Web Forms http://stackoverflow.com/questions/619816/jquery-validation-plugin-in-asp-net-web-forms
Switch statement for greater-than/less-than http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6665997/switch-statement-for-greater-than-less-than about one and a half times as long. It is slow because the engine has to compare the value twice for each case. Surprisingly it.. The order of the case statement is important since the engine will test each case in source code order ECMAScript262 5 12.11..
Sorting of jqGrid (v4.1.2) treegrid not working with Ajacency Model http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7330572/sorting-of-jqgrid-v4-1-2-treegrid-not-working-with-ajacency-model To make easy to find the new code in the searching engine I include the code of the demo below var mydata id 1 name Cash..
WebKit issues with event.layerX and event.layerY http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7825448/webkit-issues-with-event-layerx-and-event-layery and deprecated in WebKit. They will be removed from the engine in the near future. Looks like jQuery is screwing thing up...
How to use Twitter Bootstrap popovers for jQuery validation notifications? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8439490/how-to-use-twitter-bootstrap-popovers-for-jquery-validation-notifications standard jQuery validation plugin or the jQuery validation engine but I can't figure out how to feed one into the other. I think.. that hook is or even if one exists in either validation engine. They both seem intent on taking responsibility for displaying..
Accessing Expression Engine fetch_action_id function in a Module CP's view file http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10286477/accessing-expression-engine-fetch-action-id-function-in-a-module-cps-view-file Expression Engine fetch_action_id function in a Module CP's view file I am writing..
jQuery DataTables is messing op my CSS grids in IE8, how to fix? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10932426/jquery-datatables-is-messing-op-my-css-grids-in-ie8-how-to-fix table ' '#banks datatable' .dataTable aoColumns sTitle Engine sTitle Browser sTitle Platform sTitle Version sClass center..
Any suggestion on charting plugin for time stacked bar chart? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11475957/any-suggestion-on-charting-plugin-for-time-stacked-bar-chart time looking for a charting plugin for time tracking ie. Engine Time Tracking chart as following image A bit explanation green..
Google App Engine + jQuery Ajax = 405 Method Not Allowed http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1292111/google-app-engine-jquery-ajax-405-method-not-allowed App Engine jQuery Ajax 405 Method Not Allowed Someone has to be able to.. the MOST simple example of an AJAX post to a Google App Engine app...and I'm failing Here is the app python import cgi from.. from http blog.pythoughts.com posts AJAX with Google App Engine#jqueryAjax and Google code's AJAX RPC article that I can't post..
How to get client IP address using jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1641868/how-to-get-client-ip-address-using-jquery of a really simple JSONP service implemented on Google App Engine you can see more details here . Check the source of the service..
Scroll smoothly to specific element on page http://stackoverflow.com/questions/17722497/scroll-smoothly-to-specific-element-on-page EPPZScrollTo.scrollVerticalToElementById 'signup_form' 20 Engine object you can fiddle with filter fps values Created by Borbás..
Simple ASP.NET MVC CRUD views opening/closing in JavaScript UI dialog http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1843894/simple-asp-net-mvc-crud-views-opening-closing-in-javascript-ui-dialog I've done this So the first thing you need is a new ViewEngine to handle rendering a page without all the normal header footer.. page switching logic out of the way and in a custom ViewEngine because otherwise each controller method is going to have to.. engine and add some MasterPage selection bits The View Engine public class ModalViewEngine VirtualPathProviderViewEngine public..
Razor View Engine and jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3556160/razor-view-engine-and-jquery View Engine and jQuery does anybody know how to force Razor View engine..
jQuery selector optimization http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6028555/jquery-selector-optimization selectors share improve this question JQuerry's Sizzle Engine parse selectors from right to left so it's true. There are exceptions.. element with this ID. That's a particularity of the Sizzle Engine but I don't know how querySelectorForAll is implemented. An..
copy, cut and paste events not working in Opera http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7217639/copy-cut-and-paste-events-not-working-in-opera tell although it has been implemented in their Rendering Engine for quite some time Presto 2.10.292 . This issue is not related..
Ajax Push Engine (APE) Vs Node.js http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7304589/ajax-push-engine-ape-vs-node-js Push Engine APE Vs Node.js I am considering few options for pushing data..
Datatables: Change height of table not working http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7678345/datatables-change-height-of-table-not-working th Rendering engine th th Browser th th Platform s th th Engine version th th CSS grade th tr thead tbody tr class odd gradeX.. th Rendering engine th th Browser th th Platform s th th Engine version th th CSS grade th tr tfoot table body html Javascript..
jQuery reload div's content (dynamically rendered) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/932777/jquery-reload-divs-content-dynamically-rendered I have a div that is generated html via Expression Engine. I'm using ajax submit '#login form' .ajaxForm success identifies..
Javascript Template Engine Use with jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9520241/javascript-template-engine-use-with-jquery Template Engine Use with jQuery All I'm trying to use the jQuery File Upload.. in the Documentation that it uses the Javascript Template Engine https github.com blueimp jQuery File Upload wiki Template Engine.. https github.com blueimp jQuery File Upload wiki Template Engine However I'm not familiar with this process. I'm trying to integrate..
What's the difference in the :not() selector between jQuery and CSS? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10711730/whats-the-difference-in-the-not-selector-between-jquery-and-css to return results using querySelectorAll and or matchesSelector instead of falling back to Sizzle jQuery's selector engine which implements the not extension . If you're anal about performance that's a positively minuscule bonus you'll definitely..
Using jQuery with Windows 8 Metro JavaScript App causes security error http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10859523/using-jquery-with-windows-8-metro-javascript-app-causes-security-error want jQuery .Deferred for making just about everything easier. I would prefer to be able to use the selector engine and event handling systems but I would live without them if I had to. How does one get the latest jQuery to play nicely..
what's faster? CSS3 transitions or jQuery animations? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10984771/whats-faster-css3-transitions-or-jquery-animations be because jquery has to modify the props of the DOM element using timers and a loop. The CSS is part of the browser engine . which depends pretty much on hardware of system. You can also check that in profiling of Chrome or Firefox. share improve..
How to individually target multiple dropdowns in CSS for Dropkick Plug-in http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11769888/how-to-individually-target-multiple-dropdowns-in-css-for-dropkick-plug-in this question Assigning a unique ID would be the job of the template parser. You don't mention which templating engine you're using. The general idea is that you pass the dropdown data along with a reference to the template you defined above..
Why do the :not() and :has() selectors allow quoted arguments? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12475595/why-do-the-not-and-has-selectors-allow-quoted-arguments arguments Apparently as I've discovered while commenting on another answer jQuery rather its underlying selector engine Sizzle lets you quote the argument to the not selector as well as the has selector. For example 'div not span ' 'span has..
Why is it a bad practice to return generated HTML instead of JSON? Or is it? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1284381/why-is-it-a-bad-practice-to-return-generated-html-instead-of-json-or-is-it back from the Ajax request Re building a portion of page in JS is quite hard You probably already have some templating engine on the server side that was used to generate the page in the first place... Why not reuse it I generally don't really take..
jQuery selector performance http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1411143/jquery-selector-performance are seeing is due to the change in which the DOM is traversed. From here Up to and including jQuery 1.2.6 the selector engine worked in a top down or left to right manner. jQuery 1.3.x ie Sizzle which jQuery embeds introduced a bottom up or right..
jQuery templating engines http://stackoverflow.com/questions/170168/jquery-templating-engines templating engines I am looking for a template engine to use client side. I have been trying a few like jsRepeater and jQuery Templates... templating engines I am looking for a template engine to use client side. I have been trying a few like jsRepeater and jQuery Templates. While they seem to work OK in FireFox.. Release ProjectReleases.aspx ReleaseId 16766 but turns out that has the same problem. Any advice on other templating engines to use jquery templates jsrender share improve this question Check out Rick Strahl's post Client Templating with jQuery..
Simple ASP.NET MVC CRUD views opening/closing in JavaScript UI dialog http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1843894/simple-asp-net-mvc-crud-views-opening-closing-in-javascript-ui-dialog work zero code changes to go from modal aware site to plain old html form submits. All I did was subclass the default engine and add some MasterPage selection bits The View Engine public class ModalViewEngine VirtualPathProviderViewEngine public.. tell ColorBox to close the modal window. Thats it. This code was all done as a proof of concept and thats why the view engine is really lite and there is no validation or other standard form bling. ColorBox and JQuery.Form have tons of extensibility..
:nth-of-type() in jQuery / Sizzle? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2093355/nth-of-type-in-jquery-sizzle nth of type in jQuery Sizzle It surprised me that Sizzle the selector engine jQuery uses comes with a built in nth child selector but lacks an nth of type selector. To illustrate the difference between..
JavaScript data grid for millions of rows http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2402953/javascript-data-grid-for-millions-of-rows fast yet smooth onscroll events are notoriously slow . The caveat is that there are bugs limits in the browsers' CSS engines that limit the potential height of an element. For IE that happens to be 0x123456 or 1193046 pixels. For other browsers.. set to 1M pixels height and then using relative positioning within those pages. Since the height limit in the CSS engine seems to be different and significantly lower than in the actual layout engine this gives us a much higher upper limit... Since the height limit in the CSS engine seems to be different and significantly lower than in the actual layout engine this gives us a much higher upper limit. I am still looking for a way to get to unlimited number of rows without giving..
jQuery Validation plugin in ASP.NET Web Forms http://stackoverflow.com/questions/619816/jquery-validation-plugin-in-asp-net-web-forms
Switch statement for greater-than/less-than http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6665997/switch-statement-for-greater-than-less-than in all tested environments except for Opera where it takes about one and a half times as long. It is slow because the engine has to compare the value twice for each case. Surprisingly it takes Chrome almost 40 times longer to complete this compared.. case and therefore faster but still very slow except in Opera. The order of the case statement is important since the engine will test each case in source code order ECMAScript262 5 12.11 switch true case val 1000 do something break case val 2000..
Sorting of jqGrid (v4.1.2) treegrid not working with Ajacency Model http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7330572/sorting-of-jqgrid-v4-1-2-treegrid-not-working-with-ajacency-model by the chosen column and then recursively all its children. To make easy to find the new code in the searching engine I include the code of the demo below var mydata id 1 name Cash num 100 debit 400.00 credit 250.00 balance 150.00 enbl 1..
WebKit issues with event.layerX and event.layerY http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7825448/webkit-issues-with-event-layerx-and-event-layery build of Chrome. event.layerX and event.layerY are broken and deprecated in WebKit. They will be removed from the engine in the near future. Looks like jQuery is screwing thing up. I'm using jquery 1.6.1.min.js . Would it help to upgrade to..
How to use Twitter Bootstrap popovers for jQuery validation notifications? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8439490/how-to-use-twitter-bootstrap-popovers-for-jquery-validation-notifications easily enough and I can also do validations using the standard jQuery validation plugin or the jQuery validation engine but I can't figure out how to feed one into the other. I think what I need is some hook which is called by the validator.. All nice in theory but I just can't figure out where that hook is or even if one exists in either validation engine. They both seem intent on taking responsibility for displaying notifications with all kinds of elaborate options for placement..
Accessing Expression Engine fetch_action_id function in a Module CP's view file http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10286477/accessing-expression-engine-fetch-action-id-function-in-a-module-cps-view-file Expression Engine fetch_action_id function in a Module CP's view file I am writing a script using AJAX in JQuery that takes an action_id..
jQuery DataTables is messing op my CSS grids in IE8, how to fix? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10932426/jquery-datatables-is-messing-op-my-css-grids-in-ie8-how-to-fix container' .html ' table class display id banks datatable table ' '#banks datatable' .dataTable aoColumns sTitle Engine sTitle Browser sTitle Platform sTitle Version sClass center sTitle Grade bAutoWidth false bFilter false bLengthChange..
Any suggestion on charting plugin for time stacked bar chart? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11475957/any-suggestion-on-charting-plugin-for-time-stacked-bar-chart for time stacked bar chart I've been spending quite some time looking for a charting plugin for time tracking ie. Engine Time Tracking chart as following image A bit explanation green red gray denotes engine on engine off not available horizontal..
Google App Engine + jQuery Ajax = 405 Method Not Allowed http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1292111/google-app-engine-jquery-ajax-405-method-not-allowed App Engine jQuery Ajax 405 Method Not Allowed Someone has to be able to explain what I'm doing wrong here I'm trying to create the.. able to explain what I'm doing wrong here I'm trying to create the MOST simple example of an AJAX post to a Google App Engine app...and I'm failing Here is the app python import cgi from google.appengine.api import users from google.appengine.ext.. to make it work...and I can't So far I'm looking at advice from http blog.pythoughts.com posts AJAX with Google App Engine#jqueryAjax and Google code's AJAX RPC article that I can't post a link to because StackOverflow says NO NO NO. Neither of..
How to get client IP address using jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1641868/how-to-get-client-ip-address-using-jquery function data alert Your ip data.ip This example is of a really simple JSONP service implemented on Google App Engine you can see more details here . Check the source of the service is a small Python script it can be implemented on any server..
Scroll smoothly to specific element on page http://stackoverflow.com/questions/17722497/scroll-smoothly-to-specific-element-on-page Just made this javascript only solution below. Simple usage EPPZScrollTo.scrollVerticalToElementById 'signup_form' 20 Engine object you can fiddle with filter fps values Created by Borbás Geri on 12 17 13 Copyright c 2013 eppz development LLC...
Simple ASP.NET MVC CRUD views opening/closing in JavaScript UI dialog http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1843894/simple-asp-net-mvc-crud-views-opening-closing-in-javascript-ui-dialog post redirect get share improve this question Your in luck I've done this So the first thing you need is a new ViewEngine to handle rendering a page without all the normal header footer stuff that will get in the way of your modal windows. The.. empty master page for your modal windows. You want the master page switching logic out of the way and in a custom ViewEngine because otherwise each controller method is going to have to have if else all over the place detecting IsAjaxRequest . I.. plain old html form submits. All I did was subclass the default engine and add some MasterPage selection bits The View Engine public class ModalViewEngine VirtualPathProviderViewEngine public ModalViewEngine 0 view name or master page name 1 controller..
Razor View Engine and jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3556160/razor-view-engine-and-jquery View Engine and jQuery does anybody know how to force Razor View engine to print exact line which is under foreach loop. Code follows..
jQuery selector optimization http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6028555/jquery-selector-optimization in CSS files javascript jquery css optimization jquery selectors share improve this question JQuerry's Sizzle Engine parse selectors from right to left so it's true. There are exceptions though for example when the first operand is an ID... an ID. Then the search will operate in the context of the element with this ID. That's a particularity of the Sizzle Engine but I don't know how querySelectorForAll is implemented. An example 'div.data .gonzalez' Sizzle will get all the dom elements..
copy, cut and paste events not working in Opera http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7217639/copy-cut-and-paste-events-not-working-in-opera the Clipboard API in version 12.10 as far as I can tell although it has been implemented in their Rendering Engine for quite some time Presto 2.10.292 . This issue is not related to jQuery's bind function but rather to the fact that Opera..
Ajax Push Engine (APE) Vs Node.js http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7304589/ajax-push-engine-ape-vs-node-js Push Engine APE Vs Node.js I am considering few options for pushing data from server to the client for my web application in real time...
Datatables: Change height of table not working http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7678345/datatables-change-height-of-table-not-working 0 cellspacing 0 border 0 class display id example thead tr th Rendering engine th th Browser th th Platform s th th Engine version th th CSS grade th tr thead tbody tr class odd gradeX td Trident td td Internet Explorer 4.0 td td Win 95 td td.. td class center 5.5 td td class center A td tr tbody tfoot tr th Rendering engine th th Browser th th Platform s th th Engine version th th CSS grade th tr tfoot table body html Javascript '#button' .click function console.log 'Handler for .click..
jQuery reload div's content (dynamically rendered) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/932777/jquery-reload-divs-content-dynamically-rendered reload div's content dynamically rendered I have a div that is generated html via Expression Engine. I'm using ajax submit '#login form' .ajaxForm success identifies the function to invoke when the server response has been..
Javascript Template Engine Use with jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9520241/javascript-template-engine-use-with-jquery Template Engine Use with jQuery All I'm trying to use the jQuery File Upload Demo http blueimp.github.com jQuery File Upload My question.. jQuery File Upload My question is that it says in the Documentation that it uses the Javascript Template Engine https github.com blueimp jQuery File Upload wiki Template Engine However I'm not familiar with this process. I'm trying.. Documentation that it uses the Javascript Template Engine https github.com blueimp jQuery File Upload wiki Template Engine However I'm not familiar with this process. I'm trying to integrate this into my Wordpress blog to allow file uploads this..