jquery Programming Glossary: average
jqPlot : how to color parts of background / grid with several different colors http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10837997/jqplot-how-to-color-parts-of-background-grid-with-several-different-colors set the y value of the start and end properties with an average of your series data or an approximate middle range of your yaxis...
jQuery Examples ??Horizontal Accordion - Table instead of Un-ordered Lists - UPDATED http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1126489/jquery-examples-horizontal-accordion-table-instead-of-un-ordered-lists-upd .size Divide the column header count by 100 to get the average width var table_column_width_average 100 table_header_children.. by 100 to get the average width var table_column_width_average 100 table_header_children Get the outer height of the header.. min width for the columns var minWidth table_column_width_average Animate table by clicking the table header th tr th .click function..
Change text color based on brightness of the covered background area? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11867545/change-text-color-based-on-brightness-of-the-covered-background-area switches between predefined images icons depending on the average brightness of the covered pixels of it's parent's background..
jQuery Mobile: document ready vs page events http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14468659/jquery-mobile-document-ready-vs-page-events from the existing page to the new page occurs This is a average page transition benchmark Page load and processing 3ms Page..
Image resize of items jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15007242/image-resize-of-items-jquery this .attr 'height' w_pxls this .attr 'width' calculates average ar for vertical images anything outside from aspect ratio will..
Geometry (CONVOLUTION) function with javascript or jquery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/19167858/geometry-convolution-function-with-javascript-or-jquery sets of coordinate trajectories. You can set it up to average several points if you'd like to smooth the path. Ok so here.. for the jitter in the path. My suggestion would be to average several previous points or just grab a point several back. http..
Idiomatic jQuery delayed event (only after a short pause in typing)? (e.g. timewatch/typewatch/keywatch) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2219924/idiomatic-jquery-delayed-event-only-after-a-short-pause-in-typing-e-g-timew box where a search term may consist of 10 characters on average that's 10 calls to setTimeout in a half a second which seems..
How to track user time on site http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3534932/how-to-track-user-time-on-site to track user time on site Hey I'm looking to track users average time on a website in the same way that Google analytics does..
JQuery Star Rating [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4542883/jquery-star-rating it writes to a file or mysql database to calculate rating average. It should display the number of votes and the calculated average... It should display the number of votes and the calculated average. It should also check if the person has already rated or should.. backend to make sure people can't vote twice and to get an average of number of votes. The votes need to be stored somewhere or..
What are some empirical technical reasons not to use jQuery? [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5099949/what-are-some-empirical-technical-reasons-not-to-use-jquery which in fact is 29KB probably smaller than the logo on an average website and can be served from Google's CDN which is likely..
Sum table row text fields with running overall total in text field http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8812548/sum-table-row-text-fields-with-running-overall-total-in-text-field is here http jsfiddle.net kauhikoa mXNU3 1 Getting the average for each row is working and the cumulative total works but I..
jqPlot : how to color parts of background / grid with several different colors http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10837997/jqplot-how-to-color-parts-of-background-grid-with-several-different-colors set the value with the graph container height to be sure and set the y value of the start and end properties with an average of your series data or an approximate middle range of your yaxis. I updated the Boro's fiddle here grid drawGridLines..
jQuery Examples ??Horizontal Accordion - Table instead of Un-ordered Lists - UPDATED http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1126489/jquery-examples-horizontal-accordion-table-instead-of-un-ordered-lists-upd the header var table_header_children 'tr first child' .children .size Divide the column header count by 100 to get the average width var table_column_width_average 100 table_header_children Get the outer height of the header var table_header_height.. 'tr first child' .children .size Divide the column header count by 100 to get the average width var table_column_width_average 100 table_header_children Get the outer height of the header var table_header_height 'th' .outerHeight Set min width for.. of the header var table_header_height 'th' .outerHeight Set min width for the columns var minWidth table_column_width_average Animate table by clicking the table header th tr th .click function if this .hasClass 'correct_text_spacing' Check for..
Change text color based on brightness of the covered background area? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11867545/change-text-color-based-on-brightness-of-the-covered-background-area for a plugin or technique that changes a text's color or switches between predefined images icons depending on the average brightness of the covered pixels of it's parent's background image or color. If the covered area of it's background is rather..
jQuery Mobile: document ready vs page events http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14468659/jquery-mobile-document-ready-vs-page-events for that page is enhanced styled A transition slide pop etc from the existing page to the new page occurs This is a average page transition benchmark Page load and processing 3ms Page enhance 45ms Transition 604ms Total time 670ms These values..
Image resize of items jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15007242/image-resize-of-items-jquery if this .attr 'width' this .attr 'height' v_counter h_pxls this .attr 'height' w_pxls this .attr 'width' calculates average ar for vertical images anything outside from aspect ratio will be croped var h_avrg Math.floor h_pxls v_counter var w_avrg..
Geometry (CONVOLUTION) function with javascript or jquery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/19167858/geometry-convolution-function-with-javascript-or-jquery ahead or behind but you get the idea. You end up with three sets of coordinate trajectories. You can set it up to average several points if you'd like to smooth the path. Ok so here is code that works but you'll have to do some work to smooth..
Idiomatic jQuery delayed event (only after a short pause in typing)? (e.g. timewatch/typewatch/keywatch) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2219924/idiomatic-jquery-delayed-event-only-after-a-short-pause-in-typing-e-g-timew reached display the filter results. The problems On an input box where a search term may consist of 10 characters on average that's 10 calls to setTimeout in a half a second which seems to be processor heavy and in my testing is causing some noticeable..
How to track user time on site http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3534932/how-to-track-user-time-on-site to track user time on site Hey I'm looking to track users average time on a website in the same way that Google analytics does for internal administration. What's the easiest way to do this..
JQuery Star Rating [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4542883/jquery-star-rating need a single instance on a single page. I don't care if it writes to a file or mysql database to calculate rating average. It should display the number of votes and the calculated average. It should also check if the person has already rated.. to a file or mysql database to calculate rating average. It should display the number of votes and the calculated average. It should also check if the person has already rated or should not allow more than 2 ratings at a time. Should have cookies.. jquery star rating But you will need more of a backend to make sure people can't vote twice and to get an average of number of votes. The votes need to be stored somewhere or at leas the current average and whether or not a user voted..
What are some empirical technical reasons not to use jQuery? [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5099949/what-are-some-empirical-technical-reasons-not-to-use-jquery and few others. Main arguments that I've heard file size which in fact is 29KB probably smaller than the logo on an average website and can be served from Google's CDN which is likely to be already in the cache of most of your visitors. As using..
Sum table row text fields with running overall total in text field http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8812548/sum-table-row-text-fields-with-running-overall-total-in-text-field able to come up with a workable solution. Demo of my problem is here http jsfiddle.net kauhikoa mXNU3 1 Getting the average for each row is working and the cumulative total works but I can't get it to display in the final row. Your help will be..