jquery Programming Glossary: award
Loading more items from database ~ Infinite Scroll http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11878365/loading-more-items-from-database-infinite-scroll to Database con mysql_connect localhost root root if con die 'Could not connect ' . mysql_error mysql_select_db awards con sql SELECT FROM entry WHERE status 'registered' ORDER BY `entry_id` LIMIT 0 30 result mysql_query sql while row mysql_fetch_array.. WHERE status 'registered' ORDER BY `entry_id` LIMIT 0 30 result mysql_query sql while row mysql_fetch_array result Get award cat ids awardcat row 'awards_subcategory_id' print div class 'item item awardcat clearfix' add award cat id to each div.. ORDER BY `entry_id` LIMIT 0 30 result mysql_query sql while row mysql_fetch_array result Get award cat ids awardcat row 'awards_subcategory_id' print div class 'item item awardcat clearfix' add award cat id to each div print ' img class..
jqGrid with JSON data renders table as empty http://stackoverflow.com/questions/259435/jqgrid-with-json-data-renders-table-as-empty The data I'm getting back from the php call is page 1 total 1 records 10 rows id 2 1 cell 1 image Chief Scout Highest Award test 0 id 2 2 cell 2 image Link Badge When you are invested as a Scout you may be eligible to receive a Link Badge. See.. Scout Upon completion of requirements the youth is invested as a Pioneer Scout 0 id 2 4 cell 4 image Voyageur Scout Award Voyageur Scout Award is the right after Pioneer Scout. 0 id 2 5 cell 5 image Voyageur Citizenship Learning about and caring.. of requirements the youth is invested as a Pioneer Scout 0 id 2 4 cell 4 image Voyageur Scout Award Voyageur Scout Award is the right after Pioneer Scout. 0 id 2 5 cell 5 image Voyageur Citizenship Learning about and caring for your community...
Create nested UL lists from data object http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6034960/create-nested-ul-lists-from-data-object Directing url menu title Television url title Stage url title Screen url title Award Winners url title Directing Five url title Directing Six url title Politics menuCaption Politics.. title Tax Evasion url title Murder url title Rape url title Grand Theft url title Awards menuCaption Awards url menu title Academy Award url title Tony url title People's Choice url .. url title Murder url title Rape url title Grand Theft url title Awards menuCaption Awards url menu title Academy Award url title Tony url title People's Choice url title Emmy url..