jquery Programming Glossary: availabletags
Clear form field after select for jQuery UI Autocomplete http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2561903/clear-form-field-after-select-for-jquery-ui-autocomplete Autocomplete's default select action Here is my code var availableTags cheese milk dairy meat vegetables fruit grains id^ item tag.. vegetables fruit grains id^ item tag .autocomplete source availableTags select function var newTag this .val this .val this .parent..
Autocomplete jquery UI plugin with custom scrollbars http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5327892/autocomplete-jquery-ui-plugin-with-custom-scrollbars with custom scrollbars UPDATED #tags .autocomplete source availableTags open function event ui '.ui autocomplete' .removeAttr 'style'..
Implementing jquery UI autocomplete to show suggestions when you type “@” http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5972958/implementing-jquery-ui-autocomplete-to-show-suggestions-when-you-type only when you type @ This is the code I have so far var availableTags ActionScript AppleScript Asp BASIC #tags .autocomplete.. AppleScript Asp BASIC #tags .autocomplete source availableTags minLength 0 javascript jquery jquery plugins autocomplete.. a function to the source option of autocomplete var availableTags Snip function split val return val.split @ s function extractLast..
Trying to get tag-it to work with an AJAX call http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6938802/trying-to-get-tag-it-to-work-with-an-ajax-call 'question' fieldName 'tags' removeConfirmation true availableTags c java php javascript ruby python c allowSpaces true tagSource..
autocomplete in middle of text (like Google Plus) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7089406/autocomplete-in-middle-of-text-like-google-plus @ s function extractLast term return split term .pop var availableTags ... Your local data source. #tags don't navigate away from the.. if term.length 0 results .ui.autocomplete.filter availableTags term response results focus function prevent value inserted..
assign C# string of array or string[] to javascript array http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9023972/assign-c-sharp-string-of-array-or-string-to-javascript-array a js code in which an array works well when its like var availableTags ActionScript AppleScript Asp BASIC C I then made an array.. test animal lovely I then changed js array to this var availableTags test also tried without quotes Now I m not having the results.. type text css script type text javascript function var availableTags test function split val return val.split s function extractLast..
JQuery UI autocomplete - Hide list after hiting enter http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9602395/jquery-ui-autocomplete-hide-list-after-hiting-enter My html input id search type input My js function var availableTags item1 item2 item3 #search .autocomplete source availableTags.. item1 item2 item3 #search .autocomplete source availableTags minLength 0 jquery jquery ui autocomplete share improve.. autocomplete share improve this question function var availableTags item1 item2 item3 #search .autocomplete source availableTags..
Clear form field after select for jQuery UI Autocomplete http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2561903/clear-form-field-after-select-for-jquery-ui-autocomplete I can't get the field to clear. How do you cancel jQuery UI Autocomplete's default select action Here is my code var availableTags cheese milk dairy meat vegetables fruit grains id^ item tag .autocomplete source availableTags select function var newTag.. Here is my code var availableTags cheese milk dairy meat vegetables fruit grains id^ item tag .autocomplete source availableTags select function var newTag this .val this .val this .parent .append span newTag a href # x a span Simply doing this .val..
Autocomplete jquery UI plugin with custom scrollbars http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5327892/autocomplete-jquery-ui-plugin-with-custom-scrollbars DEMO http aseptik.net demo autocomplete jquery ui plugin with custom scrollbars UPDATED #tags .autocomplete source availableTags open function event ui '.ui autocomplete' .removeAttr 'style' .removeClass 'ui corner all ui widget content' .addClass 'scroll..
Implementing jquery UI autocomplete to show suggestions when you type “@” http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5972958/implementing-jquery-ui-autocomplete-to-show-suggestions-when-you-type focus on the textbox. How can you make the suggestions appear only when you type @ This is the code I have so far var availableTags ActionScript AppleScript Asp BASIC #tags .autocomplete source availableTags minLength 0 javascript jquery jquery.. @ This is the code I have so far var availableTags ActionScript AppleScript Asp BASIC #tags .autocomplete source availableTags minLength 0 javascript jquery jquery plugins autocomplete jquery autocomplete share improve this question You can.. share improve this question You can do this by providing a function to the source option of autocomplete var availableTags Snip function split val return val.split @ s function extractLast term return split term .pop #tags don't navigate away..
Trying to get tag-it to work with an AJAX call http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6938802/trying-to-get-tag-it-to-work-with-an-ajax-call up as I type into the input box. '.tags ul' .tagit itemName 'question' fieldName 'tags' removeConfirmation true availableTags c java php javascript ruby python c allowSpaces true tagSource 'foo' 'bar' tagSource function .ajax url autocomplete_tags.json..
autocomplete in middle of text (like Google Plus) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7089406/autocomplete-in-middle-of-text-like-google-plus Here's an example function split val return val.split @ s function extractLast term return split term .pop var availableTags ... Your local data source. #tags don't navigate away from the field on tab when selecting an item .bind keydown function.. results if term.indexOf @ 0 term extractLast request.term if term.length 0 results .ui.autocomplete.filter availableTags term response results focus function prevent value inserted on focus return false select function event ui var terms..
assign C# string of array or string[] to javascript array http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9023972/assign-c-sharp-string-of-array-or-string-to-javascript-array C# string of array or string to javascript array I have a js code in which an array works well when its like var availableTags ActionScript AppleScript Asp BASIC C I then made an array string in my code behind or .cs like on class level public.. my code behind or .cs like on class level public static string test animal lovely I then changed js array to this var availableTags test also tried without quotes Now I m not having the results as was having with previous js array Editing with complete.. script link href ~ jquery ui 1.8.17.custom.css rel stylesheet type text css script type text javascript function var availableTags test function split val return val.split s function extractLast term return split term .pop #tags don't navigate..
JQuery UI autocomplete - Hide list after hiting enter http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9602395/jquery-ui-autocomplete-hide-list-after-hiting-enter Hope someone can help. Cheers. Marc. http jsfiddle.net vXMDR My html input id search type input My js function var availableTags item1 item2 item3 #search .autocomplete source availableTags minLength 0 jquery jquery ui autocomplete share improve.. My html input id search type input My js function var availableTags item1 item2 item3 #search .autocomplete source availableTags minLength 0 jquery jquery ui autocomplete share improve this question function var availableTags item1 item2 item3.. source availableTags minLength 0 jquery jquery ui autocomplete share improve this question function var availableTags item1 item2 item3 #search .autocomplete source availableTags minLength 0 .keyup function e if e.which 13 .ui menu item..