jquery Programming Glossary: autoencode
Jqgrid - grouping row level data http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12200621/jqgrid-grouping-row-level-data sortable false rowNum 100 gridview true hoverrows false autoencode true ignoreCase true viewrecords true height '100 ' caption..
Local form editing demo and jqGrid 4.4.1 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12281463/local-form-editing-demo-and-jqgrid-4-4-1 delete postdata this decode data if there encoded with autoencode if grid_p.autoencode .each postdata function n v postdata.. decode data if there encoded with autoencode if grid_p.autoencode .each postdata function n v postdata n .jgrid.htmlDecode v.. 5 10 20 pager '#pager' gridview true rownumbers true autoencode true ignoreCase true sortname 'invdate' viewrecords true sortorder..
jqGrid : issue loading nested sub grid with local datatype http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13767408/jqgrid-issue-loading-nested-sub-grid-with-local-datatype 200 name col2 width 200 gridview true rownumbers true autoencode true sortname col1 sortorder desc height 100 pager #pager caption.. 112 name c3 width 112 gridview true rownumbers true autoencode true sortname c1 sortorder desc height 100 loadComplete removeSubgridIcon.. 90 name d3 width 90 gridview true rownumbers true autoencode true sortname d1 sortorder desc height 100 subGrid isHasSubrids..
JQuery Grid-SubGrid for Parent-Child relation http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14194754/jquery-grid-subgrid-for-parent-child-relation #pager gridview true caption Contacts rownumbers true autoencode true height 100 idPrefix mainGridPrefix subGrid true jsonReader.. sortname actionDueDate height 100 rowNum 10000 autoencode true autowidth true jsonReader repeatitems false id actionID..
Resize SubGrid Columns on resizing main grid http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14216113/resize-subgrid-columns-on-resizing-main-grid .subGridData colModel colModelData height 100 autoencode true gridview true subgrid.closest div.ui jqgrid view .children.. true rownumbers true sortname c1 viewrecords true autoencode true height 100 idPrefix mainGridPrefix subGrid true subGridRowExpanded.. c2 width colModel 5 .width 2 height 100 rowNum 10000 autoencode true gridview true idPrefix rowId _ subgrid.closest div.ui..
jqGrid Delete a Row http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6122392/jqgrid-delete-a-row 25 50 100 altRows true altclass 'ui priority secondary' autoencode true autowidth true rownumbers true rownumWidth 30 gridview..
jqGrid inline edit: how to save again if post returns error [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6217630/jqgrid-inline-edit-how-to-save-again-if-post-returns-error multiselect true multiboxonly true scrollingRows true autoencode true colModel name 'Source' fixed true editable true width..
Jqgrid - grouping row level data http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12200621/jqgrid-grouping-row-level-data 120 name 'zip' index 'tax' width 60 align 'right' cmTemplate sortable false rowNum 100 gridview true hoverrows false autoencode true ignoreCase true viewrecords true height '100 ' caption 'Grid with rowSpan attributes' beforeSelectRow function return..
Local form editing demo and jqGrid 4.4.1 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12281463/local-form-editing-demo-and-jqgrid-4-4-1 function i if postdata.hasOwnProperty this delete postdata this decode data if there encoded with autoencode if grid_p.autoencode .each postdata function n v postdata n .jgrid.htmlDecode v TODO some columns could be skipped save.. i if postdata.hasOwnProperty this delete postdata this decode data if there encoded with autoencode if grid_p.autoencode .each postdata function n v postdata n .jgrid.htmlDecode v TODO some columns could be skipped save old value from the.. false editable true edittype 'textarea' rowNum 10 rowList 5 10 20 pager '#pager' gridview true rownumbers true autoencode true ignoreCase true sortname 'invdate' viewrecords true sortorder 'desc' caption 'How to implement local form editing'..
jqGrid : issue loading nested sub grid with local datatype http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13767408/jqgrid-issue-loading-nested-sub-grid-with-local-datatype data myData colNames Column 1 Column 2 colModel name col1 width 200 name col2 width 200 gridview true rownumbers true autoencode true sortname col1 sortorder desc height 100 pager #pager caption Demonstrate how to create subgrid from local hierarchical.. Colunm2 Colunm3 colModel name c1 width 112 name c2 width 112 name c3 width 112 gridview true rownumbers true autoencode true sortname c1 sortorder desc height 100 loadComplete removeSubgridIcon subGrid isHasSubrids localRowData1.subgrid subGridRowExpanded.. Col 1 Col 2 Col 3 colModel name d1 width 90 name d2 width 90 name d3 width 90 gridview true rownumbers true autoencode true sortname d1 sortorder desc height 100 subGrid isHasSubrids localRowData2.subgrid loadComplete removeSubgridIcon..
JQuery Grid-SubGrid for Parent-Child relation http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14194754/jquery-grid-subgrid-for-parent-child-relation true editoptions size 10 rowNum 20 rowList 20 40 60 pager #pager gridview true caption Contacts rownumbers true autoencode true height 100 idPrefix mainGridPrefix subGrid true jsonReader repeatitems false beforeProcessing function data var rows.. name actionDueDate formatter date sorttype date name actionNote sortname actionDueDate height 100 rowNum 10000 autoencode true autowidth true jsonReader repeatitems false id actionID gridview true idPrefix rowId _ UPDATED The JSON data used..
Resize SubGrid Columns on resizing main grid http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14216113/resize-subgrid-columns-on-resizing-main-grid datatype local data this .jqGrid getLocalRow parentRowId .subGridData colModel colModelData height 100 autoencode true gridview true subgrid.closest div.ui jqgrid view .children div.ui jqgrid hdiv .hide gridComplete function #list.. 170 rowNum 10 rowList 5 10 20 pager #pager gridview true ignoreCase true rownumbers true sortname c1 viewrecords true autoencode true height 100 idPrefix mainGridPrefix subGrid true subGridRowExpanded function subgridDivId rowId var subgrid table id.. width colModel 3 .width name c3 width colModel 4 .width name c2 width colModel 5 .width 2 height 100 rowNum 10000 autoencode true gridview true idPrefix rowId _ subgrid.closest div.ui jqgrid view .children div.ui jqgrid hdiv .hide resizeStop function..
jqGrid Delete a Row http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6122392/jqgrid-delete-a-row postData loadui block multiboxonly true rowNum 25 rowList 25 50 100 altRows true altclass 'ui priority secondary' autoencode true autowidth true rownumbers true rownumWidth 30 gridview true hoverrows true viewrecords true but I still get the same..
jqGrid inline edit: how to save again if post returns error [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6217630/jqgrid-inline-edit-how-to-save-again-if-post-returns-error url ' Grid GetData' datatype json mtype 'POST' scroll 1 multiselect true multiboxonly true scrollingRows true autoencode true colModel name 'Source' fixed true editable true width 30 name 'Est' fixed true editable true width 271 name 'Istopic'..