jquery Programming Glossary: autosize
Fancybox 2 Height not working http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10295746/fancybox-2-height-not-working then add these two options to your scripts fitToView false autoSize false so your scripts should look like document .ready function.. .fancybox width 1287 height 720 fitToView false autoSize false '.fancyboxsd' .fancybox width 640 height 360 fitToView.. .fancybox width 640 height 360 fitToView false autoSize false ### EDIT ### Sep 05 2013 The code can be improved and..
fancy box work with iframes in beforeShow function? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10769151/fancy-box-work-with-iframes-in-beforeshow-function .fancybox openEffect 'elastic' closeEffect 'elastic' autoSize true afterShow function var fancy this var h '.fancybox iframe'..
Auto height resizing in Fancybox http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10996212/auto-height-resizing-in-fancybox .fancybox maxWidth 713 minHeight 250 fitToView false autoSize true autoScale true closeClick true openEffect 'fade' closeEffect..
Local form editing demo and jqGrid 4.4.1 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12281463/local-form-editing-demo-and-jqgrid-4-4-1 function elem .datepicker dateFormat 'dd M yy' autoSize true showOn 'button' changeYear true changeMonth true showButtonPanel.. function elem .datepicker dateFormat 'dd M yy' autoSize true showOn 'button' it dosn't work in searching dialog changeYear..
Visible inline div disappears after being displayed with fancyBox http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12996124/visible-inline-div-disappears-after-being-displayed-with-fancybox 880 maxHeight 600 fitToView false width '70 ' height '70 ' autoSize false closeClick false openEffect 'none' closeEffect 'none'..
Post preview - Passing data with AJAX and Fancybox http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14316054/post-preview-passing-data-with-ajax-and-fancybox '.preview2' .fancybox fitToView false width 905 height 505 autoSize false closeClick false openEffect 'none' closeEffect 'none'.. fancybox API options fitToView false width 905 height 505 autoSize false closeClick false openEffect 'none' closeEffect 'none'..
Fancybox stuck loading iframe in IE http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14819642/fancybox-stuck-loading-iframe-in-ie media' .fancybox openEffect 'none' closeEffect 'none' autoSize true type 'iframe' EDIT I have also tried upgrading jQuery.. media' .fancybox openEffect 'none' closeEffect 'none' autoSize true type 'iframe' iframe preload false fixes issue with iframe..
Add buttons to a new top toolbar? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5518646/add-buttons-to-a-new-top-toolbar function elem .datepicker dateFormat 'dd M yy' autoSize true showOn 'button' it dosn't work in searching dialog changeYear..
Loading JW Player Inside of FancyBox http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8221253/loading-jw-player-inside-of-fancybox 800 maxHeight 600 fitToView false width '70 ' height '70 ' autoSize false closeClick false openEffect 'none' closeEffect 'none'..
Unable to load google in iframe in fancybox http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8803053/unable-to-load-google-in-iframe-in-fancybox 800 maxHeight 600 fitToView false width '70 ' height '70 ' autoSize false closeClick false openEffect 'none' closeEffect 'none'..
Displaying PDF's in jQuery PopUp http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8803927/displaying-pdfs-in-jquery-popup
Fancybox.close() on an iframe http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9117975/fancybox-close-on-an-iframe 800 maxHeight 600 fitToView false width '70 ' height '70 ' autoSize false closeClick false type 'iframe' openEffect 'none' closeEffect.. maxHeight 600 fitToView false width '70 ' height '70 ' autoSize false closeClick false type 'iframe' openEffect 'none' closeEffect..
Replace content of appended div in Fancybox http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9795599/replace-content-of-appended-div-in-fancybox maxWidth 1200 maxHeight 550 width '90 ' height '90 ' autoSize false closeBtn false openEffect 'none' closeEffect 'none' nextEffect..
Fancybox 2 Height not working http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10295746/fancybox-2-height-not-working a a class fancyboxsd fancybox.iframe href sdfile.html sd a then add these two options to your scripts fitToView false autoSize false so your scripts should look like document .ready function '.fancyboxhd' .fancybox width 1287 height 720 fitToView.. your scripts should look like document .ready function '.fancyboxhd' .fancybox width 1287 height 720 fitToView false autoSize false '.fancyboxsd' .fancybox width 640 height 360 fitToView false autoSize false ### EDIT ### Sep 05 2013 The code can.. width 1287 height 720 fitToView false autoSize false '.fancyboxsd' .fancybox width 640 height 360 fitToView false autoSize false ### EDIT ### Sep 05 2013 The code can be improved and simplified using HTML5 data attributes in the anchors and the..
fancy box work with iframes in beforeShow function? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10769151/fancy-box-work-with-iframes-in-beforeshow-function width and height which are reset after it is shown. '.fancybox' .fancybox openEffect 'elastic' closeEffect 'elastic' autoSize true afterShow function var fancy this var h '.fancybox iframe' .contents .find 'html' .height var w '.fancybox iframe'..
Auto height resizing in Fancybox http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10996212/auto-height-resizing-in-fancybox script type text javascript document .ready function .various .fancybox maxWidth 713 minHeight 250 fitToView false autoSize true autoScale true closeClick true openEffect 'fade' closeEffect 'fade' scrolling false padding 0 script I thought that..
Local form editing demo and jqGrid 4.4.1 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12281463/local-form-editing-demo-and-jqgrid-4-4-1 return true processing true initDateEdit function elem setTimeout function elem .datepicker dateFormat 'dd M yy' autoSize true showOn 'button' changeYear true changeMonth true showButtonPanel true showWeek true 100 initDateSearch function.. true showWeek true 100 initDateSearch function elem setTimeout function elem .datepicker dateFormat 'dd M yy' autoSize true showOn 'button' it dosn't work in searching dialog changeYear true changeMonth true showButtonPanel true showWeek..
Visible inline div disappears after being displayed with fancyBox http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12996124/visible-inline-div-disappears-after-being-displayed-with-fancybox .removeClass returnTo inlineTarget .show maxWidth 880 maxHeight 600 fitToView false width '70 ' height '70 ' autoSize false closeClick false openEffect 'none' closeEffect 'none' My code for the div and the link to display the div in the..
Post preview - Passing data with AJAX and Fancybox http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14316054/post-preview-passing-data-with-ajax-and-fancybox so maybe my problem isn't so hard. Please check the code '.preview2' .fancybox fitToView false width 905 height 505 autoSize false closeClick false openEffect 'none' closeEffect 'none' ajax type POST cache false url preview.php data '#postp' .serialize.. post preview returned data in fancybox .fancybox data fancybox API options fitToView false width 905 height 505 autoSize false closeClick false openEffect 'none' closeEffect 'none' fancybox success ajax on ready See DEMO feel free to explore..
Fancybox stuck loading iframe in IE http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14819642/fancybox-stuck-loading-iframe-in-ie html JS document .ready function fancybox handler '.fancybox media' .fancybox openEffect 'none' closeEffect 'none' autoSize true type 'iframe' EDIT I have also tried upgrading jQuery to no avail. EDIT Here is a jsFiddle really simple and doesn't.. so try this document .ready function fancybox handler '.fancybox media' .fancybox openEffect 'none' closeEffect 'none' autoSize true type 'iframe' iframe preload false fixes issue with iframe and IE Tested with fancybox v2.1.4 and IE7. Check JSFIDDLE..
Add buttons to a new top toolbar? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5518646/add-buttons-to-a-new-top-toolbar 'eq' 'ne' 'lt' 'le' 'gt' 'ge' dataInit function elem setTimeout function elem .datepicker dateFormat 'dd M yy' autoSize true showOn 'button' it dosn't work in searching dialog changeYear true changeMonth true showButtonPanel true showWeek..
Loading JW Player Inside of FancyBox http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8221253/loading-jw-player-inside-of-fancybox .fancybox 'content' ' div id mediaspace Test div ' maxWidth 800 maxHeight 600 fitToView false width '70 ' height '70 ' autoSize false closeClick false openEffect 'none' closeEffect 'none' afterLoad function jwplayer 'mediaspace' .setup 'flashplayer'..
Unable to load google in iframe in fancybox http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8803053/unable-to-load-google-in-iframe-in-fancybox document .ready function .various .fancybox maxWidth 800 maxHeight 600 fitToView false width '70 ' height '70 ' autoSize false closeClick false openEffect 'none' closeEffect 'none' script a href http www.google.com search q android class various..
Displaying PDF's in jQuery PopUp http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8803927/displaying-pdfs-in-jquery-popup
Fancybox.close() on an iframe http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9117975/fancybox-close-on-an-iframe document .ready function .fancybox .fancybox maxWidth 800 maxHeight 600 fitToView false width '70 ' height '70 ' autoSize false closeClick false type 'iframe' openEffect 'none' closeEffect 'none' afterClose function window.location.reload .. .ready function .fancybox .fancybox maxWidth 800 maxHeight 600 fitToView false width '70 ' height '70 ' autoSize false closeClick false type 'iframe' openEffect 'none' closeEffect 'none' afterClose function window.location.reload..
Replace content of appended div in Fancybox http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9795599/replace-content-of-appended-div-in-fancybox id tools LINKS COME HERE div ' .fancybox inner .append toolbar maxWidth 1200 maxHeight 550 width '90 ' height '90 ' autoSize false closeBtn false openEffect 'none' closeEffect 'none' nextEffect 'none' prevEffect 'none' padding 0 scrolling 'no' ..