jquery Programming Glossary: attrs
Converting a recursive function into an asynchronous CPS implementation (javascript) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11665484/converting-a-recursive-function-into-an-asynchronous-cps-implementation-javascr target_jq gets a duplicate element inserted copying attrs var new_elem contents i .cloneNode false .appendTo target_jq..
AngularJS ng-repeat finish event http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13471129/angularjs-ng-repeat-finish-event 'myRepeatDirective' function return function scope element attrs angular.element element .css 'color' 'blue' if scope. last window.alert.. 'myMainDirective' function return function scope element attrs angular.element element .css 'border' '5px solid red' See it..
Difference Between Observers and Watchers http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14876112/difference-between-observers-and-watchers i.e. 's . E.g. attr1 Name name then in a directive attrs. observe 'attr1' ... . If you try scope. watch attrs.attr1 ..... attrs. observe 'attr1' ... . If you try scope. watch attrs.attr1 ... it won't work because of the s you'll get undefined.. scope. watch 'myModel.some_prop' ... or scope. watch attrs.attr1 ... or scope. watch attrs 'attr1' ... . If you try attrs...
How do I “think in AngularJS” if I have a jQuery background? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14994391/how-do-i-think-in-angularjs-if-i-have-a-jquery-background location return scope true link function scope element attrs scope. on ' routeChangeSuccess' function if location.path.. ' a class btn Toggle me a ' link function scope element attrs var on false element .click function if on element .removeClass.. ng click toggle Toggle me a ' link function scope element attrs scope.on false scope.toggle function scope.on scope.on Again..
Get all Attributes from a HTML element with Javascript/jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2048720/get-all-attributes-from-a-html-element-with-javascript-jquery var el document.getElementById someId var arr for var i 0 attrs el.attributes l attrs.length i l i arr.push attrs.item i .nodeName.. someId var arr for var i 0 attrs el.attributes l attrs.length i l i arr.push attrs.item i .nodeName Note that this.. var i 0 attrs el.attributes l attrs.length i l i arr.push attrs.item i .nodeName Note that this fills the array only with attribute..
jquery html() strips out script tags http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4079179/jquery-html-strips-out-script-tags document.createElement 'script' i attrName attrValue attrs this.attributes for i 0 i attrs.length i attrName attrs i.. i attrName attrValue attrs this.attributes for i 0 i attrs.length i attrName attrs i .name attrValue attrs i .value .. attrs this.attributes for i 0 i attrs.length i attrName attrs i .name attrValue attrs i .value script attrName attrValue..
how to change an element type using jquery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8584098/how-to-change-an-element-type-using-jquery question Here's one way you could do it with jQuery var attrs .each b 0 .attributes function idx attr attrs attr.nodeName.. jQuery var attrs .each b 0 .attributes function idx attr attrs attr.nodeName attr.nodeValue b .replaceWith function return.. attr.nodeValue b .replaceWith function return h1 attrs .append this .contents Example http jsfiddle.net yapHk Update..
Converting a recursive function into an asynchronous CPS implementation (javascript) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11665484/converting-a-recursive-function-into-an-asynchronous-cps-implementation-javascr j I want an async delay here else type should be 1 element target_jq gets a duplicate element inserted copying attrs var new_elem contents i .cloneNode false .appendTo target_jq duplicate_step_through_highlighted contents i new_elem char_cb..
AngularJS ng-repeat finish event http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13471129/angularjs-ng-repeat-finish-event use directives like so angular.module 'myApp' .directive 'myRepeatDirective' function return function scope element attrs angular.element element .css 'color' 'blue' if scope. last window.alert im the last .directive 'myMainDirective' function.. 'blue' if scope. last window.alert im the last .directive 'myMainDirective' function return function scope element attrs angular.element element .css 'border' '5px solid red' See it in action in this Plunker . Hope it helps share improve..
Difference Between Observers and Watchers http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14876112/difference-between-observers-and-watchers need to observe watch a DOM attribute that contains interpolation i.e. 's . E.g. attr1 Name name then in a directive attrs. observe 'attr1' ... . If you try scope. watch attrs.attr1 ... it won't work because of the s you'll get undefined . Use.. interpolation i.e. 's . E.g. attr1 Name name then in a directive attrs. observe 'attr1' ... . If you try scope. watch attrs.attr1 ... it won't work because of the s you'll get undefined . Use watch for everything else. watch is more complicated... attr1 myModel.some_prop then in a controller or link function scope. watch 'myModel.some_prop' ... or scope. watch attrs.attr1 ... or scope. watch attrs 'attr1' ... . If you try attrs. observe 'attr1' you'll get the string myModel.some_prop..
How do I “think in AngularJS” if I have a jQuery background? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14994391/how-do-i-think-in-angularjs-if-i-have-a-jquery-background now we can write our directive .directive 'whenActive' function location return scope true link function scope element attrs scope. on ' routeChangeSuccess' function if location.path element.attr 'href' element.addClass 'active' else element.removeClass.. same way. .directive 'myDirective' function return template ' a class btn Toggle me a ' link function scope element attrs var on false element .click function if on element .removeClass 'active' else element .addClass 'active' on on.. return scope true template ' a class btn ng class active on ng click toggle Toggle me a ' link function scope element attrs scope.on false scope.toggle function scope.on scope.on Again the template stuff is in the template so you or your users..
Get all Attributes from a HTML element with Javascript/jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2048720/get-all-attributes-from-a-html-element-with-javascript-jquery to use the attributes node list on the element itself var el document.getElementById someId var arr for var i 0 attrs el.attributes l attrs.length i l i arr.push attrs.item i .nodeName Note that this fills the array only with attribute names... node list on the element itself var el document.getElementById someId var arr for var i 0 attrs el.attributes l attrs.length i l i arr.push attrs.item i .nodeName Note that this fills the array only with attribute names. If you need the attribute.. itself var el document.getElementById someId var arr for var i 0 attrs el.attributes l attrs.length i l i arr.push attrs.item i .nodeName Note that this fills the array only with attribute names. If you need the attribute value you can use the..
jquery html() strips out script tags http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4079179/jquery-html-strips-out-script-tags data dom.filter 'script' .each function if this.src var script document.createElement 'script' i attrName attrValue attrs this.attributes for i 0 i attrs.length i attrName attrs i .name attrValue attrs i .value script attrName attrValue .. if this.src var script document.createElement 'script' i attrName attrValue attrs this.attributes for i 0 i attrs.length i attrName attrs i .name attrValue attrs i .value script attrName attrValue document.body.appendChild script.. script document.createElement 'script' i attrName attrValue attrs this.attributes for i 0 i attrs.length i attrName attrs i .name attrValue attrs i .value script attrName attrValue document.body.appendChild script else .globalEval this.text..
how to change an element type using jquery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8584098/how-to-change-an-element-type-using-jquery and information javascript jquery share improve this question Here's one way you could do it with jQuery var attrs .each b 0 .attributes function idx attr attrs attr.nodeName attr.nodeValue b .replaceWith function return h1 attrs .append.. improve this question Here's one way you could do it with jQuery var attrs .each b 0 .attributes function idx attr attrs attr.nodeName attr.nodeValue b .replaceWith function return h1 attrs .append this .contents Example http jsfiddle.net yapHk.. var attrs .each b 0 .attributes function idx attr attrs attr.nodeName attr.nodeValue b .replaceWith function return h1 attrs .append this .contents Example http jsfiddle.net yapHk Update here's a plugin function .fn.changeElementType function newType..