jquery Programming Glossary: attributename
How to access parent.document elements using JQuery in firefox? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1133276/how-to-access-parent-document-elements-using-jquery-in-firefox in firefox For example elementid top.document .attr attributeName or elementid parent.document .attr attributeName works in IE.. .attr attributeName or elementid parent.document .attr attributeName works in IE or Chrome but doesn't work in Firefox. Does anyone..
Set attribute without value http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13159180/set-attribute-without-value
Writing jQuery selector case-insensitive version http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3967869/writing-jquery-selector-case-insensitive-version var matches this .find 'div span div#id_to_find attributeName ^ filter ' if matches.length 0 My question is that how can I..
jquery- get different page elements http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7567181/jquery-get-different-page-elements
Get result from php file without usig jquery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9069539/get-result-from-php-file-without-usig-jquery Object.prototype.ajax function daten url toElement attributeName var xml null try xml new ActiveXObject Microsoft.XMLHTTP catch.. xml.onreadystatechange function if xml.readyState 4 if attributeName null toElement xml.responseText else toElement attributeName.. null toElement xml.responseText else toElement attributeName xml.responseText This should work .ajax 'value1 ...' 'index.php'..
How to access parent.document elements using JQuery in firefox? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1133276/how-to-access-parent-document-elements-using-jquery-in-firefox to access parent.document elements using JQuery in firefox For example elementid top.document .attr attributeName or elementid parent.document .attr attributeName works in IE or Chrome but doesn't work in Firefox. Does anyone know what.. using JQuery in firefox For example elementid top.document .attr attributeName or elementid parent.document .attr attributeName works in IE or Chrome but doesn't work in Firefox. Does anyone know what the firefox equivalence is Thanks jquery firefox..
Set attribute without value http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13159180/set-attribute-without-value
Writing jQuery selector case-insensitive version http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3967869/writing-jquery-selector-case-insensitive-version I'm using following line and I would like to make it case insensitive var matches this .find 'div span div#id_to_find attributeName ^ filter ' if matches.length 0 My question is that how can I make the selector ^ to be case insensitive Maybe changing to..
jquery- get different page elements http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7567181/jquery-get-different-page-elements
Get result from php file without usig jquery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9069539/get-result-from-php-file-without-usig-jquery is for example name 1 name2 Hello . Edit Version with prototype Object.prototype.ajax function daten url toElement attributeName var xml null try xml new ActiveXObject Microsoft.XMLHTTP catch e try xml new ActiveXObject MSXML2.XMLHTTP catch e try xml.. 'Connection' 'close' xml.send daten if toElement null xml.onreadystatechange function if xml.readyState 4 if attributeName null toElement xml.responseText else toElement attributeName xml.responseText This should work .ajax 'value1 ...'.. function if xml.readyState 4 if attributeName null toElement xml.responseText else toElement attributeName xml.responseText This should work .ajax 'value1 ...' 'index.php' document.getElementById 'id' 'innerHTML' share improve..