jquery Programming Glossary: attacker
jquery issue with dynamicaly selected elements http://stackoverflow.com/questions/18556120/jquery-issue-with-dynamicaly-selected-elements 'healthLost hide' div CSS for hide .hide display none and in my function attack i wrote like this function attack attacker defender code to calculate healthLost var displayHealthDivId defender.id health console.log displayHealthDivId console.log..
Is it safe to use $.support.cors = true; in jQuery? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7852225/is-it-safe-to-use-support-cors-true-in-jquery Origin Resource Sharing or CORS isn't the same as XSS BUT but if your web application had an XSS vulnerability then an attacker would have CORS like access to your resources. In short CORS gives you control over how you break the same origin policy.. Origin header. This could be a vulnerability if you have Access Control Allow Origin on every page in fact from an attackers perspective this is as if you had an XSS vulnerability. Be careful what pages you introduce this header and try and avoid..
Restrict ajax call origin http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8671276/restrict-ajax-call-origin
Secure popup login possible? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8888003/secure-popup-login-possible question Using an AJAX pop up or an iframe that goes in theory to https on an http page presents two problems An attacker could intercept the page and replace the link with his own. This prevents the user from checking to which site it's connected.. to as the login landing page must be served over TLS. Failure to utilize TLS for the login landing page allows an attacker to modify the login form action causing the user's credentials to be posted to an arbitrary location. Essentially a MITM.. the next step to the website you want in the address bar. Anyone can have a valid https site mybank.example.com and attackers.example.com could both have a valid certificate issued by a trusted authority. If I connect to my bank I want to know it's..
How to Disable Copy Paste (Browser) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9958478/how-to-disable-copy-paste-browser