jquery Programming Glossary: attempt
Best way to use Google's hosted jQuery, but fall back to my hosted library on Google fail http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1014203/best-way-to-use-googles-hosted-jquery-but-fall-back-to-my-hosted-library-on-go hosted library on Google fail What would be a good way to attempt to load the hosted jQuery at Google or other Google hosted libs.. hosted libs but load my copy of jQuery if the Google attempt fails I'm not saying Google is flaky. There are cases where..
Two jQuery versions on the same page http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1117463/two-jquery-versions-on-the-same-page ... . Alternatively somebody made a little helper in an attempt to make it easier to switch between different versions. share..
Trying to Validate URL Using JavaScript http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1303872/trying-to-validate-url-using-javascript front typically ˜http or ˜https and leave it at that. Or c. attempt to use the URL and see what lies at the end for example by sending..
Why will jQuery not load in Facebook? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15194699/why-will-jquery-not-load-in-facebook element body but it is not present on the page. How do I attempt to load jQuery in facebook Method 1 required but fails Via the..
change type of input field with jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1544317/change-type-of-input-field-with-jquery jQuery would throw an exception in all browsers for any attempt to set the type attribute on an input or button element. This.. lowest common denominator IE 6 7 8 throw an error if you attempt to change the type of an input element. As of jQuery 1.9 we.. it. However your own code will need to be aware that attempting to do this on oldIE will still throw an error. The jQuery..
How would you animate something so that it follows a curve? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2240052/how-would-you-animate-something-so-that-it-follows-a-curve of code doesn't work as I'd expect it to. Here's another attempt using a for loop and the delay method '#curve' .click function..
Prevent double submission of forms in jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2830542/prevent-double-submission-of-forms-in-jquery process. I need to ensure that the user waits and does not attempt to resubmit the form by clicking the button again. I tried using..
Jquery AJAX with ASP.NET WebMethod Returning Entire Page http://stackoverflow.com/questions/348689/jquery-ajax-with-asp-net-webmethod-returning-entire-page my WebMethod returns a simple string. However when I attempt to call it using JQuery I get the entire HTML page content returned..
How do I access style properties of pseudo-elements with jQuery? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3743513/how-do-i-access-style-properties-of-pseudo-elements-with-jquery think you will need to use something other than before or attempt to extract the original rule using the jQuery plugin http flesler.blogspot.com..
Can anyone explain what JSONP is, in layman terms? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3839966/can-anyone-explain-what-jsonp-is-in-layman-terms a JSON response can potentially be caught by wrapping the attempt to evaluate the responseText in a try catch statement . Because..
How to read userData in jqgrid? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3848815/how-to-read-userdata-in-jqgrid but can't find any examples of how to do this. Here's my attempt Sent from the server total 25 page currentpage userData foo..
AJAX Page Download progress http://stackoverflow.com/questions/399641/ajax-page-download-progress events no progress event. I found this thread detailing an attempt but apparently the code works in several browsers but not IE...
Jquery Ajax Posting json to webservice http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6323338/jquery-ajax-posting-json-to-webservice parameter not a JavaScript object so that jQuery doesn't attempt to URLEncode your data. On the server side match your method's..
What's the difference between `on` and `live` or `bind`? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8065305/whats-the-difference-between-on-and-live-or-bind events bind share improve this question on is an attempt to merge most of jQuery's event binding functions into one...
How to upload a file using jQuery.ajax and FormData http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9622901/how-to-upload-a-file-using-jquery-ajax-and-formdata true xhr.send fd Here is my unsuccessful jQuery.ajax attempt function uploadFile blobFile fileName var fd new FormData fd.append..
jQuery.parseJSON vs JSON.parse http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10362277/jquery-parsejson-vs-json-parse is an extract from jQuery 1.9.1 parseJSON function data Attempt to parse using the native JSON parser first if window.JSON window.JSON.parse..
jQuery single quote in JSON response http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2275359/jquery-single-quote-in-json-response that underlying implementation parseJSON function data ... Attempt to parse using the native JSON parser first if window.JSON window.JSON.parse..
How do I display values of an JSON object? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2373524/how-do-i-display-values-of-an-json-object of the drop down if opts customer jQuery.parseJSON opts Attempt to parse the JSON Object. function getFacilityOption How do..
More than 5 items per line in jQuery Mobile navbar http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6161377/more-than-5-items-per-line-in-jquery-mobile-navbar that stand out as of now. Link to JS Link to CSS Failed Attempt to use buttons for the navbar but they stack on one another..
Shadow artifacts during animation in IE9 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8675773/shadow-artifacts-during-animation-in-ie9 css3 internet explorer 9 share improve this question Attempt #1 http jsfiddle.net DwApF 3 This hides the shadow and then.. in which a variety of behaviors can be circumvented. Attempt #2 http jsfiddle.net DwApF 11 This does a simultaneous animation.. container. It does eliminate the artifact issue though. Attempt #3 My Preferred Solution http jsfiddle.net DwApF 12 This still..
Best way to use Google's hosted jQuery, but fall back to my hosted library on Google fail http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1014203/best-way-to-use-googles-hosted-jquery-but-fall-back-to-my-hosted-library-on-go way to use Google's hosted jQuery but fall back to my hosted library on Google fail What would be a good way to attempt to load the hosted jQuery at Google or other Google hosted libs but load my copy of jQuery if the Google attempt fails I'm.. to attempt to load the hosted jQuery at Google or other Google hosted libs but load my copy of jQuery if the Google attempt fails I'm not saying Google is flaky. There are cases where the Google copy is blocked apparently in Iran for instance ...
Two jQuery versions on the same page http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1117463/two-jquery-versions-on-the-same-page
Trying to Validate URL Using JavaScript http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1303872/trying-to-validate-url-using-javascript then check it has one of your preferred schemes on the front typically ˜http or ˜https and leave it at that. Or c. attempt to use the URL and see what lies at the end for example by sending it am HTTP HEAD request from the server side. If you..
Why will jQuery not load in Facebook? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15194699/why-will-jquery-not-load-in-facebook jQuery is not defined. 'body' Error Tried to get element body but it is not present on the page. How do I attempt to load jQuery in facebook Method 1 required but fails Via the following code in the manifest.json file content_scripts..
change type of input field with jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1544317/change-type-of-input-field-with-jquery 4 According to the jQuery 1.9 change log Prior to version 1.9 jQuery would throw an exception in all browsers for any attempt to set the type attribute on an input or button element. This was done to accommodate the lowest common denominator IE 6.. an input or button element. This was done to accommodate the lowest common denominator IE 6 7 8 throw an error if you attempt to change the type of an input element. As of jQuery 1.9 we allow you to set the type of an element if the browser allows.. we allow you to set the type of an element if the browser allows it. However your own code will need to be aware that attempting to do this on oldIE will still throw an error. The jQuery Migrate plugin warns when you attempt to set the type attribute..
How would you animate something so that it follows a curve? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2240052/how-would-you-animate-something-so-that-it-follows-a-curve pick up that plugin but I'm also wonder why this bit of code doesn't work as I'd expect it to. Here's another attempt using a for loop and the delay method '#curve' .click function for var i 0 i 400 i this .delay 1000 this .css top i left..
Prevent double submission of forms in jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2830542/prevent-double-submission-of-forms-in-jquery I have an form that takes a little while for the server to process. I need to ensure that the user waits and does not attempt to resubmit the form by clicking the button again. I tried using the following jQuery code script type text javascript document..
Jquery AJAX with ASP.NET WebMethod Returning Entire Page http://stackoverflow.com/questions/348689/jquery-ajax-with-asp-net-webmethod-returning-entire-page to call an ASP.NET WebMethod using JQuery AJAX. In my example my WebMethod returns a simple string. However when I attempt to call it using JQuery I get the entire HTML page content returned instead of just my string. What am I missing Client..
How do I access style properties of pseudo-elements with jQuery? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3743513/how-do-i-access-style-properties-of-pseudo-elements-with-jquery jQuery selector http api.jquery.com category selectors I think you will need to use something other than before or attempt to extract the original rule using the jQuery plugin http flesler.blogspot.com 2007 11 jqueryrule.html share improve this..
Can anyone explain what JSONP is, in layman terms? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3839966/can-anyone-explain-what-jsonp-is-in-layman-terms response and a JSONP response is that any parse errors in a JSON response can potentially be caught by wrapping the attempt to evaluate the responseText in a try catch statement . Because of the nature of a JSONP response however parse errors in..
How to read userData in jqgrid? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3848815/how-to-read-userdata-in-jqgrid to read userData in jqgrid I need to pass userData to jqgrid but can't find any examples of how to do this. Here's my attempt Sent from the server total 25 page currentpage userData foo 'bar' rows myRows and in jqgrid var data jQuery #grid .getGridParam..
AJAX Page Download progress http://stackoverflow.com/questions/399641/ajax-page-download-progress support for bytes loaded . It only has start and complete events no progress event. I found this thread detailing an attempt but apparently the code works in several browsers but not IE. The suggestion they make is to show progress in other browsers..
Jquery Ajax Posting json to webservice http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6323338/jquery-ajax-posting-json-to-webservice primitive issue is to pass jQuery a JSON string for the data parameter not a JavaScript object so that jQuery doesn't attempt to URLEncode your data. On the server side match your method's input parameters to the shape of the data you're passing..
What's the difference between `on` and `live` or `bind`? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8065305/whats-the-difference-between-on-and-live-or-bind handlers. em What's the difference with live and bind jquery events bind share improve this question on is an attempt to merge most of jQuery's event binding functions into one. This has the added bonus of tidying up the inefficiencies with..
How to upload a file using jQuery.ajax and FormData http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9622901/how-to-upload-a-file-using-jquery-ajax-and-formdata blobFile var xhr new XMLHttpRequest xhr.open POST upload.php true xhr.send fd Here is my unsuccessful jQuery.ajax attempt function uploadFile blobFile fileName var fd new FormData fd.append fileToUpload blobFile var xm .ajax url upload.php type..
jQuery.parseJSON vs JSON.parse http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10362277/jquery-parsejson-vs-json-parse not javascript jquery share improve this question Here is an extract from jQuery 1.9.1 parseJSON function data Attempt to parse using the native JSON parser first if window.JSON window.JSON.parse return window.JSON.parse data if data null..
jQuery single quote in JSON response http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2275359/jquery-single-quote-in-json-response is not defined . Thus jQuery can only be as permissive as that underlying implementation parseJSON function data ... Attempt to parse using the native JSON parser first if window.JSON window.JSON.parse return window.JSON.parse data ... jQuery.error..
How do I display values of an JSON object? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2373524/how-do-i-display-values-of-an-json-object opts ' option' dd .remove Remove all the previous option of the drop down if opts customer jQuery.parseJSON opts Attempt to parse the JSON Object. function getFacilityOption How do I display the value of customer here. If I use alert customer..
More than 5 items per line in jQuery Mobile navbar http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6161377/more-than-5-items-per-line-in-jquery-mobile-navbar
Shadow artifacts during animation in IE9 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8675773/shadow-artifacts-during-animation-in-ie9 DwApF as well Any workarounds for this issue jquery html css css3 internet explorer 9 share improve this question Attempt #1 http jsfiddle.net DwApF 3 This hides the shadow and then restores it after the slide is complete. It's a hack of a solution.. slide is complete. It's a hack of a solution but this is a manner in which a variety of behaviors can be circumvented. Attempt #2 http jsfiddle.net DwApF 11 This does a simultaneous animation of both outer and inner containers. It slides the drop.. container and also deal with hiding the contents of the inner container. It does eliminate the artifact issue though. Attempt #3 My Preferred Solution http jsfiddle.net DwApF 12 This still uses a simultaneous animation of both outer inner containers...