jquery Programming Glossary: arrow
Can you autoplay HTML5 videos on the iPad? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12496144/can-you-autoplay-html5-videos-on-the-ipad . On the iPad it only reaches 4 if I manually tap the play arrow. Moreover calling #periscopevideo .get 0 .play from an click..
How to disable browser or element scrollbar, but allow scrolling with wheel or arrow keys? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1326570/how-to-disable-browser-or-element-scrollbar-but-allow-scrolling-with-wheel-or-a or element scrollbar but allow scrolling with wheel or arrow keys I want to hide scrollbars from div elements or the whole.. whole body but let the user scroll with the mouse wheel or arrow keys. How can this be achieved with raw Javascript or JQuery.. change the scrollTop of the div to emulate scrolling. For arrow keys you would bind the keydown event to recognize an arrow..
Binding arrow keys in JS/jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1402698/binding-arrow-keys-in-js-jquery arrow keys in JS jQuery How do I go about binding a function to left.. How do I go about binding a function to left and right arrow keys in Javascript and or jQuery I looked at the js hotkey plugin.. to recognize specific keys but it doesn't seem to support arrow keys. javascript jquery keyboard share improve this question..
keycode and charcode http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1444477/keycode-and-charcode evt window.event var keyCode evt.keyCode Check for left arrow key if keyCode 37 alert Left arrow share improve this answer..
jQuery Mobile: document ready vs page events http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14468659/jquery-mobile-document-ready-vs-page-events through pageChange. Example a data role button data icon arrow r data iconpos right href #care plan view id 9e273f31 2672 47fd..
Jquery: how to detect a textbox's content has changed http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1481152/jquery-how-to-detect-a-textboxs-content-has-changed detect keystrokes which do not generate letters like the arrow keys. I thought of two methods of doing this using the keyup..
Get the offset position of the caret in a textarea in pixels http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16212871/get-the-offset-position-of-the-caret-in-a-textarea-in-pixels issue with the default behaviour for the ctrl shift left arrow text selection method. JavaScript function getTextAreaXandY.. getTextAreaXandY Don't do anything if key pressed is left arrow if e.which 37 return Save selection start var selection this..
How to filter the jqGrid data NOT using the built in search/filter box http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2928371/how-to-filter-the-jqgrid-data-not-using-the-built-in-search-filter-box 34 page down keyCode 35 end keyCode 36 home keyCode 38 up arrow keyCode 40 down arrow if typeof refreshFunction function refreshFunction.. 35 end keyCode 36 home keyCode 38 up arrow keyCode 40 down arrow if typeof refreshFunction function refreshFunction obj .....
hide scrollbar while still able to scroll with mouse/keyboard [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3293650/hide-scrollbar-while-still-able-to-scroll-with-mouse-keyboard or element scrollbar but allow scrolling with wheel or arrow keys I want to know if it is possible to hide the scrollbar..
jQuery keypress() event not firing? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/492865/jquery-keypress-event-not-firing firing I am trying to fire an event on the right and left arrow key presses with jQuery. Using the following code I can fire..
Catch only keypresses that change input? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6488171/catch-only-keypresses-that-change-input a change I need to filter out things like pressing the arrow keys or modifiers... I don't think hardcoding all the values..
jQuery keypress left/right navigation http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4104158/jquery-keypress-left-right-navigation my content slider the ability to respond to keypress LEFT ARROW key and RIGHT ARROW key feature. I have read about some conflicts.. ability to respond to keypress LEFT ARROW key and RIGHT ARROW key feature. I have read about some conflicts between several.. body . Pseudo Code ON Global Document IF Key Press LEFT ARROW THEN animate #showroom css 'left' 980px IF Key Press RIGHT ARROW..
How to detect if the pressed key will produce a character inside an <input> text-box? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4179708/how-to-detect-if-the-pressed-key-will-produce-a-character-inside-an-input-text looks great. However the problem are the BACKSPACE and ARROW keys they will also expand the text box on keydown and only.. A work around would be to detect the BACKSPACE SHIFT and ARROW keys manually and act based on that keydown handler function.. .val .length if e.keyCode 37 e.keyCode 39 e.keyCode 16 ARROW LEFT or ARROW RIGHT or SHIFT key return else if e.keyCode 8..
how to move a div with arrow keys http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4950575/how-to-move-a-div-with-arrow-keys pressed. For instance while the user holds down the LEFT ARROW key d '37' is true . Otherwise it's false . BTW 37 is the key.. Otherwise it's false . BTW 37 is the key code for the LEFT ARROW key and this value is stored in the e.which property of the..
display certain phrases depending on left/right buttons (content slider for text, not images?) [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15082527/display-certain-phrases-depending-on-left-right-buttons-content-slider-for-text .width slide_width total_slides Handle Right Arrow Click '#slider_mask .right_button' .on 'click' function current_slide.. negative_margin_required 'px' 'fast' Handle Left Arrow Click '#slider_mask .left_button' .on 'click' function current_slide..
Detecting Arrow key press in IE via javascript/jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2217553/detecting-arrow-key-press-in-ie-via-javascript-jquery Arrow key press in IE via javascript jQuery I'm trying to set up..
Bind Multiple Keys to Keypress Event http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4173460/bind-multiple-keys-to-keypress-event function e switch e.keyCode case 39 e.preventDefault alert Arrow Key break case 37 e.preventDefault alert Arrow Key but what.. alert Arrow Key break case 37 e.preventDefault alert Arrow Key but what i am wondering is if i can instead of binding.. e switch e.keyCode case 39 37 e.preventDefault alert Arrow Key break javascript jquery javascript events event handling..
JQuery - animate moving DOM element to new parent? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/907279/jquery-animate-moving-dom-element-to-new-parent something like this... td id cell1 img src arrow.png alt Arrow td td id cell2 td I'd like to move arrow.png to cell2 and have..
Can you autoplay HTML5 videos on the iPad? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12496144/can-you-autoplay-html5-videos-on-the-ipad On my desktop safari it goes through 0 1 and finally 4 . On the iPad it only reaches 4 if I manually tap the play arrow. Moreover calling #periscopevideo .get 0 .play from an click via onClick works too. Is there any restrictions by Apple in..
How to disable browser or element scrollbar, but allow scrolling with wheel or arrow keys? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1326570/how-to-disable-browser-or-element-scrollbar-but-allow-scrolling-with-wheel-or-a to disable browser or element scrollbar but allow scrolling with wheel or arrow keys I want to hide scrollbars from div elements or the whole body but let the user scroll with the mouse wheel or arrow.. keys I want to hide scrollbars from div elements or the whole body but let the user scroll with the mouse wheel or arrow keys. How can this be achieved with raw Javascript or JQuery Any ideas javascript jquery css browser scrollbar share.. you'd bind the mousewheel event to a function that would change the scrollTop of the div to emulate scrolling. For arrow keys you would bind the keydown event to recognize an arrow key and then change scrollTop and scrollLeft of the div as appropriate..
Binding arrow keys in JS/jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1402698/binding-arrow-keys-in-js-jquery arrow keys in JS jQuery How do I go about binding a function to left and right arrow keys in Javascript and or jQuery I looked.. arrow keys in JS jQuery How do I go about binding a function to left and right arrow keys in Javascript and or jQuery I looked at the js hotkey plugin for jQuery wraps the built in bind function to add an.. jQuery wraps the built in bind function to add an argument to recognize specific keys but it doesn't seem to support arrow keys. javascript jquery keyboard share improve this question document .keydown function e if e.keyCode 37 alert left..
keycode and charcode http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1444477/keycode-and-charcode
jQuery Mobile: document ready vs page events http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14468659/jquery-mobile-document-ready-vs-page-events is happening because you are sending additional parameters through pageChange. Example a data role button data icon arrow r data iconpos right href #care plan view id 9e273f31 2672 47fd 9baa 6c35f093a800 amp name Sat h3 Sat h3 a To fix this problem..
Jquery: how to detect a textbox's content has changed http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1481152/jquery-how-to-detect-a-textboxs-content-has-changed has changed. I can use the keyup method but that will also detect keystrokes which do not generate letters like the arrow keys. I thought of two methods of doing this using the keyup event Check explictly if the ascii code of the pressed key..
Get the offset position of the caret in a textarea in pixels http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16212871/get-the-offset-position-of-the-caret-in-a-textarea-in-pixels Enter and multiple spaces in a row. Update 4 I have fixed an issue with the default behaviour for the ctrl shift left arrow text selection method. JavaScript function getTextAreaXandY Don't do anything if key pressed is left arrow if e.which 37.. shift left arrow text selection method. JavaScript function getTextAreaXandY Don't do anything if key pressed is left arrow if e.which 37 return Save selection start var selection this .getSelection var index selection.start Copy text to div this..
How to filter the jqGrid data NOT using the built in search/filter box http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2928371/how-to-filter-the-jqgrid-data-not-using-the-built-in-search-filter-box var keyCode e.keyCode e.which if keyCode 33 page up keyCode 34 page down keyCode 35 end keyCode 36 home keyCode 38 up arrow keyCode 40 down arrow if typeof refreshFunction function refreshFunction obj ... #StateId .change myReload .keyup function.. e.which if keyCode 33 page up keyCode 34 page down keyCode 35 end keyCode 36 home keyCode 38 up arrow keyCode 40 down arrow if typeof refreshFunction function refreshFunction obj ... #StateId .change myReload .keyup function e keyupHandler e..
hide scrollbar while still able to scroll with mouse/keyboard [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3293650/hide-scrollbar-while-still-able-to-scroll-with-mouse-keyboard keyboard duplicate Possible Duplicate How to disable browser or element scrollbar but allow scrolling with wheel or arrow keys I want to know if it is possible to hide the scrollbar while scrolling is still enabled with mouse keyboard. I tried..
jQuery keypress() event not firing? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/492865/jquery-keypress-event-not-firing keypress event not firing I am trying to fire an event on the right and left arrow key presses with jQuery. Using the following code I can fire events on any of the alphanumeric keys but the cursor keys..
Catch only keypresses that change input? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6488171/catch-only-keypresses-that-change-input event would be best for this but how do I know if it caused a change I need to filter out things like pressing the arrow keys or modifiers... I don't think hardcoding all the values is the best approach. So how should I do it javascript jquery..
jQuery keypress left/right navigation http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4104158/jquery-keypress-left-right-navigation keypress left right navigation I want to give my content slider the ability to respond to keypress LEFT ARROW key and RIGHT ARROW key feature. I have read about some conflicts between several browsers and operation systems. The user.. left right navigation I want to give my content slider the ability to respond to keypress LEFT ARROW key and RIGHT ARROW key feature. I have read about some conflicts between several browsers and operation systems. The user can navigate the.. can navigate the content while he is on the global website body . Pseudo Code ON Global Document IF Key Press LEFT ARROW THEN animate #showroom css 'left' 980px IF Key Press RIGHT ARROW THEN animate #showroom css 'left' 980px I need a solution..
How to detect if the pressed key will produce a character inside an <input> text-box? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4179708/how-to-detect-if-the-pressed-key-will-produce-a-character-inside-an-input-text appears in the text box. As you can see in the demo this method looks great. However the problem are the BACKSPACE and ARROW keys they will also expand the text box on keydown and only on keyup the text box size will be corrected. A work around.. on keyup the text box size will be corrected. A work around A work around would be to detect the BACKSPACE SHIFT and ARROW keys manually and act based on that keydown handler function e var len this .val .length if e.keyCode 37 e.keyCode 39 e.keyCode.. and act based on that keydown handler function e var len this .val .length if e.keyCode 37 e.keyCode 39 e.keyCode 16 ARROW LEFT or ARROW RIGHT or SHIFT key return else if e.keyCode 8 BACKSPACE key this .attr size len 1 1 len 1 else this .attr..
how to move a div with arrow keys http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4950575/how-to-move-a-div-with-arrow-keys d this object stores the information on what key is being pressed. For instance while the user holds down the LEFT ARROW key d '37' is true . Otherwise it's false . BTW 37 is the key code for the LEFT ARROW key and this value is stored in the.. the user holds down the LEFT ARROW key d '37' is true . Otherwise it's false . BTW 37 is the key code for the LEFT ARROW key and this value is stored in the e.which property of the event object. The d object is being updated on each keydown..
display certain phrases depending on left/right buttons (content slider for text, not images?) [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15082527/display-certain-phrases-depending-on-left-right-buttons-content-slider-for-text to total width of all slides '#slider_mask .slide_container' .width slide_width total_slides Handle Right Arrow Click '#slider_mask .right_button' .on 'click' function current_slide if current_slide total_slides current_slide 0 var.. slide_width '#slider_mask .slide_container' .stop .animate marginLeft negative_margin_required 'px' 'fast' Handle Left Arrow Click '#slider_mask .left_button' .on 'click' function current_slide if current_slide 0 current_slide total_slides 1 var..
Detecting Arrow key press in IE via javascript/jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2217553/detecting-arrow-key-press-in-ie-via-javascript-jquery Arrow key press in IE via javascript jQuery I'm trying to set up a menu that can be navigated via the arrow keys. I have this..
Bind Multiple Keys to Keypress Event http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4173460/bind-multiple-keys-to-keypress-event code to fire events upon keypress document .keydown function e switch e.keyCode case 39 e.preventDefault alert Arrow Key break case 37 e.preventDefault alert Arrow Key but what i am wondering is if i can instead of binding one key bind.. .keydown function e switch e.keyCode case 39 e.preventDefault alert Arrow Key break case 37 e.preventDefault alert Arrow Key but what i am wondering is if i can instead of binding one key bind a combination of two keys. Could I possibly do.. Could I possibly do something like document .keydown function e switch e.keyCode case 39 37 e.preventDefault alert Arrow Key break javascript jquery javascript events event handling share improve this question If you want to check multiple..
JQuery - animate moving DOM element to new parent? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/907279/jquery-animate-moving-dom-element-to-new-parent table cell and have that movement animated. The code looks something like this... td id cell1 img src arrow.png alt Arrow td td id cell2 td I'd like to move arrow.png to cell2 and have some kind of transition effect preferably with JQuery. Any..