jquery Programming Glossary: array.indexof
Performance of OR operation ( || ) vs inArray() http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10479056/performance-of-or-operation-vs-inarray arr value ... In case you did ask for JavaScript in this case get rid of those prefixes the best solution is using Array.indexOf 'a' 'b' 'c' .indexOf value 0 However not all browsers already support Array.indexOf so you might want to use e.g. the function.. the best solution is using Array.indexOf 'a' 'b' 'c' .indexOf value 0 However not all browsers already support Array.indexOf so you might want to use e.g. the function from Underscore.js _.contains 'a' 'b' 'c' value jQuery also has a function for..
Javascript formatting for if condition [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14218565/javascript-formatting-for-if-condition 'docx' 'xls' 'xlsx' 'ppt' 'pdf' if SUPPORTED_FILE_EXTENSIONS.indexOf fileName 1 Do Something else Do Something Else Array.indexOf Note that this also includes information about adding backward compatibility support for older browsers I.E. IE . share..
Are there any jquery features to query multi-dimensional arrays in a similar fashion to the DOM? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3191199/are-there-any-jquery-features-to-query-multi-dimensional-arrays-in-a-similar-fas el return el.StartOfPeriod 2000 These are similar to the standard ECMAScript methods Array.filter simimlar to grep and Array.indexOf similar to inArray jQuery actually uses Array.indexOf where available. There are also other useful ECMAScript methods such.. standard ECMAScript methods Array.filter simimlar to grep and Array.indexOf similar to inArray jQuery actually uses Array.indexOf where available. There are also other useful ECMAScript methods such as Array.every all elements matching and Array.some..
large arrays in dependent observables - cascading http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9070929/large-arrays-in-dependent-observables-cascading called 3000 times and the dependencies array will be scanned 3000 times which is bad for IE since it has no built in Array.indexOf method . So my number one suggestion would be Read all observables before loops. If it doesn't help I suggest that you proceed..