jquery Programming Glossary: arroptiontype
How to associate each option button with their own individual marks? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11199379/how-to-associate-each-option-button-with-their-own-individual-marks qandaOptionType qandaAnswer qandaAnswerMarks arrQuestionId array arrQuestionNo array arrQuestionContent array arrOptionType array arrAnswer array arrAnswerMarks array while qandaqrystmt fetch arrQuestionId qandaQuestionId qandaQuestionId QuestionId.. qandaQuestionId qandaQuestionNo QuestionNo arrQuestionContent qandaQuestionId qandaQuestionContent QuestionContent arrOptionType qandaQuestionId qandaOptionType OptionType arrAnswer qandaQuestionId qandaAnswer Answer arrAnswerMarks qandaQuestionId qandaAnswerMarks.. . htmlspecialchars arrQuestionContent key p Output each Individual Option p php echo ExpandOptionType htmlspecialchars arrOptionType key p Output each QuestionId text input per question p Question Id input type 'text' class 'questionIds' name 'questionids'..
How to associate marks for each answer button http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14866099/how-to-associate-marks-for-each-answer-button bind_result qandaQuestionId qandaQuestionNo qandaOptionType qandaAnswer arrQuestionId array arrQuestionNo array arrOptionType array arrAnswer array arrReplyType array foreach arrQuestionId as key question div class queWrap LOOP THROUGH EACH QUESTION.. .htmlspecialchars arrQuestionNo key . strong p BELOW DISPLAYS THE ANSWER BUTTONS FOR EACH QUESTION options explode ' ' arrOptionType key if count options 1 start array_shift options end array_shift options do options start while start end else options explode..