jquery Programming Glossary: arraylist
jQuery AutoComplete multiple Output http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12855617/jquery-autocomplete-multiple-output transaction db.BeginTransaction var array new ArrayList try SqlCommand command new SqlCommand Select something FROM..
How to create a picklist in JSF? Tried moving items using JS/jQuery, but submit errors with “Validation Error: Value is not valid” http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12874394/how-to-create-a-picklist-in-jsf-tried-moving-items-using-js-jquery-but-submit private List String listOfUsers new ArrayList String private List String listOfUsers002 new ArrayList String.. ArrayList String private List String listOfUsers002 new ArrayList String private List CommonBean01 listOfListUsers new ArrayList.. String private List CommonBean01 listOfListUsers new ArrayList CommonBean01 private List CommonBean01 listOfListUsers002 new..
jQuery AJAX - issue returning JSON value http://stackoverflow.com/questions/17093862/jquery-ajax-issue-returning-json-value return stream private List SearchResult findList new ArrayList public List SearchResult getFindList return findList public..
JSON data from servlet to jqGrid not displaying http://stackoverflow.com/questions/19005441/json-data-from-servlet-to-jqgrid-not-displaying in my jsp. I have used google gson to convert data from ArrayList to a String variable json. It's displaying json data in the.. StudentDataService.java package com import java.util.ArrayList import java.util.List import com.Student public class StudentDataService.. List Student getStudentList List Student listOfStudent new ArrayList Student Student aStudent new Student for int i 1 i 10 i aStudent..
Spring 3 exception handling using JSON http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5641091/spring-3-exception-handling-using-json List ValidationBean validations new ArrayList ValidationBean ... return validations The Exception Handler..
Post Nested Object to Spring MVC controller using JSON http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5900840/post-nested-object-to-spring-mvc-controller-using-json 3 The UIVendor bean has a field called Emails of type ArrayList with appropriate setters and getters getEmails setEmails . The.. getEmails if this.emails null this.emails new ArrayList UINotificationEmail return emails public void setEmails List..
Ordered JSONObject http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6993645/ordered-jsonobject I have access DB returns a list of User objects ordered ArrayList users MySQLDatabaseManager.selectUsers construct response JSONObject..
jQuery AutoComplete multiple Output http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12855617/jquery-autocomplete-multiple-output Employee SqlConnection db DataConn.SqlConnection db.Open SqlTransaction transaction db.BeginTransaction var array new ArrayList try SqlCommand command new SqlCommand Select something FROM vwGetDetails WHERE something_else LIKE N' prefixText ' ORDER..
How to create a picklist in JSF? Tried moving items using JS/jQuery, but submit errors with “Validation Error: Value is not valid” http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12874394/how-to-create-a-picklist-in-jsf-tried-moving-items-using-js-jquery-but-submit t is xmlns t http myfaces.apache.org tomahawk . PersonalInformationDataBean.java private List String listOfUsers new ArrayList String private List String listOfUsers002 new ArrayList String private List CommonBean01 listOfListUsers new ArrayList CommonBean01.. private List String listOfUsers new ArrayList String private List String listOfUsers002 new ArrayList String private List CommonBean01 listOfListUsers new ArrayList CommonBean01 private List CommonBean01 listOfListUsers002.. ArrayList String private List String listOfUsers002 new ArrayList String private List CommonBean01 listOfListUsers new ArrayList CommonBean01 private List CommonBean01 listOfListUsers002 new ArrayList CommonBean01 above getter and setters Iterator itr..
jQuery AJAX - issue returning JSON value http://stackoverflow.com/questions/17093862/jquery-ajax-issue-returning-json-value InputStream stream getter here public InputStream getStream return stream private List SearchResult findList new ArrayList public List SearchResult getFindList return findList public void setFindList List SearchResult findList this.findList findList..
JSON data from servlet to jqGrid not displaying http://stackoverflow.com/questions/19005441/json-data-from-servlet-to-jqgrid-not-displaying difficulty in displaying data from my servlet to jqGrid in my jsp. I have used google gson to convert data from ArrayList to a String variable json. It's displaying json data in the console when I run the project and displaying an empty grid... private String mark private String address getter and setters StudentDataService.java package com import java.util.ArrayList import java.util.List import com.Student public class StudentDataService public static List Student getStudentList List.. com.Student public class StudentDataService public static List Student getStudentList List Student listOfStudent new ArrayList Student Student aStudent new Student for int i 1 i 10 i aStudent new Student aStudent.setName R i aStudent.setMark 20 i..
Spring 3 exception handling using JSON http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5641091/spring-3-exception-handling-using-json XmlException IOException MissingDependencyException MessageValidationException List ValidationBean validations new ArrayList ValidationBean ... return validations The Exception Handler in the Controller @ExceptionHandler Exception.class public @ResponseBody..
Post Nested Object to Spring MVC controller using JSON http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5900840/post-nested-object-to-spring-mvc-controller-using-json abc123@abc.com flags 2 emailAddress xyz@abc.com flags 3 The UIVendor bean has a field called Emails of type ArrayList with appropriate setters and getters getEmails setEmails . The NotificationEmail object has the appropriate public setters.. this.ftpPassword ftpPassword public List UINotificationEmail getEmails if this.emails null this.emails new ArrayList UINotificationEmail return emails public void setEmails List UINotificationEmail emails this.emails emails UPDATE 2 Here's..
Ordered JSONObject http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6993645/ordered-jsonobject a list of ordered ORDER BY time objects. At the servlet part I have access DB returns a list of User objects ordered ArrayList users MySQLDatabaseManager.selectUsers construct response JSONObject jsonResponse new JSONObject int key 0 for User user..