jquery Programming Glossary: array_shift
How to associate each option button with their own individual marks? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11199379/how-to-associate-each-option-button-with-their-own-individual-marks options explode ' ' option if count options 1 start array_shift options end array_shift options do options start while start.. option if count options 1 start array_shift options end array_shift options do options start while start end else options explode..
How to associate marks for each answer button http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14866099/how-to-associate-marks-for-each-answer-button explode ' ' arrOptionType key if count options 1 start array_shift options end array_shift options do options start while start.. key if count options 1 start array_shift options end array_shift options do options start while start end else options explode..
Tailing Log File and Write results to new file http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16892270/tailing-log-file-and-write-results-to-new-file range a z 3 Write Log file_put_contents file implode n array_shift data First Tail 2 Run print_r tail tail 2 Run Tail 2 Again print_r.. Another data to Log file_put_contents file n . implode n array_shift data FILE_APPEND Call Tail Again after writing Data print_r..
How to add anchor tag to a URL from text input http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1959062/how-to-add-anchor-tag-to-a-url-from-text-input w d ^ punct s #' callback create_function ' matches' ' url array_shift matches url_parts parse_url url text parse_url url PHP_URL_HOST..
How to associate each option button with their own individual marks? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11199379/how-to-associate-each-option-button-with-their-own-individual-marks options for each question function ExpandOptionType option options explode ' ' option if count options 1 start array_shift options end array_shift options do options start while start end else options explode ' or ' option echo ' p ' foreach.. function ExpandOptionType option options explode ' ' option if count options 1 start array_shift options end array_shift options do options start while start end else options explode ' or ' option echo ' p ' foreach options as indivOption..
How to associate marks for each answer button http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14866099/how-to-associate-marks-for-each-answer-button p BELOW DISPLAYS THE ANSWER BUTTONS FOR EACH QUESTION options explode ' ' arrOptionType key if count options 1 start array_shift options end array_shift options do options start while start end else options explode ' or ' option foreach options as indivOption.. BUTTONS FOR EACH QUESTION options explode ' ' arrOptionType key if count options 1 start array_shift options end array_shift options do options start while start end else options explode ' or ' option foreach options as indivOption echo ' div class..
Tailing Log File and Write results to new file http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16892270/tailing-log-file-and-write-results-to-new-file . a.log tail new TailLog file Some Random Data data array_chunk range a z 3 Write Log file_put_contents file implode n array_shift data First Tail 2 Run print_r tail tail 2 Run Tail 2 Again print_r tail tail 2 Write Another data to Log file_put_contents.. tail tail 2 Run Tail 2 Again print_r tail tail 2 Write Another data to Log file_put_contents file n . implode n array_shift data FILE_APPEND Call Tail Again after writing Data print_r tail tail 2 See the full content print_r file_get_contents file..
How to add anchor tag to a URL from text input http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1959062/how-to-add-anchor-tag-to-a-url-from-text-input function auto_link_text text pattern '# b w www . ^ s w d ^ punct s #' callback create_function ' matches' ' url array_shift matches url_parts parse_url url text parse_url url PHP_URL_HOST . parse_url url PHP_URL_PATH text preg_replace ^www. text..